Yeah if I had a bunch more time I'd love to learn koine Greek.The Bible is a funny thing and to fully grasp it’s true meaning you need to read and study the Tora. It’s also helps to know how certain cultures interpret certain words. Unless you speak Greek, or Aramaic, much of the translators are lost in context. We get just enough to get a basic interpretation.
There's so many interesting/annoying details. Like the New Testament writers based their Hebrew Bible quotes on the Septuagint, which was the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible that they had at the time, so there are certain translation issue from there that make it into the New Testament, and Jesus really spoke Aramaic, so we only have a Greek translation of what he said, and we're reading an English translation on top of all that. Like Mark is my favorite book, and it's actually written in a super casual present tense, that doesn't make sense in English at all.