94.5% effective they claim. Trump's fast and furious Operation Warp Speed looks as if it will pay dividends. Oh and for the fools that believe Trump did nothing on Covid he provided the funding to Moderna in mid January 2020.
Thank you President Trump!94.5% effective they claim. Trump's fast and furious Operation Warp Speed looks as if it will pay dividends. Oh and for the fools that believe Trump did nothing on Covid he provided the funding to Moderna in mid January 2020.
94.5% effective they claim. Trump's fast and furious Operation Warp Speed looks as if it will pay dividends. Oh and for the fools that believe Trump did nothing on Covid he provided the funding to Moderna in mid January 2020.
94.5% effective they claim. Trump's fast and furious Operation Warp Speed looks as if it will pay dividends. Oh and for the fools that believe Trump did nothing on Covid he provided the funding to Moderna in mid January 2020.
Nothing he did will undercut the fact that we are currently on track to lose 3000 people a day in the coming months. That's a 9/11 a day. This is what inexperience and incompetence buys you.
That is what a virus causes .. imagine if Biden had been in charge .. there would have been no travel ban from China .. fatalities to date would have been double or triple. Even Fauci credits Trump for having saved lives.
Dope! Providing the funding is something he can hang his hat on-on his way out!!94.5% effective they claim. Trump's fast and furious Operation Warp Speed looks as if it will pay dividends. Oh and for the fools that believe Trump did nothing on Covid he provided the funding to Moderna in mid January 2020.
South Korea94.5% effective they claim. Trump's fast and furious Operation Warp Speed looks as if it will pay dividends. Oh and for the fools that believe Trump did nothing on Covid he provided the funding to Moderna in mid January 2020.
Also pointless b/c we allowed around 40,000+ to come back to the states after the ban without making them quarantine. At every turn, Trump has been an idiot.The travel ban from China was pointless since the virus had already gotten here via Europe. You can ban people coming in from China, but you can't stop them from traveling to most other countries from China, then coming here. Therefore it was a pointless gesture, which would be consistent with Trump's overall approach in dealing with the virus. He hasn't been to a COVID taskforce meeting in months and has been playing a lot of golf lately. That should tell you all you need to know about how seriously he took the pandemic.
Hey Moron.Thats what a virus does....it spreads. We cant stop it, not even your beloved Biden and Obama could. Apparently no one on earth can stop the spread. Its spiking everywhere. But yeah...its Trump....you dont have to be a hack anymore...your guy is on deck.
He put the private sector together with the Gov. funding along with the FDA to get off their asses and not drag their Gov feet...
Warp Speed..!!!
Not in a million years would Obama nor Biden have the smarts to out this together
They are the problem with Gov these days .. Regulations, Regulations, Regulations... Pffft...
Thats what a virus does....it spreads. We cant stop it, not even your beloved Biden and Obama could. Apparently no one on earth can stop the spread. Its spiking everywhere. But yeah...its Trump....you dont have to be a hack anymore...your guy is on deck.
With some not so fancy chart that doesn’t really say anything.They’ll figure away to give Sleepy the credit for it...
I’ll need to see all of those deaths on a case by case basis and determine how many were actually COVID deaths thanks! The word Fraud and Democrat seem to running together a lot lately.South Korea
51 million people
492 Covid deaths
South Dakota
.88 million people
568 Covid deaths
Trump has been a disaster on COVID and it's why he lost the election. Sorry, truth hurts.
Actually he does know that because it’s been on every tv station not named cnn and msnbc lol. You guys are so brainwashedYou don’t know that. Stop with you BS lies. You are making assumptions as always. 🙄🙄🙄
Not assumption just facts....!!! Obama never worked in his life amd Biden was a career politician...You don’t know that. Stop with you BS lies. You are making assumptions as always. 🙄🙄🙄
No Raoul you fool, that is what a VIRUS does to you and China, and Germany, and Mexico, Israel, Spain, Italy..............I could go on but you just keep pretending Trump is the blame you buffoon.Nothing he did will undercut the fact that we are currently on track to lose 3000 people a day in the coming months. That's a 9/11 a day. This is what inexperience and incompetence buys you.
Instead of utilizing the field tents hospitals and Naval Ship hospital providedLol. You try to prove your point by picking the most extreme outlier you can. On top of that the south Koreans used such oppressive and invasive tracking that would never...and should never....be allowed in the US. Then, you completely ignore the dem controlled states that purposely flooded skilled nursing facilities/nursing homes with COVID patients making our deaths sky rocket. Also, let's not forget about the uncontrolled rioting and looting of the past 6 months. But go ahead. Just keep saying it's bad orange man...your lib keepers will be proud.
No Raoul you fool, that is what a VIRUS does to you and China, and Germany, and Mexico, Israel, Spain, Italy..............I could go on but you just keep pretending Trump is the blame you buffoon.
Lol. Of course, the reason we dont have only 500 deaths in this country is because of Trump. Such honest, objective thinking. Tell me more. Lol
If everything played out exactly the same but Obama or Biden were president you would be talking about how many lives were saved...off the initial million+ estimates. It's just a political game. If your guy isnt in office you trash it, if they are you say how wonderful it is.
Do you really think we actually have 25% of the world cases? You think a place like China gives real numbers? Does any country test at a rate even close to us?
If country "A" test a million people a day and country "B" test 100k a day...who will have more "confirmed" cases? That doesnt mean those cases arent in country "B"...it just means they arent testing and confirming them. So to say we have 25% of the cases based on testing means nothing. It would only be statistically relevant if we all tested at the same rate and all the communist countries actually reported real data. Even our deaths are questionable and skewed by the lib policies of purposely infecting old people in nursing homes. Not to mention the super spreading lib rioters and looters for 6 months straight.
Funny that you believe any numbers coming from China and even funnier that you want us to be more like China.
Yes, masks are worn everywhere you go and cases are rising. I wonder why that is?Liar trump could have supported masks and the puppets would have followed. That would have made a huge difference and that is a FACT.
The incompetence of this board amazes meNothing he did will undercut the fact that we are currently on track to lose 3000 people a day in the coming months. That's a 9/11 a day. This is what inexperience and incompetence buys you.
Can't answer the riddle. Don't know why Spanish Flu wiped out Europe but did very little damage to other countries. Don't know why Ebola Virus largely strikes Africa yet not other countries.South Korea? Japan? New Zealand ?
I’m looking forward to your response.
The travel ban from China was pointless since the virus had already gotten here via Europe. You can ban people coming in from China, but you can't stop them from traveling to most other countries from China, then coming here. Therefore it was a pointless gesture, which would be consistent with Trump's overall approach in dealing with the virus. He hasn't been to a COVID taskforce meeting in months and has been playing a lot of golf lately. That should tell you all you need to know about how seriously he took the pandemic.
Biden hid in his basement all through campaign, that should tell you all you need to know how seriously he takes the Presidency.
But he didn't and the polls were fakeImagine how much worse the ass whoopin’ he just gave Trump at the polls would’ve been if he had actually held campaign rallies.
We have some MD's and scientists that subscribe to Canesport. I would like to hear from them as to what's the pitfalls of taking a vaccine that has been reported as a GMO ,DNA changing vaccine from Moderno. Is this total B.S? Did Pfizer follow the same path in production? If there is an expert on this board your expert answers would be appreciated.94.5% effective they claim. Trump's fast and furious Operation Warp Speed looks as if it will pay dividends. Oh and for the fools that believe Trump did nothing on Covid he provided the funding to Moderna in mid January 2020.
The travel ban from China was pointless since the virus had already gotten here via Europe. You can ban people coming in from China, but you can't stop them from traveling to most other countries from China, then coming here. Therefore it was a pointless gesture, which would be consistent with Trump's overall approach in dealing with the virus. He hasn't been to a COVID taskforce meeting in months and has been playing a lot of golf lately. That should tell you all you need to know about how seriously he took the pandemic.
You guys are so selective with critiquing ... he was blasted BY BIDEN, Pelosi and the entire left wing group ... as being racist for banning travel ... said it was totally unnecessary. At the same time Fauci was saying that the virus posed no genuine threat for the US, the idea of shutting down any city wasn't necessary "however the virus does warrant watching for future development". The major "spreader event" .. which falls 100% on the leadership of the CCP .. was the period right before and after January 25 .. Chinese New Year. An estimated 5 million residents of Wuhan traveled with no restrictions from Wuhan to Italy, Iran, the US and Europe. A couple of weeks after that the explosion of virus cases appeared. Every country took a different approach to trying to deal with the virus.
Trump DID take action via Operation Warp Speed to expedite and fast track the development of a vaccine .. which is regarded worldwide AS THE ONLY REALISTIC APPROACH TO ACTUALLY CONTROL AND CONTAIN THE SPREAD OF THE VIRUS. As far as policies on social distancing, masks, "open vs closed" businesses, he left that to each Governor .. as each region is dramatically different. Can the virus be serious? Yes .. in some cases .. just like the flu impacts some more than others. Just like some are more prone to clogged arteries due to their genetic makeup. Operation Warp Speed is now producing results .. and more vaccines from other sources are also in Phase III trials with positive results. If you look at the fact that a major, unpredictable virus was introduced worldwide in late January, became a real issue in THIS country in mid February, and here we are 10 months later having effective vaccines already developed, tested, and preparing for distribution ... you HAVE to agree that Trump and the partnership between the US Govt and big pharma .. produced incredible results that WILL SAVE LIVES.
You can go out of your way to spin this any way you like to protect your dear leader, but the fact remains that we have lost a quarter of a million people who needlessly perished because Trump didn't put in a national strategy to deal with the virus from day one - no promotion of mask wearing because he didn't want to make it seem like he was capitulating to the media pressure.
At least half of the people who died, did so needlessly because he promoted outdoor gatherings, super-spreader events, and other pointless gatherings that helped spread the virus. He himself declined to wear a mask because he didn't like how it looked, so when the leader of a country who apparently influences about 45% of the population doesn't act responsibly, the entire country (especially those who listen to him) suffer. At the end of the day, irrespective of what happens with a vaccine, he will always be viewed as a massive failure on COVID, which ultimately led to him getting fired by the American people.
5 million California popular vote. Hardly a mandate.The polls predicted a comfortable Biden win and he won by 76 electoral votes and nearly 6m more in the popular vote.
Maybe next time don’t run a neofascist gangster and you may get a better result.
Exactly. Very easy to be an arm chair QB on this one. Fact is China lied WHO protected them and the virus escaped. Fact is the virus is fairly widespread and the countries that have low incidence are lucky for whatever reason. How can China have so few cases and deaths?Has nothing to do with protecting Trump .. has everything to do with reality. Reality is that if Biden, Obama or Clinton had been in charge .. it would have played out pretty much like it has. It is a FLU EPIDEMIC that came unexpected .. and leaders around the world dealt with it in moderately different manners .. but THE PRIMARY GOAL in containing it was .. and is .. the development and distribution of an effective vaccine. Trump and the US Govt was in on that early. Probably would have been similar regardless of WHO was POTUS. He is viewed as a failure on COVID because the MSM has painted him in that manner. Period. Difficult balancing act regarding restricting activities and permitting an economy to function. Not easy choices. Vaccines are on the way.
5 million California popular vote. Hardly a mandate.
Here's the truth Ellu; Trump said and acted dumb and it wouldn't have hurt to jerk out a tear or 2. No doubt about it. He did NOT disregard science. The science was mixed and the scientists ALSO put out contradictory data and information. No one that watched could say otherwise. He amassed an unbelievable effort on PPE's, ventilators, field hospitals, travel restrictions, a shutdown, Naval hospital ships, using the Defense Act whenever needed and NOT using it abusively. He joined public and private sector for the good of the Country and he was lauded by the most LIBERAL of all Governors across this country including Cuomo and Newsome. That's fact. He failed miserably in delivering the message and it cost him dearly because it allowed the media to latch on to that and bombard him with it each and every day. He also "pretended" to know what he was talking about in the area of medicine and no one can fake that. Bad play....................yall are a trip.
You can at once say Trump allocated resources properly to the medical community for vaccines and therapeutics and understand that he failed by not coming up with a centralized approach to address the lack of PPE, his rejection of science, his failure to follow science by encouraging mask and distance, organizing rallys with 10's of thousands and justifying it by comparing himself, the commander in chief, to lawless protestors congregating.
But you won't. You'll cheer his one accomplishment and ignore the 250k deaths that occurred.