Interesting essay on Climate change


Jan 31, 2005
Came across this essay today. While I am not saying every word is accurate, this is far more truthful than the Al Gore "Planet has a fever" crowd. As the old saying goes "follow the money". If Congress has exempted itself from insider trading laws, well you know their motivation is not altruistic. Anyone that thinks Covid is not cut from the same cloth is doing "just crossed the border" Fentanyl. Climate change is a big part of the $3.5Trillion house bill, who benefits?.

How likely is it that we've already passed the point of no return for runaway climate change?
There is no need to worry as there is no real danger. The so-called Climate Change alarmism is not based upon any real science. Rather it is a great fraud, hoax, and disinformation campaign orchestrated for who knows what ends. As a means of keeping hydrocarbon fuels at a high prices, that is certainly a motivation along with social controls or the creation of markets for products now needed to satisfy ill-founded regulations. The climate models upon which all of this is based along with some real temperature rise, new data from the increasing weather stations in the southern hemisphere after WWII, along with doctored records and studies by both government and university scientists, have been wrong for 30+ years. They fail to have predicted any of the disasters their Chicken Little advocates have been preaching about. There is little difference between government and university researchers. The money all comes from the same place and those taking it will tow the party line or starve. Money is a strong motivator both for paying off scientists and for keeping the cost of goods high while profits are made.

Contrary to the claims of nihilists and alarmists, polar bear populations have boomed in the last 20 years. Feeble attempts by once venerated personages as David Attenborough to claim polar bears are down and out have been debunked.
Congress has actually passed a law stating that they may all benefit from insider trading deals! If congressmen and senators knew they were about to pass a bill affecting the auto or energy industries why not go out and sell short or long whichever stocks will benefit them the most after that legislation /regulation goes through? Likely it is true that CO2 levels are slightly higher, but who is to say what the natural level is or what the natural average temperature is? Nature is not static. We know that this has changed drastically over the long history of the planet. Right now the Earth is actually getting greener. How can this be so terrible? CO2 is plant food and the 400 ppm is only a third of what green house growers pump into their facilities. The Earth is coming out of the last Ice Age and even experienced a relapse in the Little Ice Age of the late 17th Century. The Thames in London froze over several times during this 70 year period. We are now entering a Maunder Minimum of sun spots. This usually accompanies a cooling period and deep cooling has occurred in the past over only a few decades. The so-called climate scientists can call on their consensus. Consensus is not science. Real hypothesis, theory, and verifying measurement are what make science — not consensus. The predictions of doom have failed. Polar bears are thriving and it has been shown that they actively interbreed with brown bears, thereby occasionally switching places to preserve them from extinction. The polar ice caps are not disappearing. Lysenkoism is not science. Claiming that the great unwashed are evil culprits behind global warming is ludicrous on its face smacking of social control and/or manipulation.
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Great post. This is very real, and No serious conversation over climate can be had without taking this into account. Now you see a reason, as the world hurries to stave off climate catastrophe , that Russia, China, and India have not made any changes that impact climate significantly, nor have any hysteria within it's government about climate. China joined the climate change conversation, but gives it's self a 30 yr buffer to implement any changes. Really ? And the World is/was fine with this ?!? (as this already happened in the Paris accords).
As with ANY research, this is BIAS, though in the case of climate the bias isn't being taken into account, and maybe it's even being hidden. $$$ is the ultimate snake charmer. Anyone remember Solyndra ? You know the $ 538 Million tax-payer funded money grab

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