I want to know what is your problem with the WALL liberals?

Raoul it's not a contest on which can be worse. We can make a thread on visa overstays if you want. This thread was about the wall and why liberals have a problem with a barrier at our southern border. To me it's common sense

They're one in the same issue. If you want to combat illegal immigration you first come up with a comprehensive plan to do it instead of believing the words of a serial liar like Trump.
This can be done by technology. We're no longer in the medieval days where people had to build moats around their city states. Plus, if you've ever been to the southern border you would know that the land isn't amenable to a wall - there are private landowners who want no part of it and in other places the topography is setup to build anything, much less a giant neverending wall. Instead invest in more technology and personnel, and work more closely with the Mexican side.
What kind of technology do you think exists that covers 100% of the border 24 hours a day? Satellites? First of all that dwarfs the expense of the wall, secondly there are lapses in orbital travel. Sensors? Sensors are only as good as the response to those sensors. That requires significantly more manpower. It also puts officers in harms way much more frequently. Cameras? See sensors. A wall significantly cuts traffic and provides a natural barrier to foot and vehicle traffic. It limits ease of traffic and funnels that traffic to certain choke points. It’s also the safest and most cost effective way to protect the border.
Dude you don't know that's not true and the mere fact that you equate hispanic construction workers as illegals is in it's self racist. In NY it is a labor union state and 2 out of every 3 workers must be union. You fell in the trap of the main stream media. I'm painting my condominium building every worker is hispanic are they all illegal? Should I ask to see their citizenship papers?

Did I say all hispanic construction workers in NY were illegals??? It's not just what I see, I have more than a few relatives in NY and NJ still working construction, also in hospitality, we talk about it, they ain't gotta lie to me dude. You can talk union all day, I'm telling you what's actually taking place out there. Trump has illegals doing work in his companies and lots of them, that's what I'm saying to you. And it's not just in NY/NJ........but that's all besides the point.

Trump used the whole border wall BS as a way to capture his base and create an agenda upon which to run his campaign. He knew it would strike a cord with many Reps. who buy into the fears perpetuated by many on the Right, that most people of color are criminals and looking to do them harm.
The ROI you mention will come in the form of having to feed, house, clothe, and process thru courts the lower number of people pouring across the border. You do realize there is a huge cost to that right?
Yep.... but what you just either do not see or understand is what people like Ronald Reagan understood ( who I think is the most overrated president in history). But he was spot on in his immigration policy.

What you don't see is the value of the people. You don't look at them as having value.. when they are the strength of America! They are why this is the greatest country on earth. Reagan being a California native and Governor understood this where people like Trump and his followers do not. You see them as not worthy of investment. You see them as a threat.

FUN FACT: Did you know that 45 Percent of fortune 500 companies were started by immigrants or thier children?

Steve Jobs is the son of an immigrant. Hell Donald Trump himself is the grandchild of one.

Quit buying into this ridiculous idea all immigrants mean you harm because some failed business man told you this. Yes...there are some that are bad hombres but these people by and large are no different than us. Looking for a better life. Stop being threatened by nothing.

Hell I have more to be afraid of with legal, domestic terrorist.
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Yep.... but what you just either do not see or understand is what people like Ronald Reagan understood ( who I think is the most overrated president in history). But he was spot on in his immigration policy.

What you don't see is the value of the people. You don't look at them as having value.. when they are the strength of America! They are why this is the greatest country on earth. Reagan being a California native and Governor understood this where people like Trump and his followers do not. You see them as not worthy of investment. You see them as a threat.

FUN FACT: Did you know that 45 Percent of fortune 500 companies were started by immigrants or thier children?

Steve Jobs is the son of an immigrant. Hell Donald Trump himself is the grandchild of one.

Quit buying into this ridiculous idea all immigrants mean you harm because some failed business man told you this. Yes...there are some that are bad hombres but these people by and large are no different than us. Looking for a better life. Stop being threatened by nothing.

Hell I have more to be afraid of with legal, domestic terrorist.
This has to be one of the most obvious over flight posts of all time. Nobody is talking about legal immigration. We don’t even care about those coming here who just work. The problem is with those who traffic drugs, people and other criminal ventures across the border. It also protects us from bad actors crossing the border who’d use Hispanics as cover to cross over.
To the moron trying to still talk to me I have zero respect for. It is not illegal to seek asylum genius!!!
Not a moral problem. It just doesn’t work. I’d rather spend money on personnel (create jobs) or technology to attack the problem. There are obviously differing opinions but a lot of the top officials in border enforcement feel the money could be better spent on the aforementioned assets than on a wall. What good does a wall do when people can climb over or dig under or even better use a drone. I think the wall is a basic attempt to fix a complex problem.

Of course walls dont work thats why they build them around Washington & the White house..

Fuccking Idiot..!!!
Massive decrease in illegal immigration. marked decrease in illegals dying in the attempts to get here in the last few years.. The dogma of liberals is geared to one thing-increased power for the Democrat party-country be damned. We just dont have enough rational people on the Democrat side to see beyond their prejudices.
We have massive debt .Gas prices will rise due to insane leftist energy policy putting more strain on the economy. Higher taxes will diminish GDP and will go back to the sluggish Obama economy. Crime will get worse as Dem cities cut police funding and people will abandon cities due to BLM and Anti FA harassment and high taxes.
Many minorities who finally had decent jobs will lose them . Portland and Seattle's dysfunction due to the insanity of their far left leadership will spread to other NE and West Coast cities.
At some point we may have a violent revolution and it wont be pretty. The Democrats will have driven the nails in their own coffin.
Of course walls dont work thats why they build them around Washington & the White house..

Fuccking Idiot..!!!

as you were saying.....

This can be done by technology. We're no longer in the medieval days where people had to build moats around their city states. Plus, if you've ever been to the southern border you would know that the land isn't amenable to a wall - there are private landowners who want no part of it and in other places the topography is setup to build anything, much less a giant neverending wall. Instead invest in more technology and personnel, and work more closely with the Mexican side.
So according to you Raoul America can send people to outer space, build skyscrapers and all sorts of fantastic things but we can't or don't have the know how to build a barrier / wall along our southern border? I hope everyone is reading this on this site because this is how liberals think. Dumb liberals. The barrier / wall works because it acts as a deterrent, it helps border patrol, it allows the technology to work better you fool Raoul.
They're one in the same issue. If you want to combat illegal immigration you first come up with a comprehensive plan to do it instead of believing the words of a serial liar like Trump.
Yes you make a comprehensive plan and secure the borders is in the plan. Has to be done now otherwise all other parts of the plan will fail.
Yes you make a comprehensive plan and secure the borders is in the plan. Has to be done now otherwise all other parts of the plan will fail.
HJ correct. Just because Biden is now the President doesn't mean that the border got any better. This lunatic is inviting these animals to cross the border.
Massive decrease in illegal immigration. marked decrease in illegals dying in the attempts to get here in the last few years.. The dogma of liberals is geared to one thing-increased power for the Democrat party-country be damned. We just dont have enough rational people on the Democrat side to see beyond their prejudices.
We have massive debt .Gas prices will rise due to insane leftist energy policy putting more strain on the economy. Higher taxes will diminish GDP and will go back to the sluggish Obama economy. Crime will get worse as Dem cities cut police funding and people will abandon cities due to BLM and Anti FA harassment and high taxes.
Many minorities who finally had decent jobs will lose them . Portland and Seattle's dysfunction due to the insanity of their far left leadership will spread to other NE and West Coast cities.
At some point we may have a violent revolution and it wont be pretty. The Democrats will have driven the nails in their own coffin.

Your information is bullshit.

Massive decrease in illegal immigration. marked decrease in illegals dying in the attempts to get here in the last few years.. The dogma of liberals is geared to one thing-increased power for the Democrat party-country be damned. We just dont have enough rational people on the Democrat side to see beyond their prejudices.
We have massive debt .Gas prices will rise due to insane leftist energy policy putting more strain on the economy. Higher taxes will diminish GDP and will go back to the sluggish Obama economy. Crime will get worse as Dem cities cut police funding and people will abandon cities due to BLM and Anti FA harassment and high taxes.
Many minorities who finally had decent jobs will lose them . Portland and Seattle's dysfunction due to the insanity of their far left leadership will spread to other NE and West Coast cities.
At some point we may have a violent revolution and it wont be pretty. The Democrats will have driven the nails in their own coffin.


I used to want to analyze and respond to your posts. But, you have now jumped off the Right Wing plank into the netherworld. Good luck to you in your delusional world.

You are lost.
The fact that Biden will not tear down the existing wall tells me volumes. We cannot afford to keep letting these animals into the country.
So according to you Raoul America can send people to outer space, build skyscrapers and all sorts of fantastic things but we can't or don't have the know how to build a barrier / wall along our southern border? I hope everyone is reading this on this site because this is how liberals think. Dumb liberals. The barrier / wall works because it acts as a deterrent, it helps border patrol, it allows the technology to work better you fool Raoul.

Thanks for starting this thread so others can shine a spotlight on how pointless and delusional the wall idea was from the beginning. The fact that Trump himself had to be tricked into it by his aides, tells you how calamitously half-thought out the idea was from the start. It’s also rather pointless to discuss now since it was obvious that Biden would cancel all of Trump’s dopey policies once in office.
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Not a moral problem. It just doesn’t work. I’d rather spend money on personnel (create jobs) or technology to attack the problem. There are obviously differing opinions but a lot of the top officials in border enforcement feel the money could be better spent on the aforementioned assets than on a wall. What good does a wall do when people can climb over or dig under or even better use a drone. I think the wall is a basic attempt to fix a complex problem.

Great post and spot on.

The wall is little more than an emotional response to appeal to right wing cultural xenophobia. Beyond the exorbitant cost, no serious policy maker thinks it’s a good idea in lieu of a proper, comprehensive immigration reform policy that addresses all aspects of immigration.
Thanks for starting this thread so others can shine a spotlight on how pointless and delusional the wall idea was from the beginning. The fact that Trump himself had to be tricked into it by his aides, tells you how calamitously half-thought out the idea was from the start. It’s also rather pointless to discuss now since it was obvious that Biden would cancel all of Trump’s dopey policies once in office.
"Talked into it?" Guess you didn't watch the same Trump I did for 4 years. His policy of securing our borders and comprehensive immigration policies have been discussed tried and failed in Congress for decades. He was 100% right that the system is broken and needs to be fixed.
Should be plain for all to see that the liberals are full of crab. GUARANTEED if Biden suggested a wall they would 100% be supportive. Sheep. They are so dishonest they can not even bring themselves to admit our immigration policies and border security are broken and flawed
In 2006, the U.S. Senate voted in a bipartisan 80 to 19 majority to pass the Secure Fence Act, which authorized construction of physical infrastructure to secure the border. Securing our Southwest Border was once a bipartisan issue. Don't think Trump was President in 2006 do you??
"Talked into it?" Guess you didn't watch the same Trump I did for 4 years. His policy of securing our borders and comprehensive immigration policies have been discussed tried and failed in Congress for decades. He was 100% right that the system is broken and needs to be fixed.

What would Trump know about that ? He's entirely transactional and doesn't care about policy debates. He only agreed to the wall after he was coaxed into it as a trick to get to start talking more about immigration during the campaign.
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What would Trump know about that ? He's entirely transactional and doesn't care about policy debates. He only agreed to the wall after he was coaxed into it as a trick to get to to start talking more about immigration during the campaign.
Should be plain for all to see that the liberals are full of crab. GUARANTEED if Biden suggested a wall they would 100% be supportive. Sheep. They are so dishonest they can not even bring themselves to admit our immigration policies and border security are broken and flawed

A false choice since Biden hasn't and wont be doing that. There is common sense and there is xenophpobic stupidity.

That's from the Trump DHS department. What would you expect them to say, that its a waste of money ?
There is virtually zero return on investment. There just isn't much value in it. Everyone that understands how border control works can explain this fact to you. This is nothing more than a political football. The money would be better invested on a wide range of other important immigration initiatives.

Standing in front of people pounding your chest about Mexico paying for a wall without negotiating this with them is just so juvenile I can't even begin to tell you how silly that was too. Our country doesn't do business that way. Trump just does zero homework ever. He just surrounds himself with people who are yes men. He can't handle people who are strong. Why do you think so many in his administration were "acting".....and not confirmed by congress?
He we go again...No return on investment? Every illegal that does not get across the border is a job for a US tax paying citizen. Every criminal illegal that commits a crime in the US that is jailed is on the taxpayer going forward. Every illegal that doesnt fill up our Hospital emergency rooms results in better medical services for tax paying citizens and better for the hospital finances. Is three reasons good enough?
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He we go again...No return on investment? Every illegal that does not get across the border is a job for a US tax paying citizen. Every criminal illegal that commits a crime in the US that is jailed is on the taxpayer going forward. Every illegal that doesnt fill up our Hospital emergency rooms results in better medical services for tax paying citizens and better for the hospital finances. Is three reasons good enough?
Elections have consequences. Deal with it....just like the left had to.
That's from the Trump DHS department. What would you expect them to say, that its a waste of money ?
So Homeland Security is lying? Taking data provided by Border Patrol and lying about it? Are they lying when they say in 2006 the Senate voted 80-12 to erect a barrier at the border? Why don't you look that up and see if it's a lie. Bipartisan by the way.
So Homeland Security is lying? Taking data provided by Border Patrol and lying about it? Are they lying when they say in 2006 the Senate voted 80-12 to erect a barrier at the border? Why don't you look that up and see if it's a lie. Bipartisan by the way.

DHS didn't have a Senate approved Secretary of Homeland Security and was completely politicized to skew the narrative in Trump's favor. I guarantee you they will be signing a different tune now that the adults are back in the room.

You really should get out more and travel to other countries to see how they monitor and prevent visa overstays.

ex. I travelled to India last year on a tourist visa. My photo was taken upon arrival and my tourist visa verified. I also had to tell the border authorities in writing where I was staying throughout my visit. At each hotel, my passport photo page was copied and kept with my credit card information. The Indian government knew where I was throughout my trip and they knew when I departed the country.

The U.S? No such monitoring during your stay in this country. When your visa expires, do we know where you are or notify you in any way? No. Pitiful 3rd world effort by the U.S.
This is clearly a problem as is was the wet foot dry foot policy. The op is talking about the wall though, totally different topic that you’re deviating from. Our biggest issue is cartels/legit terrorists being able to waltz through our country unchecked. Make no mistake about it. To say that we should do away with the wall is to say that we should do away with a resource that limits these issues. It’s like saying, 99.9% of people that go through airport security aren’t doing so with bad intentions so let’s just do away with airport security. At the end of the day airport security clearly doesn’t stop all criminals anyways so why keep it.

i just want to know who’s getting through and more importantly that if they can’t do it legally why and why are they even trying to get here. There is a very real war going on between the cartels that control major parts of mexico, south america and central america and our country.

trust me when i say these syndicates are very dangerous and are already here and are about to spread like a disease. Drugs are every where and where there’s drugs there’s people getting murdered and kidnapped etc. its about to get way worse because why not? Supply and demand. We have the demand and south of the border they have the supply, infrastructure and man power. What’s to slow it down? The wall clearly wasn’t a perfect solution but it is a resource just as the guard gate at yiur neighborhood with a wall encompassing it is or locking your car doors is.
It's things like this we need to invest in. We have to be smart with tax payer dollars and get ROI (return on investment) on these dollars. Monitoring devices were huge with the Obama administration. Rather than spend money on cages and holding facilities. I think Republicans just aren't good at government. Mainly because they don't feel there is much value in it....and think we should govern ourselves and give their tax money back. However, even a poor republican administration historically has done much much better than the last administration. This is historically a bipartisan issue...but this issue is very far right under Trump.
That’s what you got out of this? We have had more illegal border crossings during the Obama administration than recorded ever in recent history. That includes human smuggling and drug operations and foreign nationals not from central or South America. Proving once again you’re a clown
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We know open borders are a magnet for drug smuggling, human / sex trafficking, child smuggling, and acts as an incentive to make the long very dangerous journey to try to enter America illegally. How can we have an immigration policy without securing the border? The WALL is not just a wall. It is also where we are attaching technology to detect movements and other assistance to Border Patrol. We know Border patrol and the states along the border want additional protections. We know Border patrol has requested the help. We know it won't be 100% effective but should help quite a bit. So what's your problem? Could it be you don't like it because Trump wanted it?

What is your problem with the WALL lefty's?

Walls must be good. Dems are putting up miles of them in DC.
So you would support a candidate regardless of the consequences?

What did I just say? Deal with it! Everyone has to. It's called being a grown up. Incessantly whining doesn't help. Biden has not done anything criminal. It's refreshing to have a president that is actually working for the people. Appointing individuals accountable to the people and not himself....or a party. I will support anything that is legal and shows you are qualified to be a president. I don't want a crime boss as my president using my tax dollars to insure his racist radical domestic terrorist right wing agenda. That was my problem.

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