New numbers on covid

Haven't we been here before? You will be disappointed again when Obama is not charged with any crimes.
Could care less about being charged with crimes. The world needs to see what a corrupt POS Barry really is though.
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Actually, Trump was impeached.
Impeachment with no evidence means nothing. Opinions, feelings, presumptions and thoughts will never be enough to take down a duly elected President. Sorry that you fell for Schiff's lies that he had seen the evidence against Trump. When are charges going to be filed against the little schiff head for lying to the American people for nearly a full year? When is the "honorable" ambassador lady going to go to jail for so blatantly lying during the hearing?
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Impeachment with no evidence means nothing. Opinions, feelings, presumptions and thoughts will never be enough to take down a duly elected President. Sorry that you fell for Schiff's lies that he had seen the evidence against Trump. When are charges going to be filed against the little schiff head for lying to the American people for nearly a full year? When is the "honorable" ambassador lady going to go to jail for so blatantly lying during the hearing?
Your own Senator knew Trump was guilty. Smfh
Your own Senator knew Trump was guilty. Smfh
Mike Lee did not think Trump was guilty. Romney was censured by the Utah legislature for his actions in trying to impeach a President with no evidence. If they had evidence then why did the ambassador lady lie through her teeth during the hearing?
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If you and I sat down for an honest discussion you would admit you would allow Obama around your grandkids but not that scumbag Trump.
I would be honored for my kids to meet any ex president whether I agree with their policies or not. Biden on the other hand I would keep as far away from any of my younger female relatives as far as possible. Creepy Joe is a little too much with his hair sniffing and grabbing of young girls.
Very tough to watch this miscarriage of duty. I get no satisfaction out of saying I told you so. 1000 people are dying a day.
Impeachment with no evidence means nothing. Opinions, feelings, presumptions and thoughts will never be enough to take down a duly elected President. Sorry that you fell for Schiff's lies that he had seen the evidence against Trump. When are charges going to be filed against the little schiff head for lying to the American people for nearly a full year? When is the "honorable" ambassador lady going to go to jail for so blatantly lying during the hearing?
It wasn’ t just Schiff that lied about the invisible evidence Eric Swalwell was another
. Brennan and Clapper are 2 more that kept spewing lies in public and something quite different when under oath . They are probably at the brunt of the Durham investigation
Very tough to watch this miscarriage of duty. I get no satisfaction out of saying I told you so. 1000 people are dying a day.
You get no satisfaction of saying I told you so because you've never been right about anything when it comes to Trump. How did the impeachment work out for you? How about Stormy or any of the many other made up things the Dems came up with to try to overthrow a duly elected President?
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Decent response but why did it take so long for Trump to shut down Europe? NY said the virus came from Europe and its Trump's fault. Please explain?

remember the covid was not known as spreading from Europe, but once it was known that was shut down too. Imagine if the other half of our government would have helped rather than fought him tooth and nail on every decision he made. Imagine if they went along with the lockdowns, and 5 states actually followed his HHS guidelines to not put covid patients in nursing homes. Imagine if they didn’t scream racist when he shut down travel from China. Imagine if 12 years ago they didn’t put the medical device tax into Obamacare which subsequently drove most remaining manufacturers overseas. Imagine if China would have shared information and allowed US medical personnel into Wuhan back in January. There’s a lot of what ifs.
It’s even worse. About 9k people die everyday. It’ll happen today, tomorrow, and a year from now.

Yeah but we don't need more needless death in this country because our elected president can't read or be taken seriously. He is elected to defend us.. not say it is what it is when a virus is killing us
remember the covid was not known as spreading from Europe, but once it was known that was shut down too. Imagine if the other half of our government would have helped rather than fought him tooth and nail on every decision he made. Imagine if they went along with the lockdowns, and 5 states actually followed his HHS guidelines to not put covid patients in nursing homes. Imagine if they didn’t scream racist when he shut down travel from China. Imagine if 12 years ago they didn’t put the medical device tax into Obamacare which subsequently drove most remaining manufacturers overseas. Imagine if China would have shared information and allowed US medical personnel into Wuhan back in January. There’s a lot of what ifs.
And alot of blame at others and not Trump. Smh
And alot of blame at others and not Trump. Smh

I Will blame him for not getting rid of Fauci and putting Birx in the number 1 spot

I will also blame him for not putting Kushner in charge of the response team. The kid flat out gets stuff done. Google what he did behind the scenes. A couple of unbiased articles about how he got a lot of stuff done working with everyone, right or left. Shame the left just wants to attack
Mike Lee did not think Trump was guilty. Romney was censured by the Utah legislature for his actions in trying to impeach a President with no evidence. If they had evidence then why did the ambassador lady lie through her teeth during the hearing?
There was plenty of evidence. You and the rest of the Republican party chose to ignore it.
There was plenty of evidence. You and the rest of the Republican party chose to ignore it.
There was no evidence or else Shiff wouldn't have used the hearings as a fishing expedition. If you're going to go to the extreme route of impeachment against a duly elected President you better at least have enough evidence from the get go or it's going to be thrown out. Opinions, thoughts, feelings, and presumptions will never be enough in a court of law. Quid Pro Joe on the other hand has a video of his shakedown of Ukraine trying to protect his crackhead son's placement in such an obscenely high paying job for which he had no experience or credentials.

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