Norwegians say no to Trump

The hypocrisy people have about socialism is complete Bullshit!!! Let me ask. How about making our email available without warrant? How about zero internet privacy? How about our private voter information being obtained for government use? When you have meetings with other sanctioned foreign governments and bar your own American free press? Is that socialism? There is no outrage about that is there? How about doubling the fees to your private clubs now that you are president? Does that mean socialism?

Please stop with the socialism crap because you people sound so sanctimoniously ridiculous!
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The hypocrisy people have about socialism is complete Bullshit!!! Let me ask. How about making our email available without warrant? How about zero internet privacy? How about our private voter information being obtained for government use? When you have meetings with other sanctioned foreign governments and bar your own American free press? Is that socialism? There is no outrage about that is there? How about doubling the fees to your private clubs now that you are president? Does that mean socialism?

Please stop with the socialism crap because you people sound so sanctimoniously ridiculous!

Its amazing how many people don't understand the difference between socialist and social democratic states.
The hypocrisy people have about socialism is complete Bullshit!!! Let me ask. How about making our email available without warrant? How about zero internet privacy? How about our private voter information being obtained for government use? When you have meetings with other sanctioned foreign governments and bar your own American free press? Is that socialism? There is no outrage about that is there? How about doubling the fees to your private clubs now that you are president? Does that mean socialism?

Please stop with the socialism crap because you people sound so sanctimoniously ridiculous!

Everything you just mentioned happens in socialist countries and far war worse too. Do you think that when Trump meets with the Chinese president to talk about North Korea the media should be privy to that meeting? Are you kidding?

The 2 leaders will then come out and make statements. A lot of what was said in that meeting is classified and the media has no right to it.

After 9/11 the government has more info on us than before. That's to protect us from terrorism. If you're not a terrorist or criminal you need not worry about it.

And you are wrong. The government doesn't have access to our voter information. No one in D.C. knows how you and I vote.

Capitalism and democracy aren't perfect but they sure trump (no pun intended) socialism) any day.
Its amazing how many people don't understand the difference between socialist and social democratic states.
Are we moving to a socialist state? Please educate me because I never knew that is what the republicans wanted. Oh, I know maybe that's what they want as long as they are in office. When democrats are in office they don't want any socialism. Please.....educate me.
Everything you just mentioned happens in socialist countries and far war worse too. Do you think that when Trump meets with the Chinese president to talk about North Korea the media should be privy to that meeting? Are you kidding?

The 2 leaders will then come out and make statements. A lot of what was said in that meeting is classified and the media has no right to it.

After 9/11 the government has more info on us than before. That's to protect us from terrorism. If you're not a terrorist or criminal you need not worry about it.

And you are wrong. The government doesn't have access to our voter information. No one in D.C. knows how you and I vote.

Capitalism and democracy aren't perfect but they sure trump (no pun intended) socialism) any day.
You didn't understand what I said. I said the press is there except ours. Classified means nobody is allowed to be there. So, are you kidding? Why should other press be at this but not our own? You see nothing wrong with this? Please educate me.
Are we moving to a socialist state? Please educate me because I never knew that is what the republicans wanted. Oh, I know maybe that's what they want as long as they are in office. When democrats are in office they don't want any socialism. Please.....educate me.

Not you - the others who keep referring to European countries as socialist.
Its amazing how many people don't understand the difference between socialist and social democratic states.

Raoul, I fully understand the difference between the two. Cuba and Venezuela are socialist countries that are also dictatorships. There are no human rights and the government controls every aspect of your life. It's also called Communism.

Most of the countries in Western and Central Europe are social democratic states. Basically the state runs the economy. There is income redistribution and socialized medicine. But their economies pale compared to ours. At least they are democracies. There is freedom of speech, freedom of the press and human rights.
But the unemployment rate in Spain is over 20%. Their economies are sluggish to say the least. Just look at Italy and Greece.
Great Britain said no more and pulled out of the European Union.
Those countries have also allowed millions of Muslims to immigrate over the past 40 years who contribute practically nothing except terrorism. Not all of them of course. But enough of them where it has become a huge problem. Europe will never again be the great continent that it used to be.
You didn't understand what I said. I said the press is there except ours. Classified means nobody is allowed to be there. So, are you kidding? Why should other press be at this but not our own? You see nothing wrong with this? Please educate me.

Our media goes everywhere our president goes to cover him. Or our Secretary of State. With the possible exception of Russia. Remember that Russia is a dictatorship and Putin is a son of a bitch.
When Trump visited Russia last year I don't believe the Western media was allowed to cover the event. At least that's the way I remember it.
The hypocrisy people have about socialism is complete Bullshit!!! Let me ask. How about making our email available without warrant? How about zero internet privacy? How about our private voter information being obtained for government use? When you have meetings with other sanctioned foreign governments and bar your own American free press? Is that socialism? There is no outrage about that is there? How about doubling the fees to your private clubs now that you are president? Does that mean socialism?

Please stop with the socialism crap because you people sound so sanctimoniously ridiculous!
Clueless self serving nonsense!! Total BS
The problem with our country is we have this sanctimonious attitude about how people should live...and what they should like. People here think they are better than everyone else. That's why other countries can't stand us. We don't walk the walk we talk. We do the same dirt that we look down on others for but only worse. It's a joke quite frankly.
Our media goes everywhere our president goes to cover him. Or our Secretary of State. With the possible exception of Russia. Remember that Russia is a dictatorship and Putin is a son of a bitch.
When Trump visited Russia last year I don't believe the Western media was allowed to cover the event. At least that's the way I remember it.
Trump visited Russia? Was this thru his back door channel?
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The problem with our country is we have this sanctimonious attitude about how people should live...and what they should like. People here think they are better than everyone else. That's why other countries can't stand us. We don't walk the walk we talk. We do the same dirt that we look down on others for but only worse. It's a joke quite frankly.
No the actual problem is deviant divisive people like you have split the country searching for someone to blame!! The “people think they are better than everyone else” is a clear indicator why you drop the “I’m so smart” lines due to you’re insecurities! Pathetic
Our media goes everywhere our president goes to cover him. Or our Secretary of State. With the possible exception of Russia. Remember that Russia is a dictatorship and Putin is a son of a bitch.
When Trump visited Russia last year I don't believe the Western media was allowed to cover the event. At least that's the way I remember it.
Not what I said. You don't ban our press from anything man. NOTHING! That's who we are. Please stop acting like this is fine or constitutional. IT ISN'T! There is no outrage but I will tell you what I do read. EXCUSES! If Obama banned our press from any briefings every other press was invited to do you know the outrage there would be?
Raoul, I fully understand the difference between the two. Cuba and Venezuela are socialist countries that are also dictatorships. There are no human rights and the government controls every aspect of your life. It's also called Communism.

Most of the countries in Western and Central Europe are social democratic states. Basically the state runs the economy. There is income redistribution and socialized medicine. But their economies pale compared to ours. At least they are democracies. There is freedom of speech, freedom of the press and human rights.
But the unemployment rate in Spain is over 20%. Their economies are sluggish to say the least. Just look at Italy and Greece.
Great Britain said no more and pulled out of the European Union.
Those countries have also allowed millions of Muslims to immigrate over the past 40 years who contribute practically nothing except terrorism. Not all of them of course. But enough of them where it has become a huge problem. Europe will never again be the great continent that it used to be.

I generally agree, however while Spain and Greece have high unemployment due to the individual governments running those countries in recent years, Germany - the EU's largest and most powerful state - has an unemployment rate that is lower than ours despite having a full on social democratic system. The UK is not far behind at 4.2% and both had a similar GDP growth to ours in 2016. At the end of the day each country is different depending on the quality of the specific politicians they elect and each of them are to varying degrees still capitalist with strong social safety nets.
No the actual problem is deviant divisive people like you have split the country searching for someone to blame!! The “people think they are better than everyone else” is a clear indicator why you drop the “I’m so smart” lines due to you’re insecurities! Pathetic
Your post is another example of your inferiority complex you have towards CD. Sort of like Trump's inferiority towards President Obama.
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Your post is another example of your inferiority complex you have towards CD. Sort of like Trump's inferiority towards President Obama.
Sort of like yours stealing y assessment and using it, again you are really pathetic! Nonstop dopey statements! Total slob
I generally agree, however while Spain and Greece have high unemployment due to the individual governments running those countries in recent years, Germany - the EU's largest and most powerful state - has an unemployment rate that is lower than ours despite having a full on social democratic system. The UK is not far behind at 4.2% and both had a similar GDP growth to ours in 2016. At the end of the day each country is different depending on the quality of the specific politicians they elect and each of them are to varying degrees still capitalist with strong social safety nets.

Germany can do what they do because they are able to control the population. Because of this, there are jobs for more people.

Look at the charts above and look at Germany’s population forecast for years to come. The German population is a dying breed.

Notice what happened to the population the years they did not let immigrants in.

So Germany is able to control their economy because of their immigration policies.;_ylu=X3oDMTByM3V1YTVuBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1515921060/RO=10/RU=

Germany can do what they do because they are able to control the population. Because of this, there are jobs for more people.

Look at the charts above and look at Germany’s population forecast for years to come. The German population is a dying breed.

Notice what happened to the population the years they did not let immigrants in.

So Germany is able to control their economy because of their immigration policies.

What's your takeaway from all of this ? Should we maybe restrict legal immigration to mirror German immigration policy ?
If you want something like what Germany has then you have too.

Trouble is I don't think you can reduce the availability of jobs to one independent variable. There are a multitude of factors that affect how an economy functions each of which could affect the unemployment rate. You could make an argument that population is one of these factors but it certainly isn't the only one.

Also, if you pull up a chart of US GDP relative to US population growth since 1965, you would see that both are strikingly similar to one another. During this period we went from a 4 trillion dollar economy to a 16+ trillion dollar economy all the while adding 124m people to the country. Ultimately, we need immigrants to expand our labor force and to keep our economy and GDP continue growing. Protectionism, economic nationalism, and isolationism generally don't benefit a country in a world of complex economic interdependence.
Trouble is I don't think you can reduce the availability of jobs to one independent variable. There are a multitude of factors that affect how an economy functions each of which could affect the unemployment rate. You could make an argument that population is one of these factors but it certainly isn't the only one.

Also, if you pull up a chart of US GDP relative to US population growth since 1965, you would see that both are strikingly similar to one another. During this period we went from a 4 trillion dollar economy to a 16+ trillion dollar economy all the while adding 124m people to the country. Ultimately, we need immigrants to expand our labor force and to keep our economy and GDP continue growing. Protectionism, economic nationalism, and isolationism generally don't benefit a country in a world of complex economic interdependence.

If you want to have a economy we’re the government is responsible for just about everything you have to be able to plan out many years in advance. Part of that is being able to control population.

You have to have x amount of people paying in and x amount being paid out.

Not saying having skilled immigrants come to a country and work is a bad thing. What you can’t have in a situation like Germany or Norway are people that just take and add nothing. They will eventually run out of money. Skilled labor is always needed in all lines of work. They just need to be legal, pay all taxes and of course like all of us stay out of trouble.

Here is a link to Norway’s population and planned population moving forward.
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If you want to have a economy we’re the government is responsible for just about everything you have to be able to plan out many years in advance. Part of that is being able to control population.

You have to have x amount of people paying in and x amount being paid out.

Not saying having skilled immigrants come to a country and work is a bad thing. What you can’t have in a situation like Germany or Norway are people that just take and add nothing. They will eventually run out of money. Skilled labor is always needed in all lines of work. They just need to be legal, pay all taxes and of course like all of us stay out of trouble.;_ylu=X3oDMTByM3V1YTVuBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1515934035/RO=10/RU=

Here is a link to Norway’s population and planned population moving forward.
Great stuff!! Nice read.
I will say I have a good friend that lives in Calgary. He pays about 4% less a year in taxes than I do (if I consider my healthcare as part of a tax). You can have some of this stuff when 65% of your GDP isn’t spent on military.
Asked him about waiting for surgeries. He did say if it wasn’t something debilitating that there would be a waiting period. If it was something threatening or debilitating it’s immediate. They also have a mandatory 5 weeks of vacation there. Which I’m totally on board with. A week or two weeks is a joke. We all should get to live life some.

That being said I’m not in favor of ignoring our military but, we could spend about 30% less than we currently do. We would still be spending far more than every other country on Earth.
Take a look at the other super powers and you'll see they use a higher percentage of their GDP on their militaries than we do or are right around the same percentage. Now, if Canada and/or Norway are willing to substitute their soldiers for ours towards fighting those little pesky organizations like ISIS...then I am all for decreased military spending in the US. Think of it this you want Malik Rosier starting as our QB next year knowing that given our talent level we'll be favored in most games.....or would you rather see a good QB next year where we'll know before each game starts that it wont be a nail biter.
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Why is Shi*thole a racist comment?? If you have ever traveled abroad most countries are just that. Funny when Trump says blood dems think of women and their periods and when he says Shithole dems think of blacks...
Hey dumbass, Your asshole in chief named countries that predominantly black.
I generally agree, however while Spain and Greece have high unemployment due to the individual governments running those countries in recent years, Germany - the EU's largest and most powerful state - has an unemployment rate that is lower than ours despite having a full on social democratic system. The UK is not far behind at 4.2% and both had a similar GDP growth to ours in 2016. At the end of the day each country is different depending on the quality of the specific politicians they elect and each of them are to varying degrees still capitalist with strong social safety nets.

I agree. Good post. The Germans have had 3 very strong chancellors in a row - Kohl, Schroeder and Merkel, who have been excellent for their country.
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