Speaking of being handcuffed its the GOP caucus that handcuffed the Obama administration from day 1. A day after the 2008 inauguration Mitch McConnell said " we are going to do everything in our power to make barack Obama 1 one term president".That's the difference between a weak, limp wristed, anti-American, far left liberal disgrace Obama and Trump. reports coming out all afternoon about how pumped up CentCom and the officersare right now because Trump is taking the handcuffs are off of them and they can perform their duties to the fullest extent. Obama handcuffed our military to the detriment of America, peace abiding Muslims in the Middle East, and especially the Europeans who are now suffering the exodus of refugees.
Obama was a weak liberal piece of shit. A man who allowed chaos to erupt out of the Middle East and North Africa through One failed policy after another. That is what happens when you are a soft worthless liberal who thinks that theory, academia, and "peoples feelings" matter more than sticking a MOAB down ISIS' throat and turning the lose the American muscle of the military to do its job.
Great job sending a message and being responsive to conditions as they change. Even Van Jones and other Democrats are giving him credit
Obama made efforts to reach across the aisle by nominating Robert Gates as National Security advisor & nominated James Comey as FBI director. The GOP caucus still tried to pound him into dust but he served two terms inspite of a GOP caucus that underfunded Benghazi. They cut Obamas financial request by $128M. The GOP went on to say this was a Obama fiasco. Far from it when the republicans put our people in harms way. These same republicans swear reinforcements were just an hour away.
Really???!!!! Why did they have to be an hour away???!!!! They could've been there from the get go & the ambassador might still be alive.
Since these law makers have the desire to pull the string on Americans its safe to say the GOP caucus does so with the members of our armed services. We always hear & witness GOP caucus members say to the men & women in uniform " we honor you, we salute you, we respect you, we stand with you." Its nothing more than a "bumper sticker" mentality. We have heard a number of our members in Congress & the senate, all republicans say Obama had the chance to do something huge with the crisis in Syria back in 2013 but he wiffed at the opportunity. How could he when there were those spineless do nothing law makers tightening the nations purse strings. Those are the weak, limp wristed Americans
As far as being anti American In late august 2016 US intel officials met with our lawmakers At Capital Hill to inform them of the strong possibility of Russia hacking into our election. This meeting was held in a room reserved for the sharing of classified information with US intelligence & members of the senate & house. Intel officials urged our lawmakers the public must be informed. The democrats wanted to . some republicans wanted to but Mitch McConnell said the public doesn't need to know.
Traitor, Anti American.
Being traitorious & Anti American is nothing new to the GOP caucus. Back in 1982 in the state of New Jersey & in a yr where there was a gubernatorial race The republican party hired off duty police officers to supposedly provide security @ the precincts who carried side arms & wore arm bands that read "Precinct polling police". The aim of the GOP was to intimidate minorities from voting, mainly African Americans.