I beg your pardon. H left Clinton an economy that was failing. Clinton left office with a balanced budget and extra cash flowing. W pissed the surplus away with his unfunded wars and left Obama a depression. Obama saved our economy which was growing when Trump took over. Trump leaves in the mist of a pandemic with over 300k dead and another failed Republican economy. Biden to the rescue!
El Cubano doesn't
Your as dumb as they come... Still with the Russia Russia narrative without any proof...
And learn the difference between a liberal & Conservative..

Here's a breakdown of indictments and cases in Mueller's probe
Special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors have indicted 34 individuals and three Russian businesses.
No proof?
I know what a Liberal and a Conservative is, I am niether.
You learn what a leftist is and pick up a book genius because you are not intellectually equipt to participate in a thinking persons debate.
Just a hint as a starting point for u because I need u to get better:. A person that brags about grabbing snatch that's been married 4 times and cheated on all of them is not a social Conservative.
A President that explodes the budget has many Bankruptcies in his own life is not a fiscal Conservative.
A person that believes that Trump who first flirted with running as a liberal Democrat ran as a fake Conservative for any other reason than to take advantage of the Conservatives racist ass far Right flank is an embicile.
I normally make my college students pay for such tutoring but I want u to get better so it's on the house!