Kamala said she believed Biden’s accusers in April 2019

I think foreign governments have been trying and influencing our elections for a long time. Look no further than Iranian hostages. I also think that having our own intelligence community and press spying on a campaign and covering it up is scarier than a foreign government. The goal is to have your vote matter in a fair equitable election. Which one do you think is worse because both have the same result. One is proven the other still unproven this report still comes to the conclusion that there wasn’t collusion between Trump campaign and the Russians. They should have never hired Manafort

that report also said today that the investigation was justified. You can stop with the illegal investigation stuff. Republicans who have seen way more info say it was justified. The Iranian hostage had an impact on the election but they weren’t doing it to impact the election. Same thing with the financial crisis in 08. It impacted the election no doubt but it wasn’t happening because of the election. This was clearly to put one person in the office.

If Biden, or Obama or any democrat did this you’d be ok with it? Just part of politics?

cuz I don’t think so. I’d be outraged if they did. Because it undermines everything about our free society. Our democratic (not the party) system. I’d be upset about it. That’s not the country we have aspired to have and many people died for. We didn’t fight to get out of English rule, just to have some other country influence who we elect to run our country. Bc then that person becomes a puppet for that country.
I guess Durham didn’t read the report because he’s meeting with Brennan. Why do you think he wants to talk to him ?

so because an investigator wants to talk to someone that means they are guilty? Cuz mueller wanted to meet with trump as well. Does that mean he was automatically guilty? He’s been talking about meeting with Brennan for 15 mo now. Since Barr announced this. Maybe Durham needs to pull back his investigation or present what he’s got because this answers what he’s been looking for. The report shows that there was a clear and present danger when it came to the chairman of the campaign potentially impacting the election of his candidate.

you said they shouldn’t of hired manafort... what happened to “I will hire the best people!”?
This report Pretty much says Trump is lied to mueller in his statement. The report Claims that manafort was in daily contact with a russian intelligence asset who was the link to Wikileaks (shared with him internal polling Data and etc) all while trump is everyday talking about Wikileaks and in the written statement trump says he doesn’t remember ever talking to manafort about Wikileaks. Either trump is lying or the only thing he truly can remember is

Person, woman, Man, camera, tv....

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