NFL in for rude awakening after first kneel

NFL should provide an appropriate time to kneel and just play the anthem before the players are on field.
Problem solved.
Just like in college..The players are in the Locker Rooms and come out after the Anthem is played....
Nascar ditches rebel flags at their events.

The TV show Cops is now cancelled

Yeah I don't think kneeling is going to be much of an issue next year.
These "great strides" would actually mean more if they had resulted in real equality for all Americans. The fact that they haven't is literally the impetus for all the kneeling, demonstrations, and other shows of civil disobedience we have seen in recent years. We have real structural problems in this society, which is reflected in the public data.
Do you really want equality in the NFL? Does that mean 50/50 black/white players? Does everyone really want that? Does it mean the distribution of ethnic groups of players in the NFL must match the ethnic groups in the US, which is 60% white, 18% Latino, 13% black, 6% Asian, etc.? Is that the equality you really want in the NFL?
Coaches will be kneeling as well.

“Yeah, I’ll take a knee — I’m all for it,” O’Brien said about players kneeling. “The players have a right to protest, a right to be heard and a right to be who they are. They’re not taking a knee because they’re against our flag. They’re taking a knee because they haven’t been treated equally in this country for over 400 years.”

A vast majority of NFL players will be kneeling this year, so anyone with a problem with this should not bother watching at all.
They should kneel at Opening kickoff, after the kicker places the ball.
It avoids the anthem and flag issue, while actually attracting far more attention
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The Big Questions -

How many idiots at the games will try to give fans a hard time when they stand for and sing the National Anthem.

Will the politcally corret team announcers will say please stand or kneel for our National Anthem.
Been thinking the same thing...could be a real issue....
BTW I note you removed the dancing idiotic Manny gif..I like the joe gif lol
They should kneel at Opening kickoff, after the kicker places the ball.
It avoids the anthem and flag issue, while actually attracting far more attention
This is their own hypocrisy. They say it’s NOT about the flag, then when you say other times are less divisive and more impactful to the cause, they cry 1st amendment. It really is about being divisive rather than solving a problem. If they really did want to solve a problem, these spoiled millionaires would donate millions of their own pay to support it, but they don’t. Maybe they will be taken more seriously when it is less divisive and their significant $$ backs up their spoiled Athlete Privilege mouths and knees.
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At what point does hiring an African American become a liability in this current climate? I think this whole anarchy crap and BLM crap will end up more harmful to blacks than helpful. I think more and more companies will look through social postings before they hire anyone .
I will Raoul, as will a very large group of whites, blacks, hispanics, and every other ethnicity that supports, and appreciates, the USA and the Armed Forces that protect it, present and past.
This post has nothing to do with that I will say 95 percent of Americans love our soldiers. This has nothing to do with our military it's about bad police work in the US