Have to admit, the “hoax” is shaking the leaves off the trees


Gold Member
Aug 19, 2005
Business specific thread. I am not talking about human lives.

I own a small restaurant (160 occupancy) in a suburb of central fl and we’re operating at a consistent fifty percent (mandates). That being said it is the off season. We had to put in a cpl hundred grand to get us through the lock down (later on we were helped out with ppp) but people still want to go out and the people that are aren’t spending any less. We’re literally having to turn people away due to lack of tables that we can’t seat but these customers are still out there even with things the way they are. It’s frustrating but as the saying goes, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger and I can not wait till October when all you see is election stuff as oppose to a corona score board on every mainstream media network. These mandates won’t last forever and perception is everything. This challenge has literally given us a great opportunity to difference our business from the competition. My biggest thing is that what hurts in the short term but grows us in the long term and I’m not just talking about my little business. If your married with little kids and your wife is working from home and you can get through this, your marriage just grew sustenance. The acc willing to play ball along with the sec when others won’t will grow the brand exponentially.

i really think that the toughest part is over with and that the ones left standing in the end will reap significant rewards. If you sold your stocks, big mistake, the market is back and I’ve already gotten back what I lost and invested when it was scary as hell and hard to scrape together funds to invest in the market.

gotta love a good challenge. Best part of all we’re up for lease renegotiation. Not trying to put lipstick on a pig but I really think when all this is said and done, we’re actually going to come out of this ahead. Crazy. I feel bad for the people/businesses that won’t get through this because it is so hard but it is what it is and if this virus has proven anything it’s that this country is resilient as hell. People wouldn’t be coming to my place the way they are if they weren’t hell bent on moving forward instead of packing it in and looking for excuses. This country is strong as hell. Couldn’t be happier to be where I am at this point and am so excited for the future.
Happy to hear that you are doing well with obviously tough decisions to make to get thru this. I am sure you see the politics involved in this and the willingness of the New Democrat Party to sacrifice peoples livelihoods to get back power.

An FBI agent plead guilty today to lying in order to get the Fiza to spy on Trump. We got our share of New Democrat Party members on Canesport that ignore this story and honestly wanted you to fail and lose your business.
Absolutely but those are a lot of the people that are the leaves falling off the tree. If you look for a reason to not succeed you’ll find it. These guys are in for a rude awakening when Trump get’s reelected and the economy sky rockets even more than it did the first time and some people move up in the world while others don’t and are still clinching onto their excuses for their struggles and pointing fingers so they can sleep at night. No one has it easy right now but we all have a say in how we move forward. There is opportunity right now.

as far as spying on Trump it really wasn’t anything we didn’t already know. Just in, the dems will do anything to get trump out of office. I’m just shocked one of them told the truth for once.

Republicans hate lies, democrats hate the truth.
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Glad you have fared so well during this crazy time. We don't live in your neighborhood .. we're 25 miles away in north DeLand .. but we do get to the Vineyard every month or so. Excellent, diverse menu. Feel bad for so many of the smaller restaurants that haven't been able to make it.
I told my wife and I sorta have always had in my mind a little homey feeling restaurant that we would open and run in our small town like a Jim's Place in Jupiter, FL. I love the breakfast there, they close at 2pm, clients all know one another from over the years of dining there. Hell a friends wife worked as a waitress and got real estate license and killed it thru contacts from the restaurant patrons she met.

I would think if there ever was a time to dabble in that it would be right now. But tbh I am not sure i have the dedication and work it takes in me at my age to do it successfully. That is a huge commitment to make.
Business specific thread. I am not talking about human lives.

I own a small restaurant (160 occupancy) in a suburb of central fl and we’re operating at a consistent fifty percent (mandates). That being said it is the off season. We had to put in a cpl hundred grand to get us through the lock down (later on we were helped out with ppp) but people still want to go out and the people that are aren’t spending any less. We’re literally having to turn people away due to lack of tables that we can’t seat but these customers are still out there even with things the way they are. It’s frustrating but as the saying goes, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger and I can not wait till October when all you see is election stuff as oppose to a corona score board on every mainstream media network. These mandates won’t last forever and perception is everything. This challenge has literally given us a great opportunity to difference our business from the competition. My biggest thing is that what hurts in the short term but grows us in the long term and I’m not just talking about my little business. If your married with little kids and your wife is working from home and you can get through this, your marriage just grew sustenance. The acc willing to play ball along with the sec when others won’t will grow the brand exponentially.

i really think that the toughest part is over with and that the ones left standing in the end will reap significant rewards. If you sold your stocks, big mistake, the market is back and I’ve already gotten back what I lost and invested when it was scary as hell and hard to scrape together funds to invest in the market.

gotta love a good challenge. Best part of all we’re up for lease renegotiation. Not trying to put lipstick on a pig but I really think when all this is said and done, we’re actually going to come out of this ahead. Crazy. I feel bad for the people/businesses that won’t get through this because it is so hard but it is what it is and if this virus has proven anything it’s that this country is resilient as hell. People wouldn’t be coming to my place the way they are if they weren’t hell bent on moving forward instead of packing it in and looking for excuses. This country is strong as hell. Couldn’t be happier to be where I am at this point and am so excited for the future.

Thankfully we are in the SAME BOAT...

NEVER worked harder...

Used the time PRODUCTIVELY...

And our businesses are BETTER PREPARED for the future than EVER...

All about turning LEMONS into LEMONADE..

Or in our case LEMONCELLO;)

Glad all is well for you, 6882...

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Absolutely but those are a lot of the people that are the leaves falling off the tree. If you look for a reason to not succeed you’ll find it. These guys are in for a rude awakening when Trump get’s reelected and the economy sky rockets even more than it did the first time and some people move up in the world while others don’t and are still clinching onto their excuses for their struggles and pointing fingers so they can sleep at night. No one has it easy right now but we all have a say in how we move forward. There is opportunity right now.

as far as spying on Trump it really wasn’t anything we didn’t already know. Just in, the dems will do anything to get trump out of office. I’m just shocked one of them told the truth for once.

Republicans hate lies, democrats hate the truth.
Republicans hate lies so much they support a documented serial liar. That's one of the stupidest comments you've made and that's saying something.
Republicans hate lies so much they support a documented serial liar. That's one of the stupidest comments you've made and that's saying something.
Unbelievable that you read my entire thread (key words being, you read my thread) as in you didn’t have to but did and this, THIS is what you have to say, lol?! Typical ignorant dousch response by a typical ignorant liberal dousch. Shocked you haven’t put me on ignore after the last beat down I gave you. Didn’t even have to swear or threaten you. Took very little effort. You are week and ignorant. Now piss off my little snow flake.
Business specific thread. I am not talking about human lives.

I own a small restaurant (160 occupancy) in a suburb of central fl and we’re operating at a consistent fifty percent (mandates). That being said it is the off season. We had to put in a cpl hundred grand to get us through the lock down (later on we were helped out with ppp) but people still want to go out and the people that are aren’t spending any less. We’re literally having to turn people away due to lack of tables that we can’t seat but these customers are still out there even with things the way they are. It’s frustrating but as the saying goes, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger and I can not wait till October when all you see is election stuff as oppose to a corona score board on every mainstream media network. These mandates won’t last forever and perception is everything. This challenge has literally given us a great opportunity to difference our business from the competition. My biggest thing is that what hurts in the short term but grows us in the long term and I’m not just talking about my little business. If your married with little kids and your wife is working from home and you can get through this, your marriage just grew sustenance. The acc willing to play ball along with the sec when others won’t will grow the brand exponentially.

i really think that the toughest part is over with and that the ones left standing in the end will reap significant rewards. If you sold your stocks, big mistake, the market is back and I’ve already gotten back what I lost and invested when it was scary as hell and hard to scrape together funds to invest in the market.

gotta love a good challenge. Best part of all we’re up for lease renegotiation. Not trying to put lipstick on a pig but I really think when all this is said and done, we’re actually going to come out of this ahead. Crazy. I feel bad for the people/businesses that won’t get through this because it is so hard but it is what it is and if this virus has proven anything it’s that this country is resilient as hell. People wouldn’t be coming to my place the way they are if they weren’t hell bent on moving forward instead of packing it in and looking for excuses. This country is strong as hell. Couldn’t be happier to be where I am at this point and am so excited for the future.

Do it any way you can. I have a client who owns 12 bars on South Beach. The rule down here is if you serve >50% food, you are considered a restaurant. He's NEVER served so many nachos and guacamole!!! Food service is tough because you operate on such a slim margin. So operating at 50% cannot possibly be profitable. But with some PPP money and mercy from landlords, it's do-able. Just gotta hang in there. My dad had brief experience in the industry in the 1950s. Anyway, as a kid, I remember throwing out some lettuce that was beginning to turn grey just a bit. He stopped me. I said "but it's turning". He said, "there is ZERO waste when it comes to food". He chopped it up and used it to make a homemade meatloaf.
Glad you have fared so well during this crazy time. We don't live in your neighborhood .. we're 25 miles away in north DeLand .. but we do get to the Vineyard every month or so. Excellent, diverse menu. Feel bad for so many of the smaller restaurants that haven't been able to make it.

A good friend of mine owns a REALLY good small restaurant in your neck of the woods called Cress. It’s not the Chop house, it’s an individually owned place that was started by chefe Harry? Harry? Sorry spelling, he’s Indian. Anyway, guy get’s the james beard award every year for one of the top chefes in the country. He sold majority owner ship to Tom who was a top manager for ruths chris for like 25 years. It’s right near the court house. Not sure if Hurry is still involved but it’s definitely a place you have to try. From the people I’ve talked to even out there the better restaurants are going to be fine. You have to keep in mind that everything is relative. The smaller the restaurant the less the expenses a lot of the time. The places hurting the most right now are bars like the abby. Awesome place, went to sommelier school with one of the owners wife. They’re small and six foot distancing at their bar is significantly less than a fifty percent occupancy and they only have room for like two little tables outside. Love your area though. Am actually going to check out land on lake pierson with my real estate agent. 75 of the 111 acres are under water but if the price is right it could be a really cool get away for my fam/extended fam with out having to drive far. Appreciate all the kind words and look forward to seeing you soon.
Thankfully we are in the SAME BOAT...

NEVER worked harder...

Used the time PRODUCTIVELY...

And our businesses are BETTER PREPARED for the future than EVER...

All about turning LEMONS into LEMONADE..

Or in our case LEMONCELLO;)

Glad all is well for you, 6882...

Thank you man, appreciate you words and are glad the same that you are one of the strong ones on the tree that refuse to fall. Btw, if you ever get over to our neck of the woods, I coincidently make really good limoncello with the lemons my dad grows near by. I keep a few btl’s in the freezer here just for staff, friends and family to have fun with. Every now and then if it’s a really slow night like a thunder storm or something we’ll all pitch in and make a few batch’s. Pretty easy but kinda fun. Just funny you mentioned it.
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Business specific thread. I am not talking about human lives.

I own a small restaurant (160 occupancy) in a suburb of central fl and we’re operating at a consistent fifty percent (mandates). That being said it is the off season. We had to put in a cpl hundred grand to get us through the lock down (later on we were helped out with ppp) but people still want to go out and the people that are aren’t spending any less. We’re literally having to turn people away due to lack of tables that we can’t seat but these customers are still out there even with things the way they are. It’s frustrating but as the saying goes, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger and I can not wait till October when all you see is election stuff as oppose to a corona score board on every mainstream media network. These mandates won’t last forever and perception is everything. This challenge has literally given us a great opportunity to difference our business from the competition. My biggest thing is that what hurts in the short term but grows us in the long term and I’m not just talking about my little business. If your married with little kids and your wife is working from home and you can get through this, your marriage just grew sustenance. The acc willing to play ball along with the sec when others won’t will grow the brand exponentially.

i really think that the toughest part is over with and that the ones left standing in the end will reap significant rewards. If you sold your stocks, big mistake, the market is back and I’ve already gotten back what I lost and invested when it was scary as hell and hard to scrape together funds to invest in the market.

gotta love a good challenge. Best part of all we’re up for lease renegotiation. Not trying to put lipstick on a pig but I really think when all this is said and done, we’re actually going to come out of this ahead. Crazy. I feel bad for the people/businesses that won’t get through this because it is so hard but it is what it is and if this virus has proven anything it’s that this country is resilient as hell. People wouldn’t be coming to my place the way they are if they weren’t hell bent on moving forward instead of packing it in and looking for excuses. This country is strong as hell. Couldn’t be happier to be where I am at this point and am so excited for the future.
All the best with your restaurant 6882! My wife and I have a small consignment shop and we're hurting, BUT, I have hooked up with a whole-seller out of PA that has a ton of great, brand new product. I'm talking Nordstrom, Neiman, etc., with the MSRP tags on them, and I am getting great prices per unit. I want to redesign what we've done for 7 long years and do more retail then consignment. My wife and I have every reason to quit, but we both hate quitting.
Do it any way you can. I have a client who owns 12 bars on South Beach. The rule down here is if you serve >50% food, you are considered a restaurant. He's NEVER served so many nachos and guacamole!!! Food service is tough because you operate on such a slim margin. So operating at 50% cannot possibly be profitable. But with some PPP money and mercy from landlords, it's do-able. Just gotta hang in there. My dad had brief experience in the industry in the 1950s. Anyway, as a kid, I remember throwing out some lettuce that was beginning to turn grey just a bit. He stopped me. I said "but it's turning". He said, "there is ZERO waste when it comes to food". He chopped it up and used it to make a homemade meatloaf.
You’d think with a fifty percent mandate that it would be fifty percent of the traffic and that you’d have fifty percent of the sales but that’s really not the case. We’re honestly only down by like 30-35 percent for the months of july and August from where we were at this time last year and last year was the best year we ever had. I’m not going to mess with our lettuce or anything like that lol but we close for lunch on tues-thurs. we cut out happy hour food discounts. Shrunk our menus a little. Work with the land lords a little etc... mind you this is our off season so it’s a little easier to manage these numbers this time of year when as I said I’m expecting mandates to be lifted and traffic to be crazy busy buy December. The name of the game right now is to just have steady traffic all the time and not worry about “packing the house other than on fri and sat nights or sun brunch.
I told my wife and I sorta have always had in my mind a little homey feeling restaurant that we would open and run in our small town like a Jim's Place in Jupiter, FL. I love the breakfast there, they close at 2pm, clients all know one another from over the years of dining there. Hell a friends wife worked as a waitress and got real estate license and killed it thru contacts from the restaurant patrons she met.

I would think if there ever was a time to dabble in that it would be right now. But tbh I am not sure i have the dedication and work it takes in me at my age to do it successfully. That is a huge commitment to make.
Appreciate your response man but don’t do it lol! I hear it all the time. Great margins and great hours. We do breakfast one day a week (our sun brunch) and it’s a shit show lol. You’re talking three times the work for a third of the sales. Just the special preps alone. You’re not talking about a steak temp man. There’s literally 12 different ways you can prep an omelette and if it doesn’t get to the table immediately, people take that shit personally. You can get away with a filet in the window fir one minute but eggs, forget about it. If our duck or pork chop take 25 min to get to the table at dinner people know it’s taking longer than it should but it’s not the end of the world. If it takes twenty minutes for eggs Benedict to get to the table, people are raising hell, lol. Mamosas?! Forget about it. We have a unlimited mamosa special for $13 from 10:30-3. Lot of people take it as a personal challenge. You wouldn’t believe the amount of people i have to cut off or kick out on hot summer and fall sundays around 5:30-6.
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All the best with your restaurant 6882! My wife and I have a small consignment shop and we're hurting, BUT, I have hooked up with a whole-seller out of PA that has a ton of great, brand new product. I'm talking Nordstrom, Neiman, etc., with the MSRP tags on them, and I am getting great prices per unit. I want to redesign what we've done for 7 long years and do more retail then consignment. My wife and I have every reason to quit, but we both hate quitting.
Appreciate it man and good to hear you’re hanging in there as well. I feel like that’s what it’s all about. If people care about not only their businesses but other hard working businesses as well than the the leaves will fall where they may and the strong will survive. It’s freaking brutal right now but we can’t lose if we don’t quit and when we make it through this , the rewards will be there. I make a little money and I spend a little money at my neighbors shops. I refuse to listen to the media tell me I should sell off all my stock, buy gold, bury it in a hole in the middle of no where and be a hermit till the end of the election.
Then wouldn't logic tell you that I referring to a different post?
You’re a troll. Try taking a look in the mirror some time and hold your self as accountable as you hold others or your party for that matter. Do you even know why Trump was elected the first time in an electoral land slide with the right taking over the house and senate? Trump will be elected again for an eight year tenure and the right could very well keep the senate and regain the house and it has just as much if not more to do with hillary and biden than it does Trump. Stop complaining about Trumps lies and take a good look at liberal leadership around this country otherwise the Trumps of the world are going to keep kicking yours and your parties ass. Face it, you’re just a miserable failure and hate everyone that is more successful than you are because they fought through adversity against odds where as you just settled for excuses and now you want to make everything miserable for everyone else. You sir are the shaky leaves falling from the tree t that I’m talking about in this thread.

do you really even believe that if biden is elected that race riots will stop, the liberal police in liberal cities will behave them selves, crime will go down, the border will be protected, drugs will be a thing of the past, debt will go down, we’ll never see a virus again (the dems were against the travel ban for god sakes), the market will go up even more than it is if that’s even possible right now, corruption will be a thing of the past with quid pro quo joe and his lackies, the lack of terrorism will continue to improve, peace in the middle east will continue to progress, etc, etc? Gtfoh. You sir are the pot calling the kettle black when you accuse anyone of not telling the truth. You’re so full of shit it’s coming out your ears. On the bright side it doesn’t matter because we’ll go on winning while people like you go on whining.
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It wasn't an electoral landslide and he lost the popular vote. I'm not a failure and don't hate people more successful. I admire most successful people. I'm completely content with my life and am financially secure. I go to a water aerobics every morning and spend several hours a day studying stocks and the market. I also enjoy gambling on sports and love college football. You want to support a life-long serial lying con man that's your right and it's my right to vote for for who I want. If you actually think the American people are going to re-elect that POS then you're delusional than he is. When he loses in a landslide remember what I told you. Now go away and leave me alone. I have no desire to have any more conversations with you. Got it?
It wasn't an electoral landslide and he lost the popular vote. I'm not a failure and don't hate people more successful. I admire most successful people. I'm completely content with my life and am financially secure. I go to a water aerobics every morning and spend several hours a day studying stocks and the market. I also enjoy gambling on sports and love college football. You want to support a life-long serial lying con man that's your right and it's my right to vote for for who I want. If you actually think the American people are going to re-elect that POS then you're delusional than he is. When he loses in a landslide remember what I told you. Now go away and leave me alone. I have no desire to have any more conversations with you. Got it?
Lol, did ya see the map? It was very much an electoral landslide. Trump will win again. You sound ridiculous saying that he won’t which shows your TDS from the last election. As far as “leaving me alone”, you’re in my thread, lol! Btw, your response cracks me up. Beginning to like you. Might have to trigger you more often. You just make it sooooo easy. Don’t like my posts, put me on ignore but don’t throw a rock at me after one of my posts that you’re clearly following and then try and run away.
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Lol, did ya see the map? It was very much an electoral landslide. Trump will win again. You sound ridiculous saying that he won’t which shows your TDS from the last election. As far as “leaving me alone”, you’re in my thread, lol! Btw, your response cracks me up. Beginning to like you. Might have to trigger you more often. You just make it sooooo easy. Don’t like my posts, put me on ignore but don’t throw a rock at me after one of my posts that you’re clearly following and then try and run away.
What map dipshyt? Trumps Electoral College victory ranks 46th in 58 elections! It was less than Obama's margin when he won. That's what you get when you believe the boasting of a pathological liar!
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Business specific thread. I am not talking about human lives.

I own a small restaurant (160 occupancy) in a suburb of central fl and we’re operating at a consistent fifty percent (mandates). That being said it is the off season. We had to put in a cpl hundred grand to get us through the lock down (later on we were helped out with ppp) but people still want to go out and the people that are aren’t spending any less. We’re literally having to turn people away due to lack of tables that we can’t seat but these customers are still out there even with things the way they are. It’s frustrating but as the saying goes, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger and I can not wait till October when all you see is election stuff as oppose to a corona score board on every mainstream media network. These mandates won’t last forever and perception is everything. This challenge has literally given us a great opportunity to difference our business from the competition. My biggest thing is that what hurts in the short term but grows us in the long term and I’m not just talking about my little business. If your married with little kids and your wife is working from home and you can get through this, your marriage just grew sustenance. The acc willing to play ball along with the sec when others won’t will grow the brand exponentially.

i really think that the toughest part is over with and that the ones left standing in the end will reap significant rewards. If you sold your stocks, big mistake, the market is back and I’ve already gotten back what I lost and invested when it was scary as hell and hard to scrape together funds to invest in the market.

gotta love a good challenge. Best part of all we’re up for lease renegotiation. Not trying to put lipstick on a pig but I really think when all this is said and done, we’re actually going to come out of this ahead. Crazy. I feel bad for the people/businesses that won’t get through this because it is so hard but it is what it is and if this virus has proven anything it’s that this country is resilient as hell. People wouldn’t be coming to my place the way they are if they weren’t hell bent on moving forward instead of packing it in and looking for excuses. This country is strong as hell. Couldn’t be happier to be where I am at this point and am so excited for the future.
A great post . This is all Americans. Never give up it is what makes us different.
What map dipshyt? Trumps Electoral College victory ranks 46th in 58 elections! It was less than Obama's margin when he won. That's what you get when you believe the boasting of a pathological liar!
304-227 is only close in your head. He literally won every swing state, lol. Your like the kid that gets beat up in a fight and then walks around in a hat and sun glasses with a busted nose and two black eyes telling everyone that he won. Your TDS is in full display in this thread.
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A great post . This is all Americans. Never give up it is what makes us different.
Appreciate it man. It’s so important that we don’t just not give up on our businesses but that we continue to support our local businesses as well. The shell station near my house is the most expensive gas station in town and I know the owner is struggling to get by. He said he’d get through it but that the year was basically a push to break even (he also has a oil change, etc shop built on). Guy comes in every week and has since we first opened. It’s cool when you see how hard ppl work to make their money and can spend it any where they want but chose to spend it at your business. It’s the ultimate motivation to give people an amazing experience.

I had a dent in my escalade wheel and could have got it cheaper off ebay or some shit but had to buy it from my neighbor. As painful as it was to sign a $1,200 check it felt good and right. My community is FULL of good hard working people that refuse to take excuses over solutions which is why they have the means to come into my place and buy blantons or katheryn hall cab or what ever. It’s 100% a group effort and you’re right about it’s what separates us from other countries. We actually give a shit.
Watched the Democratic Convention and the recap after!
2016 or 2020? I could see why you wouldn’t be able to sleep after youtubing the 2016 dnc convention knowing that the dems were a shoe in only to lose in every swing state. Like I said try drugs, it’ll help with your TDS or who knows maybe the problem is that you’ve been on drugs this whole time. Crack would definitely explain your posts.
304-227 is only close in your head. He literally won every swing state, lol. Your like the kid that gets beat up in a fight and then walks around in a hat and sun glasses with a busted nose and two black eyes telling everyone that he won. Your TDS is in full display in this thread.
Trumps supposed landslide victory ranks among the closet in the Electoral College. 46 in 58 elections. You're an arrogant Ahole who can't stand to be wrong but too lazy to look up the facts!
Trumps supposed landslide victory ranks among the closet in the Electoral College. 46 in 58 elections. You're an arrogant Ahole who can't stand to be wrong but too lazy to look up the facts!
Keep telling your self that, little guy. Now get back in the pool before I tell your instructor you’re lolly gagging it. Come to think if it, I need to get back to work. These tax dollars have to come from some where. I’ll get back to trolling you later. It’s seriously like fishing for small gators as a kid. You throw the bait (rubber frog with treble hook), shine a flashlight, jiggle the bait a little, whaaam! Get’s em every time. Use pliers to take the hook out, throw it back, let it swim away, repeat process. It falls for it every time. Unlike the poor gator I haven’t quite felt bad enough for you to stop triggering you. You’re so pathetic it’s actually getting there though. Just when I’m about to stop, you give me my much needed motivation with your ridiculous lol and they are ridiculous replies to keep messing with you.
Keep telling your self that, little guy. Now get back in the pool before I tell your instructor you’re lolly gagging it. Come to think if it, I need to get back to work. These tax dollars have to come from some where. I’ll get back to trolling you later. It’s seriously like fishing for small gators as a kid. You throw the bait (rubber frog with treble hook), shine a flashlight, jiggle the bait a little, whaaam! Get’s em every time. Use pliers to take the hook out, throw it back, let it swim away, repeat process. It falls for it every time. Unlike the poor gator I haven’t quite felt bad enough for you to stop triggering you. You’re so pathetic it’s actually getting there though. Just when I’m about to stop, you give me my much needed motivation with your ridiculous lol and they are ridiculous replies to keep messing with you.
Forget your nonsensical retorts and do the the research so you can read it for yourself. No wonder you idolize the Buffoon, neither one of you has ever been wrong!
Forget your nonsensical retorts and do the the research so you can read it for yourself. No wonder you idolize the Buffoon, neither one of you has ever been wrong!
I did the research lol. Just because the liberal state of California has a shit ton more electoral votes than any other state in the country doesn’t mean that 90% of our country’s map wasn’t painted red and that trump didn’t win literally every swing state in the country. Now you do the research and watch a play by play On youtube of the night Trump took more states than any republican in like fifty years.
I did the research lol. Just because the liberal state of California has a shit ton more electoral votes than any other state in the country doesn’t mean that 90% of our country’s map wasn’t painted red and that trump didn’t win literally every swing state in the country. Now you do the research and watch a play by play On youtube of the night Trump took more states than any republican in like fifty years.
Yada, yada, yada. Facts are facts!
Yada, yada, yada. Facts are facts!
You don’t know what a fact is you poor old man. You still think the last election was a nail biter, lol. They literally called it off three quarters of the way through because he didn’t need any more votes at that point. Hillary didn’t even show up to her event that night! It was was a total cry fest from the typical snow flakes the entire time. At zero point in history has there ever been a time when so many republics tuned into liberal networks as much as that night just to see the reactions. Keep the faith though, it’ll make it all the better when he wins yet again! I’d say even more than last time but I think it’s physically impossible for a republican to win more than he did the last time. Facts are, he kept every red state red and won every swing state. How much more could he have possibly won by?
You don’t know what a fact is you poor old man. You still think the last election was a nail biter, lol. They literally called it off three quarters of the way through because he didn’t need any more votes at that point. Hillary didn’t even show up to her event that night! It was was a total cry fest from the typical snow flakes the entire time. At zero point in history has there ever been a time when so many republics tuned into liberal networks as much as that night just to see the reactions. Keep the faith though, it’ll make it all the better when he wins yet again! I’d say even more than last time but I think it’s physically impossible for a republican to win more than he did the last time. Facts are, he kept every red state red and won every swing state. How much more could he have possibly won by?
He could have won by enough to warrant your bogus "landslide" label. His victory ranks among the closet in the Electoral College, 46 in 58 elections. Obama did better than that. You said you did the research so why keep denying the facts?
He could have won by enough to warrant your bogus "landslide" label. His victory ranks among the closet in the Electoral College, 46 in 58 elections. Obama did better than that. You said you did the research so why keep denying the facts?
Never said obama didn’t win in a land slide, cause he did. Now you have trump
as a result. You sound like golden desperately spinning coach d’s defense. You’re lonesome fact is irrelevant to the several other facts that show the big picture. You’re bookie must love you.
I too am a business owner. I’m glad your business is doing well thru this. I never wish anyone or any fellow business owner any ill will bc I know how hard that shit is.

my business has been doing pretty good as well thru this. I’m not at full capacity by design just to keep people separated. But my schedule is packed thru September. I told everyone of my friends if you’re not using this time to improve your business and strategize for the future you’re not using this time wisely. Those who plan now will benefit later.

I do have to push back a bit tho. When you insinuate that people on the other side of the isle don’t work hard and don’t contribute to the success of country by contributing to taxes i take a bit of an offense to that. Many of us work hard and I don’t think either party has a monopoly on hard work...

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