Its Trump - he was the cause of

Yes. Although the analogy can't be extended to Trump since we don't reduce the destruction of the country to a tawdry extra-marital affair.
Not comparing the two in any manner .. the point is that I guarantee that other presidents have lied just as much , if not more than Trump ( especially Obama ) .. trump been under a microscope since pre presidency , and that’s a fact .. perfect example is the whole Russia scam ( which will turn out to be one of the biggest hoaxes in US history)... difference is that Trump is blatant and smug with his lies , where as the others try to conceal it .... big difference between the 2 ( and if u have kids , you’ll get point I am trying to prevay)...just look at your post of referencing the “ 15,000” lies ... media , politicians , people , cops , etc lie .. way it is and will always be .. Biden is one of the worst along w/ Pelosi , Schiff, and Schumer ( to name a few ).. but I assume this doesn’t fit your agenda .. dudes been in office 3 years and people want to blame him for everything that goes bad ( eases thing to do is blame others for your own transgressions )... and by your words , you are claiming that Trump is responsible for destruction of our country .. seems to me your unable to open your mind and see an alternative opinion other than your own .. not a good way to go thru life ...
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Trump supporter here....l do agree he lies often , but IMO , every damn last politician does the same ( not that it makes it right)....would love to hear your thoughts on Obama and Clinton’s track record with the truth....please indulge us with your opinion
Name a president who has been documented to have lied over 16k times to the American people?

BTW: This isn't my opinion but fact
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Name a president who has been documented to have lied over 16k times to the American people?
Name any source that has kept records of lies told by past presidents .... and who is your source for this ‘16,000’ ? And if you cite NYT, CNN , or WP , then I will completely understand
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I'd venture to guess that Trump has lied more than every President combined from Washington to Obama. They track his lies (which are apparently up to about 15,000 in 3.5 years right now). So there's no comparison between him and the others.
Trump is the biggest liar on planet Earth. I don't know if it comes from his reality tv background or whatever. All I know is that the economy rocks, I have a few bucks in my pocket, China is being controlled and there have been zero terrorist attacks. I'll take it every day and twice on Sunday. True leaders cannot please everybody.
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Name any source that has kept records of lies told by past presidents .... and who is your source for this ‘16,000’ ? And if you cite NYT, CNN , or WP , then I will completely understand

Try doing your own research if you know how. You're just another low education Trump supporter. Facts are facts. Trump is a lying POS.
Try doing your own research if you know how. You're just another low education Trump supporter. Facts are facts. Trump is a lying POS.
TY for exemplifying your ignorance once again ...
You call ignorance but facts are facts, dumbass.
You talk a lot of shit ... people who run their mouths a lot tend to be the biggest puss$es ( my observation over time ).. feel free to keep on yapping .. trying to talk rationally with you is like trying to teach my dog to open the fridge .. it ain’t happening ..
You talk a lot of shit ... people who run their mouths a lot tend to be the biggest puss$es ( my observation over time ).. feel free to keep on yapping .. trying to talk rationally with you is like trying to teach my dog to open the fridge .. it ain’t happening ..
That explains why you're such a dumbass. My dog opens my fridge.