Donald Trump has always had a huge ego and thought of himself as quite the ladies man. I am sure that Trump has offended ,many women, said many crude things and has been an arrogant jerk to women. But no where close to the Coumo standard of systematically fondling and propositioning employees.
You site a litany of accusations. I quickly looked through the wiki list. Please send links to the two cases you believe most credble. I find it strange that probably half of the accusers are not just registered democrats, but democrat activists? And to be honest they are largely not attractive women with very flimsy stories and no hard evidence. Back to Trump's ego, he has consistently shown that he believes he should be with supermodel types. And he has consistently been with them. Compare Ivana, Marla Maples and Melania to the skanky looking woman that said he raised the first class arm rest (first class arm rests are fixed) and the woof woof one that claims Trump raped her in a department store dressing room. Trump has been a visable figure for years. Every move he makes in public has been watched. Her evidence was she told a friend (another democrat activist.
It is not the number of accusations that matters, it is the credibiolity and proof. Who is more credible? A NY State Trooper or a hard core porn star whose attorney is now in jail for, drum roll please,,,,,, attempting to extort Nike with a fraudulent lawsuit. Their big evidence was a fully clothed picture taken at a public event. Cortez, you too could be in a picture in Trump if you just pay $500 for a rubber chicken sandwich and sit at a table in the back of a hotel ball room.
I do find his visits through the dressing rooms at Beauty pageants abhorent and unneccesary. I'm sure he peaked multiple times. But is that illegal or threatening to the Coumo level. No. As the owner of the pageant, Trump did have the right to be involved in all stages of his production. And courts prompted by feminists determined that females had every right to go into mens dressing rooms and showers in professional sports. Both sports and pageants are competitions, Men and women are equal if not the same thing say many courts. Yes, it was gross and tacky, but there are not criminal statutes against those behaviors.
And while on the subject of accusations, shall we also dredge up a history of many accusations of sexual misconduct made against President Joe Biden. The Tara Reade accusations have far more detail and credibility
than seat rest ugly woman and Avenatti's Porn star?
But back to the original subject of the thread. Where is the media and DNC outrage demanding that Coumo resign? Interesting that this morning the Coumo story has dissapeared and the usual Trump planned a coup allegations have returned. Maybe Adam Schiff 🤡 got a new leak info from his super secret anonymous source. Seems like the media is doing everything possible to deflect from the truth coming out about a liberal democrat icon?
How important is the Coumo story to you? Do you think he should immediately resign?