Going to reach across the bridge

The Bible is a funny thing and to fully grasp it’s true meaning you need to read and study the Tora. It’s also helps to know how certain cultures interpret certain words. Unless you speak Greek, or Aramaic, much of the translators are lost in context. We get just enough to get a basic interpretation.
Yeah if I had a bunch more time I'd love to learn koine Greek.

There's so many interesting/annoying details. Like the New Testament writers based their Hebrew Bible quotes on the Septuagint, which was the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible that they had at the time, so there are certain translation issue from there that make it into the New Testament, and Jesus really spoke Aramaic, so we only have a Greek translation of what he said, and we're reading an English translation on top of all that. Like Mark is my favorite book, and it's actually written in a super casual present tense, that doesn't make sense in English at all.
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Just going to say it one time. Im a old man and seen a lot. Lived through some good times and bad times but this country was developed with a sound Constitution and law and order for all the people to be governed by the states who work for the citizens not the citizens working for government.. The federal government was established strictly for foreign affairs and the military. Today’s world the federal government is totally out of control. We the people have a set of laws to follow but the federal government has made a deferent set of laws to govern themselves so we the people have to obey the federal government. Only one way to fix this. One side will have to win in a fight. It has gone to far and can not be fixed by elections because federal bureaucrats have control of our country and they are not elected officials. Communism vs capitalism . Carl Marx the communist dictator said the United States would be taken without firing one shot . He was real close to being right. So when all you liberals attack me before you do it go and read the U.S. Constitution. If you guys think a 47 year old white guy politician is going to be your savior that is a lifetime crook that has stole of the backs of the American people you will find out the inner city’s will still be shit holes four years from now just like the last 47 years. Yep the only advice I can give is that folks got to hold themselves accountable and not depend on any politicians from each party that spend 800 million dollars to be president. The parties did not spend that kind of money just to look out for the individual needs of a common citizen. Yep that’s the reason they hate President Trump like they do.
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I will get behind what the democrats are doing on these conditions:

1. Joe Biden maintains sanction against Iran & China

2. put the squad in their place. They are not the democrats friends either.

3. kick Pelosi out of her speaker position & vote in an actual moderate.

4. kick Schumer out of his minority roll & bring in a moderate.

5. Denounce Antifa & BLM violence & support local law enforcement.

6. no new Green Deal of any way, shape, or form.
I actually agree with 2 and 3 and to a certain extent 5. You left out white supremacist organizations which the DHS and FBI has labeled the greatest domestic terrorist threat.
1. Won't happen. On Iran, he will get the US back into the JCPOA because the five other countries that signed it are waiting for us to get back in. On China, Biden will take a less antagonistic position that will probably look at a TTP type trade agreement.

2. Won't happen, since he needs progressive support.

3. Won't happen (obviously).

4. Also won't happen (obviously)

5. Probably won't happen either since it will require congressional support.

Here's what Biden should focus on in year one.

  • COVID - Implement a national level COVID policy and focus on getting the vaccine available to the masses
  • Get a COVID stimulus through Congress

  • Rebuild trust and relationships with key allies and reassure them that the United States is back

  • Strengthen the ACA

  • Raise the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28%.

  • Get back into the Paris Agreement

  • Get an infrastructure bill through Congress

All very doable and several should have bipartisan support.
To be fair, I think AOC and the other progressives have taken it on the chin the past few weeks. They griped and clapped back, but they can't pick real fights with the more moderate members, like Conor Lamb. Also, this is why Pelosi is still so valuable. She can bridge these groups together. Though not for long. She will retire soon.
I will get behind what the democrats are doing on these conditions:

1. Joe Biden maintains sanction against Iran & China

2. put the squad in their place. They are not the democrats friends either.

3. kick Pelosi out of her speaker position & vote in an actual moderate.

4. kick Schumer out of his minority roll & bring in a moderate.

5. Denounce Antifa & BLM violence & support local law enforcement.

6. no new Green Deal of any way, shape, or form.
Your side loses and you make demands.

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So you voted for biden/Harris? Harris supports late and partial birth abortion. Does that align with your Christian beliefs?

Does caging children align with your Christian beliefs? Does preventing families from having affordable health insurance align with your Christian beliefs? Does supporting an amoral president align with your Christian beliefs? If so, God help you.
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I'm not sure if you're engaged enough with reality to recognize this if it happens, but I don't actually thing Biden will be too far from what you're talking about in principal.

1. Sanctions probably only come off Iran if they denuclearize again. Trump only tore up the old one because Obama did it. Trump literally tore up the Iran deal and then tried to the get the same deal with North Korea. I think Iran has a bunch of uranium again (thanks Trump), but if we actually take off the sanctions it's probably a good thing. We have tariffs on China not sanctions, but I'm optimistic Biden will actually be tougher on China than Trump. Biden has at least say China's should stop their Muslim concertation camps unlike... other people.

2. The squad doesn't actually have any power, outside of fueling conversive fever dreams.

3 + 4. I know you're not going to believe me but Pelosi and Schumer aren't that bad. You should read what actual progressives say about them. They hate them and their compromising ways. Remember the Trump Chuck and Nancy days? They worked more with Trump than the GOP under Obama.

5. Biden has never been pro violence. I'd assume they'd try and pass some criminals justice reform, but more in the vein of making it easier to fire cops and making sure they can't get employed again. You know, breaking the power of police UNIONS! Conservatives love union busting.

6. Green New deal is more a conservative fever dream than an actual thing. Biden will probably do more pro climate stuff than Trump for sure, but I wouldn't expect anything that crazy.

The real queston is "whether Biden is truly in charge"? Watch the original Star Trek episode - Patterns of Force.
Predictably nonsensical.

Gab (Assuming you mean Tulsi Gabbard) is a political opportunist like Trump, however many of her policies (anti-war, medicare for all etc) are far away from the center. Beyond that, she's obviously a useful idiot Fox News can use on some of their nightly propaganda shows.

Harris is despised by the left, so calling her "super leftwing" simply demonstrates how uninformed you are about where on the political spectrum some of these people fall.

Here are a list of policies that progressives (aka lefties to your right wingers) support. If a politician doesn't support these then they can't be considered to be on the left.

- Medicare For All
- Green New Deal
- End foreign intervention wars
- Free in-state college
- Cancel student debt
- Defund the Police

she's obviously a useful idiot Fox News can use on some of their nightly propaganda shows.

So are you saying Donna Brazille is useful idiot? Maybe we do agree on something political.
she's obviously a useful idiot Fox News can use on some of their nightly propaganda shows.

So are you saying Donna Brazille is useful idiot? Maybe we do agree on something political.

Brazille is a has been and doesn't attack the Democratic party the way Gabbard does.
Joe Biden was absolutely not the most moderate Democrat. Gab are was by far the most moderate followed up by Bloomberg, then maybe Biden. Biden then in turn bring Kamala Harris in as his VP, who is super leftwing and has Bernie Sanders on his shortlist for one of his cabinet positions. Biden is your typical swamp creature who will do as he is told by the loudest members of his party. That right now is the squad. You can’t get much further left than them.

Funny choice of words considering the green new deal will allow federal funding of abortion clinics. Last I check the democrats are pushing in the idea of full term abortions now too.

Fair point on Bloomberg and Gabbart. I guess I should have specified serious candidates. As far as Bernie, he's not getting a cabinet position. I know the right wing media outlets try to scare everyone with that but he's not. And when you describe politicians just doing what they're told by the loudest members of the party look no further than congressional Republicans. Their silence during Trump's post election temper tantrum is disgusting. Can one of them say let's get this transition going? Can one of them dare tell their dear leader that he lost and it's time to concede? The answer has been no. And they have gone along with this whole nonsense of questioning the election despite case after case being dismissed from court due to lack of evidence. It's shameful.
Have heard by good source that Brazille will get her own show at FOX?

It wouldn't make sense for her to have her own show there since the Fox audience wouldn't be interested. Unless of course its in a pointless time slot like 2pm on Sundays.
Does caging children align with your Christian beliefs? Does preventing families from having affordable health insurance align with your Christian beliefs? Does supporting an amoral president align with your Christian beliefs? If so, God help you.

You phony Dems.. Obama & Biden caged the kids... FACTS..!!!
No one is preventing from getting health insurance... FACTS..!!!
And who the fucck r u to say Trump is Immoral , Protecting this country is top priority over moralities...
US citizen are #1 priorities ..!!!
Fair point on Bloomberg and Gabbart. I guess I should have specified serious candidates. As far as Bernie, he's not getting a cabinet position. I know the right wing media outlets try to scare everyone with that but he's not. And when you describe politicians just doing what they're told by the loudest members of the party look no further than congressional Republicans. Their silence during Trump's post election temper tantrum is disgusting. Can one of them say let's get this transition going? Can one of them dare tell their dear leader that he lost and it's time to concede? The answer has been no. And they have gone along with this whole nonsense of questioning the election despite case after case being dismissed from court due to lack of evidence. It's shameful.
If you’re right and he doesn’t there’s going to be a whole lot of pissed off Antifa lol
You phony Dems.. Obama & Biden caged the kids... FACTS..!!!
No one is preventing from getting health insurance... FACTS..!!!
And who the fucck r u to say Trump is Immoral , Protecting this country is top priority over moralities...
US citizen are #1 priorities ..!!!
So you don't expect your leaders to have morals?
1. I believe in enforcing our immigration laws like every other country on this earth. I believe in holding people who enter the country illegally until we can deport them. They should be held humanly and treated with respect. I also support the dreamers. If kids have been brought here and have lived their life in this country then they should be given a path to citizenship.

2. I started life as an E1 grunt (11b) and left the Army with no skills employers valued. Apparently shooting bad guys is not a top skill. I started my civilian life working shit jobs until I finished school. I have been in poverty, middle class and now probably lower upper class as far as wealth goes. When I was the poorest I never even paid for healthcare. There are so many programs it's not even funny. So not sure what your saying there.

3. I dont care about the person who is president. If we were tasked with picking a moral president we probably wouldnt have been able to elect anyone for many many years now. I don't vote for a person based on their personality or private life. That means nothing to that regard they are all the same. I vote on the policies they say they will pursue and enact. The GOP will protect the innocent life of the unborn, support pro American policies first internationally, support the 2nd amendment and other freedoms, support religious freedoms, etc.

The left hates this country, they want to see American bend to international pressure, revel in the death of innocent children, want to do away with almost all freedoms, especially freedom of speech, 2nd amendment and religious freedoms.

On top of all that your argument is invalid. Killing babies is wrong, immoral, and evil. Saying other things are wrong doesnt make killing babies ok.

You support the 2nd amendment and free speech but not the 15th. Your party does all it can to restrict, limit and stop people of color from exercising their constitutional right to vote. Your Republican party has sought to throw out the AA vote from places like Pa, Ga, Mi and Wisconsin during this recent election. Stop pretending you're all mom and apple pie when you're a right winger afraid of the changing complexion of this country.
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Does caging children align with your Christian beliefs? Does preventing families from having affordable health insurance align with your Christian beliefs? Does supporting an amoral president align with your Christian beliefs? If so, God help you.
There you go again Cems . President Obama built the cages and used them first .Most of the children have better conditions then most inner city children. Most of the children that show up at the boarders do not belong with the people that use them to get in America. If you think the Joe Biden and family are not amoral your wrong. Do agree on the health insurance . Tell the truth Donald Trump did more for the Black race in four years than Joe Biden has in 47 years.
There you go again Cems . President Obama built the cages and used them first .Most of the children have better conditions then most inner city children. Most of the children that show up at the boarders do not belong with the people that use them to get in America. If you think the Joe Biden and family are not amoral your wrong. Do agree on the health insurance . Tell the truth Donald Trump did more for the Black race in four years than Joe Biden has in 47 years.

What happened to your prediction Trump gets 20%+ of the AA vote?
What happened to your prediction Trump gets 20%+ of the AA vote?
Have not got the final numbers but he was up again with minority. Let’s see what the next fours years bring. Plenty of free candy promised just like Obama did. What really improved? We know what improved during Trumps 4 years.
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Have not got the final numbers but he was up again with minority. Let’s see what the next fours years bring. Plenty of free candy promised just like Obama did. What really improved? We know what improved during Trumps 4 years.
So another one of your worthless predictions. For the record, Trump got 12% of the AA vote. Stop the madness.
More talking points BS...and my mother is dead. She was a drug addict and abandoned us when I was 6. Never saw her again. I also hate apple pie....and I dont have party.
Sorry about your mom. No talking BS just pointing out your hypocrisy when it comes to the 15th amendment. Stop disenfranchising the Black vote.
Unfortunately read thru all of it. I'm not sure how you have been convinced that a whole group of people are not capable of doing what everyone else does. If you need an ID, get an ID. Dont know where to vote? Ask. Want to fill out the census, do it. Want to vote by mail, read the instructions. All these things apply to every one equally.
I suspect you feel counting jelly beans in a jar is a fair way to assess if you can vote? Or maybe paying a poll tax is more appropriate?
Ok. I see, they are requiring felons to pay all fines and court fees before having the voting rights restored. Again, this applies equally across the board. If your a white felon and haven't actually finished paying your debt to society then you cant vote either. I can see your argument though.

Unfortunately, most of these felons are AA therefore a new poll tax on the Negro. Also, the Florida voters never put conditions on their right to vote, instead again, Republicans put a poll tax on the Negro. I hope now you can really see my position on this matter?
Both. Voters in Florida approved felons be allowed to vote after paying their debt to society but Republicans instituted a poll tax.
More dems damage to the sanctity and rule of law. What have we learned? Oh it’s ok if you commit a felony, the state will not do anything to you. This happened in California and it’s a total shit show. Now they’re trying to ruin FL. Accountability for your actions has never been synonymous with Democrat.
More dems damage to the sanctity and rule of law. What have we learned? Oh it’s ok if you commit a felony, the state will not do anything to you. This happened in California and it’s a total shit show. Now they’re trying to ruin FL. Accountability for your actions has never been synonymous with Democrat.
Your post makes no sense. Perhaps you need to reread previous posts.
I will get behind what the democrats are doing on these conditions:

1. Joe Biden maintains sanction against Iran & China

2. put the squad in their place. They are not the democrats friends either.

3. kick Pelosi out of her speaker position & vote in an actual moderate.

4. kick Schumer out of his minority roll & bring in a moderate.

5. Denounce Antifa & BLM violence & support local law enforcement.

6. no new Green Deal of any way, shape, or form.

Cashville, I read this as an attempt to open an intelligent conversation towards compromise and a middle ground. I support your efforts. But as this thread has shown, this is a highly divided country. I truly wonder if a compromise is possible anymore? I have noticed that very few efforts at meeting in the middle receive any support on this board or anywhere. I don't think this is by accident. A lot of money is being made by politicians, lobbyists and globalists in generating hatred and lack of honest discussion.
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Cashville, I read this as an attempt to open an intelligent conversation towards compromise and a middle ground. I support your efforts. But as this thread has shown, this is a highly divided country. I truly wonder if a compromise is possible anymore? I have noticed that very few efforts at meeting in the middle receive any support on this board or anywhere. I don't think this is by accident. A lot of money is being made by politicians, lobbyists and globalists in generating hatred and lack of honest discussion.
Very very true unfortunately
Cashville, I read this as an attempt to open an intelligent conversation towards compromise and a middle ground. I support your efforts. But as this thread has shown, this is a highly divided country. I truly wonder if a compromise is possible anymore? I have noticed that very few efforts at meeting in the middle receive any support on this board or anywhere. I don't think this is by accident. A lot of money is being made by politicians, lobbyists and globalists in generating hatred and lack of honest discussion.
It goes back to the Obama inauguration day when Mitch McConnell said, it will be his mission to make him a one term president. Remember?
It goes back to the Obama inauguration day when Mitch McConnell said, it will be his mission to make him a one term president. Remember?
What does that have to do with opening up dialogue? Does Nancy Pelosi speak for you? Does Chuck Schumer speak for you? Mitch doesn’t speak for me!
Here's my actual opinion on abortion:
I believe that we should reduce the number abortions that happen.
I don't think the best way to that is by banning abortions itself.
Abortion is often the last step in a long chain of failures and I think we should focus more earlier stages.
I'm not Catholic, so more access to birth control seems like a good step. Better sex education, easier adoptions whatever.

Personally, I don't like how Christianity gets mixed in and confused for culture. For example Jesus literally drinks in the New Testament, and a literal sacrament involves drinking alcohol, but Southern Baptists act like drinking period is a sin. Not drinking is fine by the way, but use Jesus to mandate things he didn't say.

Similarly, abortion is way more ambiguous than you'd think from a Christian perspective. Jesus doesn't say anything about it, and fun fact, protestants were pretty much okay with abortion until recently. The Southern Baptists passed resolutions saying it was okay in 1971 (before it was legal), 1974, and 1976.

Just curious as to whether any on this board would agree to the following "compromise"?

First Trimester abortion is 100% always legal. Provide state aid but do not force paying for it by those that object as part of a health plan (i.e Obama care telling the Little Sisters of the Poor Nuns what they can do). Let the federal government pay with proper paperwork.

Third Trimester abortions are strictly prohibited. Jail time for any involved. Abortion is defined as killing of the fetus. Any mother that wishes, certainly health of the mother is included. can receive a federally funded C section in which the child, if viable is given medical care and placed up for adoption. As part of this plan the mother signs away all rights to the child but is also given immunity from things like drug usage during pregnancy.

The 2nd trimester can then be negotiated further. But would it not be a good idea to reach a somewhat reasonable middle ground. The most extreme cases, from both sides are taken off the table

Am curious as to the response? I predict this proposal will receive less than 10% approval of this board. It will be ridiculed by the all or nothing groups (that want to tell everyone else how to live) on both sides.

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