Hey Cems are you going to get in line

I beg your pardon. H left Clinton an economy that was failing. Clinton left office with a balanced budget and extra cash flowing. W pissed the surplus away with his unfunded wars and left Obama a depression. Obama saved our economy which was growing when Trump took over. Trump leaves in the mist of a pandemic with over 300k dead and another failed Republican economy. Biden to the rescue!

El Cubano doesn't
Your as dumb as they come... Still with the Russia Russia narrative without any proof...

And learn the difference between a liberal & Conservative..

No proof?
I know what a Liberal and a Conservative is, I am niether.

You learn what a leftist is and pick up a book genius because you are not intellectually equipt to participate in a thinking persons debate.

Just a hint as a starting point for u because I need u to get better:. A person that brags about grabbing snatch that's been married 4 times and cheated on all of them is not a social Conservative.

A President that explodes the budget has many Bankruptcies in his own life is not a fiscal Conservative.

A person that believes that Trump who first flirted with running as a liberal Democrat ran as a fake Conservative for any other reason than to take advantage of the Conservatives racist ass far Right flank is an embicile.

I normally make my college students pay for such tutoring but I want u to get better so it's on the house!
Thank you for your service. My dad ran a business for many years, Jalco, that was on 54th St and 7th Ave. I think there's a lighting store there in one of the buildings now. The other building is now something called Power U Center For Social Change. I started working part time in the summers from age 12 and worked in the shop there. I spent many days wondering that neighborhood during lunch times searching for different types of food than the Burger King that was on that corner. Met a lot of good people in that area over the years and many watched out for this goofy white kid that was pretty naive about life at the time.

I know exactly where that's at. I always wondered what it was when I was younger. I also lived in Attappatah next to Richardson's Mortuary
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I know exactly where that's at. I always wondered what it was when I was younger. I also lived in Attappatah next to Richardson's Mortuary
They were a company that did everything from awnings, storm shutters, aluminum roofs, carpet, and burglar bars. Also a bit of roofing. Small world as my Mom grew up right by Miami Jackson High School and my grandma worked at Live and Let Live Drug Store for 50 years. My other grandma lived in the Brownsville section on 32nd Ave right up against the freeway until they widened it and took her house. Nice to know that while we do disagree on some issues that we also have a bit in common.
El Cubano doesn't

No proof?
I know what a Liberal and a Conservative is, I am niether.

You learn what a leftist is and pick up a book genius because you are not intellectually equipt to participate in a thinking persons debate.

Just a hint as a starting point for u because I need u to get better:. A person that brags about grabbing snatch that's been married 4 times and cheated on all of them is not a social Conservative.

A President that explodes the budget has many Bankruptcies in his own life is not a fiscal Conservative.

A person that believes that Trump who first flirted with running as a liberal Democrat ran as a fake Conservative for any other reason than to take advantage of the Conservatives racist ass far Right flank is an embicile.

I normally make my college students pay for such tutoring but I want u to get better so it's on the
El Cubano doesn't

And where does it say they found evidence that Trump was involved with any Russian..
Nice try...
No proof?
I know what a Liberal and a Conservative is, I am niether.

You learn what a leftist is and pick up a book genius because you are not intellectually equipt to participate in a thinking persons debate.

Just a hint as a starting point for u because I need u to get better:. A person that brags about grabbing snatch that's been married 4 times and cheated on all of them is not a social Conservative.

A President that explodes the budget has many Bankruptcies in his own life is not a fiscal Conservative.

A person that believes that Trump who first flirted with running as a liberal Democrat ran as a fake Conservative for any other reason than to take advantage of the Conservatives racist ass far Right flank is an embicile.

I normally make my college students pay for such tutoring but I want u to get better so it's on the house!
Which item is not true about Trump?
Ummm all of them lmao. I used to think you were just towing the party line narrative but I’m starting to think you actually believe that crap. You do know the DOJ has sat on the Hillary files for a few years now and had to acknowledge the whole Russian plot was cooked up by her to avoid the email scandal. How have you not seen this?
I beg your pardon. H left Clinton an economy that was failing. Clinton left office with a balanced budget and extra cash flowing. W pissed the surplus away with his unfunded wars and left Obama a depression. Obama saved our economy which was growing when Trump took over. Trump leaves in the mist of a pandemic with over 300k dead and another failed Republican economy. Biden to the rescue!
You do realize we still had a sizable National debt under Clinton right? So he didn’t spend more money than he was suppose to. Congrats! He was too busy hanging around with Jeffrey Epstein and flying to his island to spend any money. And anyway who is it that actually is responsible for federal spending? The house? Oh dammit who was in charge of the house? Oh yeah that’s right the republicans lmao
You do realize we still had a sizable National debt under Clinton right? So he didn’t spend more money than he was suppose to. Congrats! He was too busy hanging around with Jeffrey Epstein and flying to his island to spend any money. And anyway who is it that actually is responsible for federal spending? The house? Oh dammit who was in charge of the house? Oh yeah that’s right the republicans lmao
Actually, Republicans were in charge of the House a great deal of the time over the last 24 years. Why didn't you respond to H's terrible economy left for Bill? Why didn't you respond to another economic disaster by W and his Republican friends? And now it's Trump's turn to screw things up. Smh.
Ummm all of them lmao. I used to think you were just towing the party line narrative but I’m starting to think you actually believe that crap. You do know the DOJ has sat on the Hillary files for a few years now and had to acknowledge the whole Russian plot was cooked up by her to avoid the email scandal. How have you not seen this?
Why? Because it's another cooked up story by you and your right wingers. Are you denying Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator known as Individual 1?
Why? Because it's another cooked up story by you and your right wingers. Are you denying Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator known as Individual 1?
I am not only denying I can guarantee you that isn’t true! 100% factual knowledge that is fake news
Actually, Republicans were in charge of the House a great deal of the time over the last 24 years. Why didn't you respond to H's terrible economy left for Bill? Why didn't you respond to another economic disaster by W and his Republican friends? And now it's Trump's turn to screw things up. Smh.
Who is charge of the house now?
Simple question. You complain about Trumps spending but who in charge of spending lol. Moving them goal posts all the time must get tiresome
You never answered why Republicans always leave an economic mess in their wake when they leave office. Daddy Bush who was a failed one term president like Trump wrecked Reagan's economy. His son, W, continued this right wing incompetence. And now Trump has wrecked Obama's economy. WTF!!!
You lie and lie some more! The guy has done more for this country in 4 years than the last 3 presidents combined! Point blank period! You supported a guy who is knee deep in ties to communist China! F’ing brilliant move! The whole time you’ve accused Trump of doing exactly what Biden was guilty for! Another brilliant move! And get you call me a Moron El oh f’ing El!

Who is lying moron. U are just spewing the same unquantified shvt tha your cult leader spews. None of it’s true! If he had done more for the country his arse would be the President elect instead of a whiny little bitch wearing an arse whoopin.

Keep riding dem bells sheep. The sheep herder loves the friction😅😅😅
You never answered why Republicans always leave an economic mess in their wake when they leave office. Daddy Bush who was a failed one term president like Trump wrecked Reagan's economy. His son, W, continued this right wing incompetence. And now Trump has wrecked Obama's economy. WTF!!!

He won’t answer because those are real numbers not his bleached blond Sheep Herder just spewing unquantified lies.
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Who is lying moron. U are just spewing the same unquantified shvt tha your cult leader spews. None of it’s true! If he had done more for the country his arse would be the President elect instead of a whiny little bitch wearing an arse whoopin.

Keep riding dem bells sheep. The sheep herder loves the friction😅😅😅
Lowest unemployment in 50+ years, lowest unemployment for black and Hispanics ever!

Simplified taxes

Cheaper prescription drugs to include insulin for all the diabetics. My dads insulin went from $300 a month to $30!

yeah but he did nothing you brainwashed phuctard!
Lowest unemployment in 50+ years, lowest unemployment for black and Hispanics ever!

Simplified taxes

Cheaper prescription drugs to include insulin for all the diabetics. My dads insulin went from $300 a month to $30!

yeah but he did nothing you brainwashed phuctard!
Bro, that scenario was the past. Trump wrecked his own economy. WTF!!!
Bro, that scenario was the past. Trump wrecked his own economy. WTF!!!
You mean by Democrat gov’s shutting down their states? Crippling small businesses, and the middle class? Yeah that’s Trumps fault! You guys take credit for everyone else works and then blame everyone else for your f-ck ups. You think we don’t remember when the Dems were calling to “tank” the economy before the virus. That’s how low you guys will go to get what you want! That’s why we will never “unite” Witt you.

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