Looks like Trumps predictions of Bidens actions are................


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2007
True. Guess he was accurate on the campaign trail.
Keystone XL pipeline HALTED
Funding for overseas abortions American taxpayers RENEWED
Fracking HALTED
Oil and Gas leases Federal Lands HALTED
Antifa riots Portland Seattle CONTINUE

Could go on. Our new country is going to be great!! All hail King Joseph!
True. Guess he was accurate on the campaign trail.
Keystone XL pipeline HALTED
Funding for overseas abortions American taxpayers RENEWED
Fracking HALTED
Oil and Gas leases Federal Lands HALTED
Antifa riots Portland Seattle CONTINUE

Could go on. Our new country is going to be great!! All hail King Joseph!

Biden ran on a specific set of policies which everyone knew about and millions of people voted for him over Trump. So the post-election crocodile tears come across as somewhat bizarre given we knew where both candidates stood on issues.
Biden ran on a specific set of policies which everyone knew about and millions of people voted for him over Trump. So the post-election crocodile tears come across as somewhat bizarre given we knew where both candidates stood on issues.
King Joseph Biden ran on a set of policies some of which we now see were straight up lies. He looked right in the eyes of Pennsylvania citizens and told him he was not against fracking and in the 1st week shut it down. He told oil and gas States that he would like to transition to alternative energy programs (already been happening for years) and in the 1st week halted oil and gas drilling leases. He has no business shutting down Keystone XL so dramatically as that took over a decade to strike a deal with Canada and Native American Tribes but he did in his first week without Congress. Keystone is very ridiculous because that oil has been and will continue to come in on Railway trains far more dangerous and far more carbon.
How about his comment about EO's being for dictators and that he prefers consensus??

I'm not a big fan of them but they are a reality in today's world of gridlock and hyperpartisanship, especially during national emergencies.
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King Joseph Biden ran on a set of policies some of which we now see were straight up lies. He looked right in the eyes of Pennsylvania citizens and told him he was not against fracking and in the 1st week shut it down. He told oil and gas States that he would like to transition to alternative energy programs (already been happening for years) and in the 1st week halted oil and gas drilling leases. He has no business shutting down Keystone XL so dramatically as that took over a decade to strike a deal with Canada and Native American Tribes but he did in his first week without Congress. Keystone is very ridiculous because that oil has been and will continue to come in on Railway trains far more dangerous and far more carbon.

The oil continue to come in from Canada, so keystone isn't needed, especially since we are moving towards a green economy to combat climate change.
I'm not a big fan of them but they are a reality in today's world of gridlock and hyperpartisanship, especially during national emergencies.

In other words, if 49% does not agree with you, their views should not matter and there should be no compromise and not even a congressional vote.
King Joey has issued an edict! All Hail the King. Sounds kinda like Iran! They just substitute Ayatollah for King.
True. Guess he was accurate on the campaign trail.
Keystone XL pipeline HALTED
Funding for overseas abortions American taxpayers RENEWED
Fracking HALTED
Oil and Gas leases Federal Lands HALTED
Antifa riots Portland Seattle CONTINUE

Could go on. Our new country is going to be great!! All hail King Joseph!
Good news for all of the XL pipeline employees. Joe's going to make them all computer programmers, lateral move and no experience necessary!
It's coming baby!

Can't wait to drive by all the Bird killing windmills on the way.

This was just at the top of hundreds or thousands of Google articles about how horrible Windmills are to wildlife. Nothing like Green on Green Crime! Read them now. Now that Google is deleting anti Hedge fund and big brokerage article (e.g. RobinHood articles, written by small private investors, expect articles like this to be censored by Google.
King Joseph Biden ran on a set of policies some of which we now see were straight up lies. He looked right in the eyes of Pennsylvania citizens and told him he was not against fracking and in the 1st week shut it down. He told oil and gas States that he would like to transition to alternative energy programs (already been happening for years) and in the 1st week halted oil and gas drilling leases. He has no business shutting down Keystone XL so dramatically as that took over a decade to strike a deal with Canada and Native American Tribes but he did in his first week without Congress. Keystone is very ridiculous because that oil has been and will continue to come in on Railway trains far more dangerous and far more carbon.
Remember he said EOs are for dictators, then boom! most ever in the first first 9 days!
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Can't wait to drive by all the Bird killing windmills on the way.

This was just at the top of hundreds or thousands of Google articles about how horrible Windmills are to wildlife. Nothing like Green on Green Crime! Read them now. Now that Google is deleting anti Hedge fund and big brokerage article (e.g. RobinHood articles, written by small private investors, expect articles like this to be censored by Google.
Not to mention how it destroys the scenic beauty of so many areas...
I'm not a big fan of them but they are a reality in today's world of gridlock and hyperpartisanship, especially during national emergencies.
Until the lawsuits fly and the King loses like he did in Texas the other day on immigration
Is it true that Warren Buffett controls the trains that will now transport this oil and is it also true that Buffett gave $58 million to Joe's campaign? If this were really about climate change then you would think that you would want the oil shipped by pipeline instead of dirty trucks and trains bringing that oil in. Increasing the carbon footprint from this seems to go against the goals of climate change.
Oh it's gonna keep coming on those carbon spewing trains alright

LOL. Trains?

We import about $100b worth of energy from Canada each year - nearly all of it comes in through existing pipelines, most of which are out of Alberta. Next time, please do some basic research so you don’t have to make stuff up.
Until the lawsuits fly and the King loses like he did in Texas the other day on immigration

Then maybe it’s time for McConnell and his merry band of dysfunctional misfits to agree on some policy with the Dems, so Biden can move policy through legislation.
Then maybe it’s time for McConnell and his merry band of dysfunctional misfits to agree on some policy with the Dems, so Biden can move policy through legislation.
I agree as long as that policy doesn't include bailing out Dem cities that are failing because of their policies. Why should the good people of Utah, that live within their means, be forced to pay for those that squandered their budget money on frivolous spending?
LOL. Trains?

We import about $100b worth of energy from Canada each year - nearly all of it comes in through existing pipelines, most of which are out of Alberta. Next time, please do some basic research so you don’t have to make stuff up.
How about you read you fool Raoul

LOL. Trains?

We import about $100b worth of energy from Canada each year - nearly all of it comes in through existing pipelines, most of which are out of Alberta. Next time, please do some basic research so you don’t have to make stuff up.
Here is more for fool Raoul

LOL. Trains?

We import about $100b worth of energy from Canada each year - nearly all of it comes in through existing pipelines, most of which are out of Alberta. Next time, please do some basic research so you don’t have to make stuff up.
And yet 1 more for fool Raoul and you CLIMATE FREAKS

Then maybe it’s time for McConnell and his merry band of dysfunctional misfits to agree on some policy with the Dems, so Biden can move policy through legislation.
As soon as the King invites them over to negotiate on his Executive Orders I'm sure they will FOOL
How about you read you fool Raoul

That’s one guy who is mad the project got cancelled being concerned about something. There’s already plenty of existing pipeline infrastructure in place from Canada to the US.

See below.....


Additionally, there's very little evidence that the 15% of oil that comes in via rail right now is any less safe than oil pipelines. Oil safety is measured by incident and spill rates and both have a comparable record in terms of how often there's a spill.
That’s one guy who is mad the project got cancelled being concerned about something. There’s already plenty of existing pipeline infrastructure in place from Canada to the US.

See below.....

Why don’t you be honest and admit that this is all about Campaign promise to Warren Buffett and his $2 billion a year he makes off of the transportation of that oil on his railroads? Keystone was going to cost him a ton of money.
Was this pre stroke or post stroke?


Our ruling

The Facebook post says Biden is "following through with a fracking ban."

That’s not quite right.

Biden has signed two executive orders related to land leases for oil and natural gas drilling. One order pauses new leases specifically in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, while the other pauses new leases on all federal land. Neither ban existing fracking operations, and Biden has said repeatedly that he does not intend to do so.

The Facebook post contains an element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression. We rate it Mostly False.
Why don’t you be honest and admit that this is all about Campaign promise to Warren Buffett and his $2 billion a year he makes off of the transportation of that oil on his railroads? Keystone was going to cost him a ton of money.

The Dems have always been against projects like this in recent years due to the fact that their platform is moving away from fossil fuels and towards clean energy, since that's where a vast majority of future jobs are.
The Dems have always been against projects like this in recent years due to the fact that their platform is moving away from fossil fuels and towards clean energy, since that's where a vast majority of future jobs are.
Lmao yeah ok. They are for whatever puts money in their pockets. I.e. Pelosi’s buying stock in Tesla before the contract to go all electric was signed, which should be investigated as insider trading but it won’t.

You guys are bad at lying.
Lmao yeah ok. They are for whatever puts money in their pockets. I.e. Pelosi’s buying stock in Tesla before the contract to go all electric was signed, which should be investigated as insider trading but it won’t.

You guys are bad at lying.

You just posted a video about Biden and fracking that wasn't true.
You just posted a video about Biden and fracking that wasn't true.
Yeah it’s not true but it’s true. Dude stop lying! The guy has lied about raising taxes on the middle class. You guys swore he wouldn’t do that until he then states he would do away with the Trump tax cuts. Guess what dummy, that’s the middle class. Are you that stupid or are just that pathological?