It’s not Fake News. I didn’t falsely shape the context. I merely asked the question Freudian slip?This is why Twitter marked it as fake. Don't spread fake news.
There are dozens of valid fraudulent claims so far. We’ll see how Eric holder and his crew does?This is why Twitter marked it as fake. Don't spread fake news.
You didn't shape the context but whoever produced this clip did which has been verified and debunked.It’s not Fake News. I didn’t falsely shape the context. I merely asked the question Freudian slip?
This is why Twitter marked it as fake. Don't spread fake news.
You didn't shape the context but whoever produced this clip did which has been verified and debunked.
You didn't shape the context but whoever produced this clip did which has been verified and debunked.
You are so stupid.Freudian slip?
There are dozens of valid fraudulent claims so far. We’ll see how Eric holder and his crew does?
Consider the source who happens to be a guy who got caught funneling money from a children's cancer charity. LMFAO.
Bruh, Biden if anything is a ****ing walking gaffe. We all know that. But this wasn't a gaffe, he spent 28 minutes talking about voter protection, he said this once in the middle of a literal discussion where he said voter protection multiple times. Its a manipulation full stop. Its not even a gaffe its a mispeak. Its like when Trump said Stand by and Stand back and the proud boys ran with it like a slogan when he simply slipped up and meant to say stand back.Funny, when dems have "gaffes" the media runs cover stories to correct it and everyone is supposed to automatically understand and agree. Republican "gaffes" are magnified out of context by the media and everyone runs with it. It feels strange that the media is just an extension of the democratic party.
This is why Twitter marked it as fake. Don't spread fake news.
Damn some people have such a disturbed view of reality just like Trump. Almost borderline schizophrenic.Democrats in conjunction with Chinese absolutely stole this election. There is no doubt about it and there will be investigations for at least the next 4 years. Every day in and day out we will expose Joe Biden and the democrats party for conspiring with the Chinese to steal this election. You wait and see. This isn’t going to just blow over.
Damn some people have such a disturbed view of reality just like Trump. Almost borderline schizophrenic.
There are dozens of valid fraudulent claims so far. We’ll see how Eric holder and his crew does?