Great read for those that think the cop was in no danger

there were 2 cops on scene. Brooks couldn't shoot them both with a taser. also, after he fired and missed with the taser, there was no more threat from said taser. it was fired twice and that's it.

so again, more BS that is not relevant to what actually happened.

good points but in the heat of the moment you really think he is processing all of that? We are talking about literally like 2-3 seconds.
That’s a lot to ask of a cop under duress like that.
And again, this is in no way a black/white issue.
when someone is running away from you, process first, THEN draw the gun and shoot if appropriate.

this officer was about 6 yards away from Brooks when he fired - do Tasers even reach that far?

and, oh yeah, don't kick the person lying on the ground that you just shot.

finally, don't shoot your gun in an area full of civilians in cars.
The CRIMINAL victim PULLED out a taser and POINTED it at the officer from 15 feet away. See ya. Adios. Vaya con dios. The dumbass DA admitted DAYS PRIOR to this idiot getting capped that a taser when pointed is a ...... wait for it ...... DEADLY WEAPON.

This is prosecutorial malfeasance in a decision to charge this officer based on mob mentality and being a runoff election.

Looking forward to this police officer being acquitted so I can smoke a Rocky Patel 50th cigar and have a fine Balvenie scotch laughing at all the dumbasses who thought the DA could put this guy away for life.
whose feeling are hurt? yours?

cops killed a man that didn't deserve to be killed. they stood over him for 2 minutes when he was down and didn't pose a threat.

if you see nothing wrong with that, then you are the one with issues.
A police experts opinion that said it was justified. Some will learn their lesson to not resist arrest anymore. Sad someone had to lose their life over not complying.
Under Georgia law, a taser is classified as a deadly weapon.

I have a feeling this cop is going to walk!!! Along with 1000’s of other law enforcement officers across the country saying, take this job and shove it!!!!
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Hey how about not resisting the officers. How about not wrestling with them to the ground. Hey how about not taking a weapon from an officer and trying to use it on him. HOLY SHIT !!!! COMMON SENSE !!! How about just following commands and do what you are TOLD. These officers are fathers and husbands and want to go home to their families. The fact that some of you defend this type of behavior says A LOT about you and don't try and spin this shit into a black and white issue. I would feel THE EXACT same way if he was white, hispanic, asian whatever. You broke the law. You go to jail. ITS REALLY THAT SIMPLE !!!

This guy has NOONE to blame but himself.
My feeling is —if he was alone he might have been justified. But with a partner with his weapon drawn too? Makes it a little iffy. of course if the deceased had just complied... it’s a moot point

don’t put your life into someone else’s hands especially if you don’t know them. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
The way I try to determine who’s at fault is to pretend each one was my son. (Not at the same time). And in this case I would be disappointed in both of them
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Hey how about not resisting the officers. How about not wrestling with them to the ground. Hey how about not taking a weapon from an officer and trying to use it on him. HOLY SHIT !!!! COMMON FUKIN SENSE !!! How about just following commands and do what you are FUKING TOLD. These officers are fathers and husbands and want to go home to their families. The fact that some of you defend this type of behavior says A LOT about you and don't try and spin this shit into a black and white issue. I would feel THE EXACT same way if he was white, hispanic, asian whatever. You broke the law. You go to jail. ITS REALLY THAT SIMPLE !!!

This guy has NOONE to blame but himself.

Victim mentality over common sense mentally enslaves low IQ people.
I wonder if some guys would feel different if it was one of our football players!?
Victim mentality over common sense mentally enslaves low IQ people.

Its absolutely amazing that any intelligent human being would defend this type of behavior. I have two young boys. If my boys did that, they better hope they were arrested because I would beat the living shit out of them when they got home. Real simple.... If this guy didn't break the law, he would be alive. That's on him.
The CRIMINAL victim PULLED out a taser and POINTED it at the officer from 15 feet away. See ya. Adios. Vaya con dios. The dumbass DA admitted DAYS PRIOR to this idiot getting capped that a taser when pointed is a ...... wait for it ...... DEADLY WEAPON.

This is prosecutorial malfeasance in a decision to charge this officer based on mob mentality and being a runoff election.

Looking forward to this police officer being acquitted so I can smoke a Rocky Patel 50th cigar and have a fine Balvenie scotch laughing at all the dumbasses who thought the DA could put this guy away for life.
Correct sir
Its absolutely amazing that any intelligent human being would defend this type of behavior. I have two young boys. If my boys did that, they better hope they were arrested because I would beat the living shit out of them when they got home. Real simple.... If this guy didn't break the law, he would be alive. That's on him.
not sure anyone is defending what Brooks did. just saying he didn't need to be shot dead.

taser missed. cop knew it was the 2nd time the taser was fired. it's useless after that. they patted him down so they know he didn't have a weapon on him.

you have his car and his license. go pick him up later that night or the next few days.

why not render aid right away when the guy is on the ground? why say "i got him?" why stand over him for over 2 minutes before trying to help him?

if cops are too scared of the risk they are taking while on duty then don't become a cop.
5 Atlanta officers were fired last week for using a taser to remove 2 college students from a car. The officers were fired because Atlanta District Attorney's Office deemed the officer's use of a taser was deadly physical force. When a suspect turns and fires the taser at the officers head, the Atlanta mayor calls the officer to be fired because he used deadly physical force against a taser. Question: Why is using a taser considered deadly physical force when used by the police but not when used against a police officer?
not sure anyone is defending what Brooks did. just saying he didn't need to be shot dead.

taser missed. cop knew it was the 2nd time the taser was fired. it's useless after that. they patted him down so they know he didn't have a weapon on him.

you have his car and his license. go pick him up later that night or the next few days.

why not render aid right away when the guy is on the ground? why say "i got him?" why stand over him for over 2 minutes before trying to help him?

if cops are too scared of the risk they are taking while on duty then don't become a cop.
Thank you for actually having compassion for a human life. The far right ... and left get on my nerves, but cigars and scotch ... attaboys and hi-fives when someone lost their life is sickening.
Hey how about not resisting the officers. How about not wrestling with them to the ground. Hey how about not taking a weapon from an officer and trying to use it on him. HOLY SHIT !!!! COMMON FUKIN SENSE !!! How about just following commands and do what you are FUKING TOLD. These officers are fathers and husbands and want to go home to their families. The fact that some of you defend this type of behavior says A LOT about you and don't try and spin this shit into a black and white issue. I would feel THE EXACT same way if he was white, hispanic, asian whatever. You broke the law. You go to jail. ITS REALLY THAT SIMPLE !!!

This guy has NOONE to blame but himself.
The DA said he was docile . Yeah a docile guy who assaulted and concussed a cop , stole his weapon and ran away . He was not sleeping as the DA says , he was passed out drunk in a car. How about if ran over your kids drunk
This is a travesty
Ok he loses his job , may have made an error in judgment I’m good with that
End of story
But a felony Murder rap ? For doing his job and trying to arrest a criminal who resisted?
The guy was already on probation for DUI, that’s why he violently resisted.
So what’s the new rule ? If you are pulled over drunk , you tell the cop to go F himself , I’m not submitting to any tests and of you try and cuff me I will assault you and then run away and you can’t stop me?
not sure anyone is defending what Brooks did. just saying he didn't need to be shot dead.

taser missed. cop knew it was the 2nd time the taser was fired. it's useless after that. they patted him down so they know he didn't have a weapon on him.

you have his car and his license. go pick him up later that night or the next few days.

why not render aid right away when the guy is on the ground? why say "i got him?" why stand over him for over 2 minutes before trying to help him?

if cops are too scared of the risk they are taking while on duty then don't become a cop.


I understand what you are trying to say. The thing is .. cops go out every single day in fear that a random stop could end up being their last. These are men that are fathers, husbands, sons etc and never want to be in situations like this. They just want to go home safe Trust me.

Things get heated REAL QUICK when people resist and its very easy for us to sit here and watch it on tape playing Monday Night QB. Fact of the matter is, its a split second decision that you have to make. This guy resisted. He also got into an altercation with the officers then pulls a WEAPON from the officer and tries to use it on them. Maybe looking at it from home and analyzing it, maybe you could say that he shouldn't of pulled the trigger but again, watching it from home is NIGHT AND DAY from real time.

That guy put himself in that situation. He committed a crime and was going to jail. He put the officers at risk by doing what he did and now he's dead. Its a terrible situation for everyone involved. Now this officer is looking at going to prison for the rest of his life and not seeing his wife and kids because this CRIMINAL wanted to play games.

Very difficult to defend that.
The DA said he was docile . Yeah a docile guy who assaulted and concussed a cop , stole his weapon and ran away . He was not sleeping as the DA says , he was passed out drunk in a car. How about if ran over your kids drunk
This is a travesty
Ok he loses his job , may have made an error in judgment I’m good with that
End of story
But a felony Murder rap ? For doing his job and trying to arrest a criminal who resisted?
The guy was already on probation for DUI, that’s why he violently resisted.
So what’s the new rule ? If you are pulled over drunk , you tell the cop to go F himself , I’m not submitting to any tests and of you try and cuff me I will assault you and then run away and you can’t stop me?

I understand people are very sensitive right now in what is going on in the world but this has NOTHING to do with George Floyd. This guy at Wendy's is no longer here and his kids have to grow up without a father because of HIS ACTIONS.... not the cop.
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there were 2 cops on scene. Brooks couldn't shoot them both with a taser. also, after he fired and missed with the taser, there was no more threat from said taser. it was fired twice and that's it.

so again, more BS that is not relevant to what actually happened.
It Is very relevant, punch a Cop in the commission of an arrest, officers should Shoot to kill" one punch connecting could render the police officer disabled whereby he can be disarmed, killed and the criminal evade arrest and hurt other people. This piece of garbage was out of prison because of Covid. He almost killed his on small child with his bare hands. Hand he went back to jail it's likely his sentence would have doubled.
Dude, I'm not on ANY of the extreme sides. Shoot him in the leg ... the arm, but why go for the kill shot?

Fair point. All I will say is had that guy followed the officers orders, he would still be alive and be there for his kids. The second he decided to get into an altercation with a police officer and use a weapon on them, all bets are off.

Again, Im not trying to be a dick and not be sensitive and realize that a man lost his life. He did lose his life. Its terrible but he also ruined another mans life that was trying to enforce the law and now this officer is looking at prison time and never seeing his kids. THATS NOT FAIR !!
I understand people are very sensitive right now in what is going on in the world but this has NOTHING to do with George Floyd. This guy at Wendy's is no longer here and his kids have to grow up without a father because of HIS ACTIONS.... not the cop.
Sounds like he was already in jail for beating his kids, so they likely are better off for their own safety.
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Fair point. All I will say is had that guy followed the officers orders, he would still be alive and be there for his kids. The second he decided to get into an altercation with a police officer and use a weapon on them, all bets are off.

Again, Im not trying to be a dick and not be sensitive and realize that a man lost his life. He did lose his life. Its terrible but he also ruined another mans life that was trying to enforce the law and now this officer is looking at prison time and never seeing his kids. THATS NOT FAIR !!
I can respect that, bro. I grew up a military / government brat and was taught to respect authority. Yes, it just sucks for both sides of the equation, but everything sucks right now ... this whole year. I hate to get dramatic, but we truly aren't going to solve anything as a country until US in the MIDDLE fix everything.
No. It’s sad to see someone die, but I would hope our players would have more common sense to resist arrest, steal a taser, and shoot it at a cop.
Definitely not the way to go! I have two daughters and if they EVER acted out ... they have to deal with ME! But, I'm not going to celebrate (not you) a person's death either.
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No. It’s sad to see someone die, but I would hope our players would have more common sense to resist arrest, steal a taser, and shoot it at a cop.
The guy was apparently minimally intoxicated, but that was enough to get him arrested
But he seemed very coherent. What was he thinking to provoke a fistfight with the cops ( a pretty violent one despite what the media says) steal a taser , tase a cop and then run away ?
All he had to do was to comply with the cops , get booked and make bail. This is a tragedy, but one that could have been avoided
Cops are not going to take any chances now
Good luck to women getting the shit beat out of them and calling 911. If I’m a cop I ain’t responding . Let the chick figure it out. I’m not tackling the perpetrator and getting shot trying to make an arrest. I’m handing out traffic tickets for Speeding
All day . Every day
Shot a man in the back for what? A hand to hand fight he lost. Weak ass police can only show they need a gun and a badge to kill. ****ing coward police he is. A person's life mean jack to some people. Drunk man didn't follow orders so put a cap in his ass!
good points but in the heat of the moment you really think he is processing all of that? We are talking about literally like 2-3 seconds.
That’s a lot to ask of a cop under duress like that.
And again, this is in no way a black/white issue.
OK the heat of the moment why none of these heat of the moment Don’t seem to happen to white peopleBecause if the cops pull up and there is a white person in the car they try and talk to That person in the car And find how can they help them not hurt them
OK the heat of the moment why none of these heat of the moment Don’t seem to happen to white peopleBecause if the cops pull up and there is a white person in the car they try and talk to That person in the car And find how can they help them not hurt them
They happen all the time to white people. Your news just doesn’t put it on the front page to further the racial divide like they are doing with this.
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OK the heat of the moment why none of these heat of the moment Don’t seem to happen to white peopleBecause if the cops pull up and there is a white person in the car they try and talk to That person in the car And find how can they help them not hurt them
Go look up the FBI statistics. More white men are killed by cops every year than black and Hispanic men. Why dont you hear about in the news, because the media knows what riles up the masses.
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OK the heat of the moment why none of these heat of the moment Don’t seem to happen to white peopleBecause if the cops pull up and there is a white person in the car they try and talk to That person in the car And find how can they help them not hurt them

That’s where you are wrong. Just as many whites get killed by cops as blacks.
Shot a man in the back for what? A hand to hand fight he lost. Weak ass police can only show they need a gun and a badge to kill. ****ing coward police he is. A person's life mean jack to some people. Drunk man didn't follow orders so put a cap in his ass!
God damn right. Don't fight the fuggin police, u don't get shot. My ass will never get shot by the police, not because I'm white, but because I won't do stupid shit and resist a cop. Same as these punk ass kids disrespecting teachers. Can't punish them cause they mamma gonna go the the school and act a fool. It's the shitty ass parents that caused all this mess. Can't even fuggin raise a kid right.