Not talked about outside of medicine but Covid19 seems to bump patients cardiac enzymes (troponin especially). This is even without history of heart disease. By definition this is a marker for myocardial damage and/or inflammation. We see this commonly with Covid patients admitted to the hospital.
Here's the rub... Myocarditis is a common cause of sudden cardiac death in athletes
In general patients with a diagnosis of myocarditis are usually out of competitive (high intensity) sports for 3-6 months
Covid is such a new issue things are up in the air but if that athlete has markers drawn and are + it's going to be hard to defend playing them
This is a medical/legal mess if an athlete has known Covid and then dies in an around sports activities
Here's a link to the recent guidelines from Europe - published a week ago (see section 5.5.5)
- American Heart Association has similar guidelines