I think it’ll be consistent with both candidates campaign philosophies.
If your biden, duck and cover. Stay away from specifics at all cost and just stick to liberal talking points. Be as general as possible and above all don’t make a fool of your self. If you’re caught off guard, change the subject immediately to blame trump and put him on defense.
if you’re trump, try and come off calm and collected. No rants or veering off into left field in the middle of making a point. Stay focused. get biden out of his comfort zone and let him self destruct.
i think Biden's mentality will be to just get out with out making fool of him self and then let The media do the rest of his work for him.
trumps attitude is going to be, biden can’t stand for an hour and half let alone while taking questions from wallace. If biden self destructs he shouldn’t have to do much nor does he want to come off like bullying someone with dementia.
trumps biggest test will be to not get stuck playing defense all night or go off rambling tangents that ultimately go no where.
bidens biggest test will be to just not make a fool of him self.
should be interesting. I’ve got my trump wine ready and i’m picking up popcorn from the movies after work.
at this point i think the only thing that will move the needle is if biden passes out or shit’s him self, forget’s who he is or something like that. A real possability even if he is on drugs and if he’s not he should be.
If your biden, duck and cover. Stay away from specifics at all cost and just stick to liberal talking points. Be as general as possible and above all don’t make a fool of your self. If you’re caught off guard, change the subject immediately to blame trump and put him on defense.
if you’re trump, try and come off calm and collected. No rants or veering off into left field in the middle of making a point. Stay focused. get biden out of his comfort zone and let him self destruct.
i think Biden's mentality will be to just get out with out making fool of him self and then let The media do the rest of his work for him.
trumps attitude is going to be, biden can’t stand for an hour and half let alone while taking questions from wallace. If biden self destructs he shouldn’t have to do much nor does he want to come off like bullying someone with dementia.
trumps biggest test will be to not get stuck playing defense all night or go off rambling tangents that ultimately go no where.
bidens biggest test will be to just not make a fool of him self.
should be interesting. I’ve got my trump wine ready and i’m picking up popcorn from the movies after work.
at this point i think the only thing that will move the needle is if biden passes out or shit’s him self, forget’s who he is or something like that. A real possability even if he is on drugs and if he’s not he should be.