Michelle Obama Suffering from Low-grade Depression

Me- shell is a racist - my condolences on her low- depression whatever that is . Barack need to hit that ass more often if he can stomach it . They can both take the little blue pill
You mean Mikey?
It’s crazy how real TDS actually is. I’ll be the first to say I hate obama and felt first hand the pain he was doing to our country but I can’t believe any one person can literally cause someone to actually go crazy. It’s kind of an added bonus voting for trump knowing that he can single handedly own the obamas heads. It’s like he’s not even trying too which makes it so funny. These people could care less about what anyone thinks that disagrees with them and just yell in your face when you try and have a discussion and now they need Counseling and safe spaces lol. They’re like bratty little children these democrats. God bless them, best reactions ever. Can’t wait till the election results. Thanks to the same polls as last time and the liberal media’s brain washing, I’m really thinking we might actually get a better reaction than with the last election.
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