Just for fun - election choices conundrum


Jan 31, 2005
Slow sports time of year. So just for fun how would you vote on these choices? Some of these elections could happen. Most would not, hence the conundrum. Please answer for both red and blue elections honestly. .Must vote on all but have one mulligan. But on the others, none of the above, write in or I'd rather shoot myself are not acceptable answers. Explanations of your choice are welcome and encouraged. Again, this is just for shits and giggles.

24 Republican primary - Trump v DeSantis
24 Democrat primary - Hillary or Biden
22 FL R senate primary- Rubio v Byron Donald
22 NY D senate primary - Shumer v AOC
24 Presidential - Mitt Romney R v. Tulsi Gabbard D,
24 Presidential - Joe Manchin D v. Susan Collins R
22 NY House - AOC v box of rocks
22 GA House - Marjorie Taylor Green v box of ammo
Tallahassee Mayoral - Andrew Gillum v Hunter Biden

My choices: DeSantis, Mulligan(can't do it), Donald (Rubio appears to have checked out), AOC (for sheer comedy), Gabbard, Manchin, box of rocks, box or ammo, Gillum (in a real crackerjack of a race).