Scientists made the vaccine. Not Mr. BleachFor the Trump Vaccine.. ??? You really should it might save ur life...
For the Trump Vaccine.. ??? You really should it might save ur life...
Scientists made the vaccine. Not Mr. Bleach
🤣🤣🤣🤣 OK 😂😂😂Henry Ford wasn’t on the assembly line building the car, but guess what it’s called.
The Trump Virus!!! Pack your bags and get the f**k out!!!Henry Ford wasn’t on the assembly line building the car, but guess what it’s called.
isn't the answer "the assembly line"?Henry Ford wasn’t on the assembly line building the car, but guess what it’s called.
funny other countries also have a vaccine. Trump did nothing but make things worse by downplaying masks and the virus. Operation warp speed. 🤣🤣 we were not close to first for vaccine.
Scientists made the vaccine. Not Mr. Bleach
I'm sure @cems wouldn't mind getting the vaccine to the Trump virus.
isn't the answer "the assembly line"?
Or are you referencing the Model T?
Nazi sympathizer that he was.
The Father of the American Space Program, Werner Avon Braun , was an actual Nazi. Roughly 150 US Companies were involved with the Nazi. Don’t know if the atrocities were known at time of involvement. Not like China Human Rights violations going on right now. But our President Elect assures us “ Their not bad Folks “
Nazi scientists turned a blind eye to the slave labor being used in their factories that produced their rockets. They knew what was going on.At the end of WW2 either we took in those scientists or the Russians would have their technology.The Father of the American Space Program, Werner Avon Braun , was an actual Nazi. Roughly 150 US Companies were involved with the Nazi. Don’t know if the atrocities were known at time of involvement. Not like China Human Rights violations going on right now. But our President Elect assures us “ Their not bad Folks “
Nazi scientists turned a blind eye to the slave labor being used in their factories that produced their rockets. They knew what was going on.At the end of WW2 either we took in those scientists or the Russians would have their technology.
For the Trump Vaccine.. ??? You really should it might save ur life...
For the moment I will not be taking the Trump vaccine. I'll let you and other Trump supporters cut the line. Enjoy!!!
I bet when Cubano and Charlie Tuna collect enough cans they go get a room at the Hotel that “Trump personally designed and built” and enjoy a “Trump Steak” and think about the day that they will be able to get their Trump Vaccine” u know the one that the dumbest President in American created in the basement of the Whitehouse.
Yep he was actually testing it along with a little Chlorine when he caught the shvt himself.
It’s fun watching the brainless being led around like puppies by the brainless. Like Trump said he loves low IQ voters😅😅😅😅
Another brilliant post by a leftest clown....
Props on the P&B, thank you for your service, you don't owe these trolls the explanation of your excellence, do you, **** them.Do u even know what a Leftist is genius? I am a self-made man, from the Pork and Beans to owning a house in Bath Oh next to LeBron.
Never took a hand out and served this country that u fled to for 26 years. Raised my 3 kids sent to college without loans or subsidies. Nothing in my adult life had been achieved with government assistance unless u count me getting thru graduated school using my GI Bill.
I am not a leftest or a Right wing nut. I simply do not support a Liberal President that dodge war like a bitch and had the nerve to insult veterans. Neither does any other real Patriot.
U been suckered by a liberal phony my man. Keep drinking the juice; it’s gonna end bad.
I will be here to remind u of how you fake ass conservative went down on a Liberal ship
Props on the P&B, thank you for your service, you don't owe these trolls the explanation of your excellence, do you, **** them.
And people like you are how we ended up with a traitor in the White House! Congrats!I know bro appreciate the recognition. I actually enjoy feeding these sheep grass. They just repeat phrases that they hear in the Right Wing Nut media without even understanding what the words or phrases that they are using mean.
That’s exactly how we ended up with a reality TV idiot and his family in our Whitehouse.
I enjoy reminding how dumb they are. It will end bad for Trump. His followers will be smacked down like flies if they try a insurrection.
And people like you are how we ended up with a traitor in the White House! Congrats!
I still find it funny the one country responsible for all of this (China) you guys fail to hold accountable because it doesn’t suit your narrative since they’re in bed with the Bidens. Who is responsible for 300k deaths in the USA? China! I still firmly believe this was all done on purpose to attack our economy and effect the elections.
You lie and lie some more! The guy has done more for this country in 4 years than the last 3 presidents combined! Point blank period! You supported a guy who is knee deep in ties to communist China! F’ing brilliant move! The whole time you’ve accused Trump of doing exactly what Biden was guilty for! Another brilliant move! And get you call me a Moron El oh f’ing El!Once again moron go look up Traitor. U have supported one and we the people has told him to gtfo of our White House.
The traitor is the Russian asset that is trying to stage a Coup because he has been rejected!!!
The election fraud is fodder for idiots like yourself.
He got his ass beat fair and square and the branch of Government that has been empowered by the founders to mediate and interpret laws has confirmed it 50-1, last I looked anyway!😅
You blame a country for a virus when they purposefully covered it up and then tried to blame it on us all the while as it continued to spread.Read your history and stop listening to Trump; he is a Con Artist and always have been.
We have never blamed a country for a virus!
We count on our leaders to mitigate the effects of said virus on our Country. We are the most developed country in the world and we had the worst response statistically speaking.
We did not have a competent national response.
Our President was leading his followers in direct opposition to his own agencies advice.
Our freaking White House was infected; did China do that or did irresponsible behavior.
I know bro appreciate the recognition. I actually enjoy feeding these sheep grass. They just repeat phrases that they hear in the Right Wing Nut media without even understanding what the words or phrases that they are using mean.
That’s exactly how we ended up with a reality TV idiot and his family in our Whitehouse.
I enjoy reminding how dumb they are. It will end bad for Trump. His followers will be smacked down like flies if they try a insurrection.
Once again moron go look up Traitor. U have supported one and we the people has told him to gtfo of our White House.
The traitor is the Russian asset that is trying to stage a Coup because he has been rejected!!!
The election fraud is fodder for idiots like yourself.
He got his ass beat fair and square and the branch of Government that has been empowered by the founders to mediate and interpret laws has confirmed it 50-1, last I looked anyway!😅
Read your history and stop listening to Trump; he is a Con Artist and always have been.
We have never blamed a country for a virus!
We count on our leaders to mitigate the effects of said virus on our Country. We are the most developed country in the world and we had the worst response statistically speaking.
We did not have a competent national response.
Our President was leading his followers in direct opposition to his own agencies advice.
Our freaking White House was infected; did China do that or did irresponsible behavior.
Once again moron go look up Traitor. U have supported one and we the people has told him to gtfo of our White House.
The traitor is the Russian asset that is trying to stage a Coup because he has been rejected!!!
The election fraud is fodder for idiots like yourself.
He got his ass beat fair and square and the branch of Government that has been empowered by the founders to mediate and interpret laws has confirmed it 50-1, last I looked anyway!😅
I still find it funny the one country responsible for all of this (China) you guys fail to hold accountable because it doesn’t suit your narrative since they’re in bed with the Bidens. Who is responsible for 300k deaths in the USA? China! I still firmly believe this was all done on purpose to attack our economy and effect the elections.
If you say Cems real slow it sounds just like the word gullibleThe only person responsible for "all of this" is Trump.
1) China didn't force Trump to bribe Ukraine
2) China didn't force Trump to conspire with the Russians to win the 2016 election
3) China didn't force Trump to pass secrets to the Russians
4) China didn't force Trump to ignore the oversight responsibility of the House by refusing to turn over documents and not making WH officials available for questions
5) China didn't force Trump to not support NATO and our allies
6) China didn't force Trump to lie to the American people over 20k times
7) China didn't force Trump to cheat on all his wives even while one was pregnant with his 5th child
8) China didn't force Trump to pay off hoes and become "Individual 1" as an un-indicted co-conspirator
9) China didn't force Trump to commit sedition against the USA by pursuing treasonous acts to overthrow a free and fair election
10) China didn't force Trump to pardon corrupt friends and family members
11) China didn't force Trump to lie to the American people about the seriousness of the virus
12) China didn't force Trump to lead the planet in COVID-19 deaths
There is so much more but I'm too exhausted to rethink what a terrible person and president Trump has been.
Thank you for your service. My dad ran a business for many years, Jalco, that was on 54th St and 7th Ave. I think there's a lighting store there in one of the buildings now. The other building is now something called Power U Center For Social Change. I started working part time in the summers from age 12 and worked in the shop there. I spent many days wondering that neighborhood during lunch times searching for different types of food than the Burger King that was on that corner. Met a lot of good people in that area over the years and many watched out for this goofy white kid that was pretty naive about life at the time.Do u even know what a Leftist is genius? I am a self-made man, from the Pork and Beans to owning a house in Bath Oh next to LeBron.
Never took a hand out and served this country that u fled to for 26 years. Raised my 3 kids sent to college without loans or subsidies. Nothing in my adult life had been achieved with government assistance unless u count me getting thru graduated school using my GI Bill.
I am not a leftest or a Right wing nut. I simply do not support a Liberal President that dodge war like a bitch and had the nerve to insult veterans. Neither does any other real Patriot.
U been suckered by a liberal phony my man. Keep drinking the juice; it’s gonna end bad.
I will be here to remind u of how you fake ass conservative went down on a Liberal ship
Absolutely, it was a bio attack of the west. Frankly, other than some talk, I expected Trump to be more forceful with the Chinese Communists than he was. We could forget about the Bidens being forceful with the Chinese. They must be licking their chops that Biden is entering office.I still find it funny the one country responsible for all of this (China) you guys fail to hold accountable because it doesn’t suit your narrative since they’re in bed with the Bidens. Who is responsible for 300k deaths in the USA? China! I still firmly believe this was all done on purpose to attack our economy and effect the elections.
Which item is not true about Trump?If you say Cems real slow it sounds just like the word gullible
Absolutely, it was a bio attack of the west. Frankly, other than some talk, I expected Trump to be more forceful with the Chinese Communists than he was. We could forget about the Bidens being forceful with the Chinese. They must be licking their chops that Biden is entering office.
Not to worry Trump will be back in power in 2024 to clean up the mess Sleepy & Heels up Kamala will make...
Its always the GOP to clean up the shit that Dems leave behind.. Hell just look at the blue state..
I beg your pardon. H left Clinton an economy that was failing. Clinton left office with a balanced budget and extra cash flowing. W pissed the surplus away with his unfunded wars and left Obama a depression. Obama saved our economy which was growing when Trump took over. Trump leaves in the mist of a pandemic with over 300k dead and another failed Republican economy. Biden to the rescue!
You are so uninformed. Actually China and Russia have vaccines already being administered.Obama had the slowest recovery since the great depression and more went into poverty during his administration .. “ FACTS”
Its China virus and because of DJT warp speed program he will of saved million of lives world wide..
Tell sleepy to go back to sleep all he’ll do is ride the coat tails of the greatest president of our life time..
He can now concentrate in keeping Hunter out of prison..