List Of Democrats Boycotting SOTU Are Either Race-Pimps, Incompetent Idiots, Or Liberal Shitheads...


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2007
Hometown: Coral Gables; Currently: Downtown FTL
Or all of the above.

(1) Maxine Waters- Her resume, or lack thereof, speaks for itself. A liberal brain dead bitch who is renowned for literally making up shit as she goes along and calling Trump a racist for anything and everything under the sun merely to appease her constituents. Her combination of race-pimping and ignorance makes her a special breed of bat shit crazy. She and Pelosi are long lost cousins and perfectly fit in California politics. I'm convinced that my 5 year old beagle has more brains than this lunatic liberal.


(1) Frederica Wilson- there aren't enough words in Merriam-Webster's Dictionary to articulate the level of hate I have for this wretched, corrupt, and race-pimping liberal POS and her worthless ass. You have a person who has a pathetic history of fabricating stories about law enforcement to further her anti-cop agenda. She shamelessly politicized the Kelly-Johnson conversation to score racially motivated anti-Trump political points to make herself look like the fraud faced social justice warrior that she is. And above all, she is a flat-out EVIL liberal c**t. You can see the hate foaming out of her mouth against white people, Trump, Trump Supporters, corporate America, and the like. She has a lot of hate, and at 75, she has that old evil liberal "I don't give an F" venom coming out of her veins. She is a disgrace to the Democratic Party and a worthless POS.


(3) Earl Blumenauer- when you talk about limp wristed, flaming far left liberal shitheads, this guy immediately goes to the top of the list. An assclown of epic proportions who promotes sanctuary cities to protect illegal criminal immigrants from peaceful law-abiding citizens. A dickhead who once boasted his commitment to curtailing climate change while praising Al Gore and other celebrities who pump out 3-5 times more carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses than the average American. A man who thinks Trump is a threat to America and speaks as if everything Trump does is Armageddon knocking on the front door. He and Chris Murphy's liberal meltdowns could single handedly wipe out the ice in all of Antarctica. This is a real Grade A liberal shithead who has no concept of compromise when it comes to ANYTHING in Congress. A real puss with the backbone of a jelly fish.


There are a few more. Gregory Meeks is one of them. Danny Deeks out of Illinois. Not sure whether Congressman Elijah Cummings is going to attend or whether he is too busy gathering up some BLM thugs to riot Baltimore tonight in protest of America.. But let's all appreciate the fact though that the room where Presidential Trump will deliver his SOTU will have less of a filthy, liberal STENCH now that these three have chosen to go full bitch liberal fuktard and hide in their safe spaces because they are too weak suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, instead of fulfilling their civil duty in attending the SOTU.
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