Just curious, 6882, what creates your hate for her? Professional observers rate her as the most effective Speaker since Tip O’Neal. She steers and manages an almost unmanageable herd of Democratic cats. And does it well.
I can understand you not agreeing with her policies and politics. But hate? She is an Italian-American Catholic from Baltimore where her father was the Mayor. She has been married to the same man for 59 years and has 5 children. How many 81 year old women (or men) have managed to reach the pinnacle of political power and yet retained a healthy and vibrant family life.
Where do I start?
first of all no hate. She doesn’t have that power over me. No free rent in my head because what can I say, she doesn’t own me. if anything the gators are closer to hate. Even then I married a gator so I try to be some what open minded all though they make it difficult. At least my wife is hot and likes college football and puts up with me. Palocy is non of that! So let’s just say I strongly dislike, which means she’s clearly doing something right in your party. Monster. Not you, her.
to you’re point! I’ll leave policies out of it because that’s up for debate. Lol, not that what I’m about to bring up isn’t but you asked.
in no order because they’re all worthy causes of disdain.
1) no body in the history of politics has ever out performed the stock market as much as she and her husband have. Fact and it’s by a wide margin and totally legal because of monsters just like her. I really think this is the biggest one too. That pod cast of her with her ice cream investment and her 15-$20,000 fridge during the covid market tank that i was a part of while I was having to shop for a new fridge because mine broke and couldn’t get a new one for six months while she was basically telling us to shut up, errrr.
2) masks for you but not for me
3) trump vaccines bad but when biden is in office we’ll literally shut you down and throw you in jail if you don’t practically have a bar code on your arm.
4) shut down restaurants and public places except for when I need a hair cut.
5) don’t like election results “impeach the mother ****er”. She didn’t even wait for the investigation to move for impeachment.
6) did you hear the latest on section eight housing in her back yard? Not allowed because of cougars or some shit she made up. Her house might I add surrounded by none other than walls that she says don’t work.
7) she literally encourages professional american athletes to protest her own country, our own country and then when they protest china she tells them to “shut up and perform”
8) let’s all have a party in china town to celebrate how racist trump is! Oh wait, everybody hide in your houses for two years. It’s trumps fault!
9) the disheaky scene. This was an insult and a disgusting slap in the face to my fellow man. There’s pandering and then there’s insults. I’m not black but i am just as human as anyone that’s black and this shit pissed me off. How ****ing stupid do you think my fellow man/black people are? Nauseating. It wasn’t paying respect, it was pandering at the lowest level and imo down right racist. Don’t approach human beings like they’re idiots. It was just so bad. Worst of all shameless.
10) the lie justifies the means, investigations
11) i could go on and on and will get back to you with more but more than anything.. it’s her shit eating grin, condescending attitude and elitist political hack ways.
12) keeps asking for more money! Trillions! Billions for cali alone. There’s not even that many people in the state of california. Not even by a smidgen. Where’s all that money going from the feds and state tax dollars? Hunter biden and a 100 million of his crack head friends couldn’t piss away that many billions if they tried. Do you have any concept of how much money the state of California gets vs what they produce vs what they spend? It’s insane!
just for perspective, we could take 1 trillion of the last deal, make every citezen a millionaire and fix our infrastructure for the next ten years. There’s only 329.5 million people in the us, a mere 39.5 of which in cali for gods sake. Do the math. Again, lots of billions to cali and trillions to the fed. It honestly sounds like made numbers but it’s not. Reckless greed.
These numbers she throws out are an abomination to the economy and she could care less.
at the end of the day, call a spade a spade. It’s her condescending political elitist mentality where rules only apply to other people. She is the worst and she’s been doing it forever. Career politician and the worst kind.