Well Trump sought an investigation of his opponent, calls for life in solitary. Can't even imagine an investigation involving a Vice-President introducing his druggy son to heads of state and heads of energy conglomerates. There are computer entries and witnesses stating that influence is being sold. Why are Liberals against an investigation where there seems to be proof of guilt, they were so in favor of the Russia investigation with no proof!
As was said, they'd rather have 'dementia Joe'. CD says he'd take it 'every time'. I'm ok with that CD...hell, sell pictures. Unfortunately, we're all getting 'taken' and some of us are not as willing to cast a blind eye at what has happened and is happening.
Trump's remarkable things include: The vaccine, fewer deaths in 2020 than under Joe in 2021 (due to Joe's 'scientific approach?), new NAFTA, new trade rules with China, partners carrying their share of NATO costs, energy independence, border control, ISIS defeat, leading terrorists neutralized, improved contact with N. Korea, support of a USA/Canada pipeline not Russia's Nord Stream pipeline (We can only imagine how much Hunter got for this one), the beginnings of peace, through treaties, in the Middle-East.