I did right in Miami, Had a construction company sold it years ago...
Now I fish, hunt, travel and bust balls here...
you still do “GC” type work?
I did right in Miami, Had a construction company sold it years ago...
Now I fish, hunt, travel and bust balls here...
You were complaining about Obama increasing the national debt. He did what was necessary to stave off impending economic collapse due to Bush incompetence.Breaking news every war is funded. Obama didn’t end any wars. As a matter of fact he started a new one in Libya & grew ISIS by piss poor foreign policy.
You were complaining about Obama increasing the national debt. He did what was necessary to stave off impending economic collapse due to Bush incompetence.
No he approved a buyout / baiilout of the automotive industry whose policies were as careless if not more so than the banks and the mortgage bubble you guys love to rail on about. Who bails out a liability? Once again showing your parties inability to recognize the word “accountability”.You were complaining about Obama increasing the national debt. He did what was necessary to stave off impending economic collapse due to Bush incompetence.