Missouri All-American DE Michael Sam comes out

It doesn't matter the statistics are 20 years old or 10 years, the difference is inconsequential. Here's a neutral organizations take on the health concerns.

The current media portrayal of gay and lesbian relationships is that they are as healthy, stable and loving as heterosexual marriages a€” or even more so.1 Medical associations are promoting somewhat similar messages.2 Sexual relationships between members of the same sex, however, expose gays, lesbians and bisexuals to extreme risks of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), physical injuries, mental disorders and even a shortened life span. There are five major distinctions between gay and heterosexual relationships, with specific medical consequences. They are:

Levels of Promiscuity read more
Similar extremes of promiscuity have not been documented among lesbians. However, an Australian study found that 93 percent of lesbians reported having had sex with men, and lesbians were 4.5 times more likely than heterosexual women to have had more than 50 lifetime male sex partners. Any degree of sexual promiscuity carries the risk of contracting STDs.

Physical Health read more
Male Homosexual Behavior
Female Homosexual Behavior
Common sexual practices among gay men lead to numerous STDs and physical injuries, some of which are virtually unknown in the heterosexual population. Lesbians are also at higher risk for STDs. In addition to diseases that may be transmitted during lesbian sex, a study at an Australian STD clinic found that lesbians were three to four times more likely than heterosexual women to have sex with men who were high-risk for HIV.

Mental Health read more
It is well established that there are high rates of psychiatric illnesses, including depression, drug abuse, and suicide attempts, among gays and lesbians. This is true even in the Netherlands, where gay, lesbian and bisexual (GLB) relationships are far more socially acceptable than in the U.S. Depression and drug abuse are strongly associated with risky sexual practices that lead to serious medical problems.

Life Span read more
The only epidemiological study to date on the life span of gay men concluded that gay and bisexual men lose up to 20 years of life expectancy.

Monogamy read more
Monogamy, meaning long-term sexual fidelity, is rare in GLB relationships, particularly among gay men. One study reported that 66 percent of gay couples reported sex outside the relationship within the first year, and nearly 90 percent if the relationship lasted five years.

Other Health Risks read more
In Summary
It is clear that there are serious medical consequences to same-sex behavior. Identification with a GLB community appears to lead to an increase in promiscuity, which in turn leads to a myriad of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and even early death. Youth should be warned of the undeniable health risks associated with a homosexual lifestyle.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
"Wake4l... - "Holy Christ I didn't think human beings were capable of this level of stupidity. Tell the truth, were you using a random number generator to make those statistics up or are you missing enough brain cells that you were told them by someone and actually believed them?!"

The statistics I gave are from a book written by Dr. Thomas Schmidt, Straight and Narrow. You might not like the statistics and I can understand why, but just because they aren't favorable to a gay lifestyle doesn't make them untrue. And why the personal attack on my intelligence? I just shared the truth about the unhealthiness of the homosexual lifestyle and your response was typical of the LGBT community - to demean or demonize anyone who RESPECTFULLY disagrees with your talking points.

Also, if anyone is mistaken in their claim, it is you. There is zero proof that a person is born gay. Yes, a person can have a tendency towards the same sex from an early age. But they have never identified a gay gene, anymore than they have identified a gene for adultery. Most men have a tendency from a very young age to lust after women but nothing forces a man to be an adulterer.

The truth is, I know people who were deep into the homosexual lifestyle and a straight today. It took great courage and support but they didn't give into the lie that they had no choice in the matter. Everybody has a choice and we make them everyday!

I wouldn't wish the health risks of a homosexual lifestyle on my worst enemy. But ignoring the truth won't make reality go away.

Posted from Rivals Mobile"

Have they identified a gene that makes men want pussiiiiy? Thats just natural. But you seem to refuse the facts that there are unatural things that happen to all species on earth. If I'm reading you correctly you believe gay men are choosing to be gay.....simply 100% false. I'm not talking about the experimentals who do choose, they are out there. But so are the gay men who, like you stated above regarding young men lusting for girls at an early age, have a desire for the same sex at a very early age. Two different camps.

BTW, can the religous types keep it to themselves. Christians, in our history are in a minority. If your faith leads you to believe its a sin....turn around and duct. Cause it really is simply an opinion that cannot be substantiated with facts. Follow your faith, but do not judge by it.
Who cares. Keep your private life, private unless it is hurting others like Aaron Hernandez the Gator.
The source is Staggering statistics about men who have sex with men (MSM).

MSM accounted for 71% of all HIV infections among male adults and adolescents in 20051.
a€? MSM is the only risk group in the U.S. in which new HIV infections are increasing. While new infections have declined among both heterosexuals and injection drug users, the annual number of new HIV infections among MSM has been steadily increasing since the early 1990s2.
a€? MSM account for more than half of all new HIV infections in the U.S. each year (53%, or an estimated 28,700 infections2).
a€? 7.2% of young (aged 15-22 years) MSM had HIV/AIDS3.
a€? 21% of White and 46% African American MSM had HIV/AIDS1.
a€? The rate of new HIV diagnoses among MSM in the U.S. is more than 44 times that of other men (range: 522a€“989 per 100,000 MSM vs. 12 per 100,000 other men)4. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that MSM account for just 2 percent of the U.S. population aged 13 and older4.
.....a€œWhile the heavy toll of HIV and syphilis among gay and bisexual men has been long recognized, this analysis shows just how stark the
health disparities are between this and other populations,a€? said Kevin Fenton, M.D., director of CDCa€™s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention4.a€?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Facts About Youth (Facts) is a resource designed to give educators, parents and students important science-based information about healthful approaches to youth who may be conflicted about gender identity and sexual orientation. This site is a project of the American College of Pediatricians, in coalition with other organizations who share a concern for the well-being of all youth. Unfortunately, some medical organizations, influenced by political correctness, have misrepresented science in order to affirm unhealthy lifestyles as normal behavior: Click here to learn more. Facts presents science-based information to clarify the medical and psychological discussions concerning this important aspect of a childa€™s life. Facts will not engage in the polemics of opinion, but will objectively offer the facts for all to see and assimilate. Facts is interested only in the welfare and protection of children and their families.

The College has received support and assistance for this project from the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), the Pediatric Psychosocial Development Committee*, other like-minded organizations, and parents and individuals with a personal perspective on issues related to gender identification and how they impact children.

*The Pediatric Psychosocial Development Committee is an exterior sub-committee of the American College of Pediatricians and consists of the following persons, all experts on the sexual development of youth:

Anthony Duk, MD
Rick Fitzgibbons, MD
Arthur Goldberg, JD
Trayce Hansen, PhD
Joe McIlhaney, MD
Bill Shaw, MD
Dr. med. Christl Ruth Vonholdt (Germany)
John Raney, MD
Lisa Nolland, PhD (UK)
Joe Nicolosi, PhD
Neil Whitehead, PhD (New Zealand)
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Question: Is Same Sex Attraction (SSA) genetically determined before birth?

No. Many people believe this because people with SSA often report discovering, rather than choosing, their SSA. And the major media continue to promote the idea that a a€œgay genea€? has been discovered. However, researchers have failed to find evidence of a biological cause for SSA, and even gay activists are backing away from the claim of a a€œgay gene.a€? If SSA were genetically predetermined before birth, then identical twins should virtually always exhibit the same pattern of sexual attraction. However, a study of males in the Australian Twin Registry found that only 11% of identical twins with SSA had a twin brother who also experienced SSA. It is also important to note that a number of studies have found that sexual-attraction patterns are not stable over time. Some people spontaneously cease to identify themselves as homosexuals as they mature or receive help.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Ask yourself this question, there was a case recently of a track athlete who was disqualified because some thought he might be a male and not a female. Medically speaking, there is too much in between. No expert will claim to know or have a definitive opinion on transgender people. Why would it be different on a psychological level for homosexuals? If this kid was Aaron Rodgers or Ndomikan Zu teams wouldn't care, it's an issue because he is average as far as the draft goes. Maybe too many questions were being asked, maybe it's for publicity and he feels it will serve to his advantage, we don't know. If he was a franchise concensus number one pick and he came out, would he not be drafted?
CANES, why don't you plagiarize from legitimate websites that use legitimate science instead of these crackpot places that use thirty year old data and purport themselves to be unbiased when in fact they are not ? What a joke.
Originally posted by Swaggah64:

Originally posted by Azar:

Originally posted by Swaggah64:

You are so ignorant.

All of these facts came from where? The responses to this issue are ignorant, sad and pathetic.

It's amazing how black men do not understand the bravery it takes to be the first to do something, to do what Sam did. Those that hide behind Christianity and use it as a tool of ignorance like to pick and choose the most hateful of scripture in defense or there argument as opposed to the loving nature of the scripture.

That is the type of behavior that allows someone to bomb an abortion clinic in the name of saving lives and while quoting scripture.

It is not as though anyone is asking anybody to have homosexual sex. I am not the least bit interested in it but will defend anyone's right to love anyone they want and engage in whatever type of consensual sex they want to .

This post was edited on 2/10 4:50 PM by Swaggah64
I don't really have time to tear you a new azzhole regarding your ignorant azz comment about black men not understanding bravery that it takes to do something first. But I'll just say this: Are you fckn serious??? Or are you that much of an arrogant white supremacist jackazz to disregard and overlook the history of black struggle and firsts in this country achieved my many straight black men? Let's know even speak about the civil rights struggle and all the bravery demonstrated during that time, what about all the black athletes who broke ground in every sport? Screw them right? Let's focus on the gay dude who's the real hero, huh? Gtfoh, he does not represent me or my people, he represents the gay community. This is not something I care to be associated with me or the social struggles of my people, you idiot!

This post was edited on 2/10 5:09 PM by Azar

No need to rip me a new one and I understand your reaction to my post. I dont blame you.

Sometimes thoughts do not come across well on MBs and one word can change the whole intent of a message.

I was only refering to the couple of Black men in this thread that had no repect for what Sam will have to face and for the fact that he will be discriminated against for what he is and for no other reason.. I would think that Black men would sympathize with anyone who is facing a struggle for equality under the law and otherwise simply because of who they are.

I do not fit the demo of a White Supremacist also and I have 100% respect for the Black struggle in this country and in Sports. I have also has 100% respect for those that fought for Civil Rights.

I actually am glad that you called me on this otherwise I would not have noticed how poorly it came off.

I do not think that Sam's struggle is greater than Jackie Robinson's or other trailblazers of that ilk but still I do think that it is courageous and that he will have a difficult time but his struggle will have those that follow in his path not by screaming that they are gay but just by not having to hide who they are a live a lie.

Those that think that it is a big deal have a gay person in thelocker room I am sure will find that it will be absolutely no different that it was before. There have always been and will always be Gay men in sports.
Respect Swaggah! Just saw this post...Sorry for going off on you. Peace

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