Oct. 27: How about announcing your election prediction?


Gold Member
Sep 14, 2004
All politicos,

Just as we like to predict the score of Cane games, how about we predict the election results? If you’re game, I’m asking everybody to post their prediction next Tuesday, October 27, exactly one week before Election Day.

Format: % of popular for Trump vs. % for Biden. I am not near smart enough to predict the electoral college results.

Note: My personal guess will add up to 99%, allowing 1% for third party candidates. In 2016, the results were 46.1% for Trump, 48.2% for Clinton, revealing a very big number of votes for third parties.

Thanks in advance for your predictions.

I look forward to your prediction on the election next Tuesday!
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Are you gonna make your prediction as to the election results?

Next Tuesday. In the Lounge. Say your peace.
What is your prediction?

Let us know next Tuesday.

I predict Trump will win the electoral college, Beijing Biden will win the popular vote, in part due to
The People’s Republic of California.

I think it’s going to be very close, and honestly could go either way. I’m definitely worried about cheating in the state of Pennsylvania.
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I believe Biden will be the next President. The first debate was something Trump wishes he can get back. There are no do-overs in politics. However, I will be voting for TRUMP on election day. I do not believe in voting early.
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My wife and I voted earlier this week, as did my daughter. One of my sons voted today. Second son hasn’t yet voted. Makes me nervous.

Get your vote in!
I believe Biden will be the next President. The first debate was something Trump wishes he can get back. There are no do-overs in politics. However, I will be voting for TRUMP on election day. I do not believe in voting early.


Please post your prediction as to the election next Tuesday on this site. Will be fun to see where the Cane fans come out!
Not sure if this is what you’re looking for but...

I think Trump takes florida, texas and north c for sure. That should be enough for the electoral at the least. Probably take arizona and penn too. That being said, I truly believe that the vast majority of people that vote for trump will vote party line and we get a clean sweep. I just feel like we’ve seen this before and it’s ground hogs day. What’s different? Trumps base has grown, trump haters have grown. The media hated trump before and they hate him now. The left had millions more in their war chest then as they do now. At least with clinton, she could come off as intelligent. At least with hillary, she actually campaigned.
You would think you would have learned after 2016
Keep relying on polls AGAIN
51 more months~
The polls were correct nationally. Polls don't predict the electoral. This entire thread, if focused on percentages is dumb. In our democracy, voters in rural less densly populated states have votes that matter more than voters in actual populated cities. Percentage means nothing when it takes 20 voters in NYC to equal 1 voter in Wyoming.
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Trump will win and things will get ugly. Real ugly.
One person and his supporters are not assuring a peaceful transfer of
One person is claiming that systems used in red states will result in his loss b/c they are invalid in his opinion. One.
One person is making anecdotal stories that his press secretary spins about ballots being in rivers (no such thing) or being stolen (the thief stole mail, yes, less than a dozen ballots, many dozen credit cards etc, no party particular sought) one.
One person cites NC ballot harvesting without citing it was done by GOP.

What makes you say libs would actually have the nerve to do anything more than walk around with vagina hats for three days.

One group of folks inspired by the president was literally considering killing LEO, taking the Gov hostage, trying and executing her.

You got it backwards.
It is deeper than that. I am not looking at it as Republicans good and Democracts bad. I believe in Divide and Concquer which has been used by every Nation and those who control Nations (Banks, etc.)throughout history. These "people", will amp up their efforts and Trump winning will give them the ammunition needed to divide us to whole other level. I won't lie, as a conservative Christian, I want Trump to win. But, I constantly pray that God thoroughly takes over for Trump and steers the wheel because I know that those who truly run things want nothing but chaos and are hellbent to use his time as President to achieve just that.

So, yes, I want Trump to win because I do believe God can use anyone for his purpose. So there is a chance albeit, a small one that things could get better with Trump. But, I believe there is zero chance things get better with Biden. Because there is no God in Biden and those he works under. The End Days are near but not yet here. If Biden were to win those days would be that much closer. Having said that, when Trump wins things will get very ugly.
One person and his supporters are not assuring a peaceful transfer of
One person is claiming that systems used in red states will result in his loss b/c they are invalid in his opinion. One.
One person is making anecdotal stories that his press secretary spins about ballots being in rivers (no such thing) or being stolen (the thief stole mail, yes, less than a dozen ballots, many dozen credit cards etc, no party particular sought) one.
One person cites NC ballot harvesting without citing it was done by GOP.

What makes you say libs would actually have the nerve to do anything more than walk around with vagina hats for three days.

One group of folks inspired by the president was literally considering killing LEO, taking the Gov hostage, trying and executing her.

You got it backwards.
I think you have it wrong, I dont fear a revolt from your side as it just needs to happen to get this country to sound footing again. The government should not hold back and treat an uprising as they are not american citizens if they become violent. Shoot to kill per sea.
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Are you gonna make your prediction as to the election results?

Next Tuesday. In the Lounge. Say your peace.
I havent actually studied the electoral map in detail. I deep down feel it will be an obvious victory for either. I dont believe it’s as close as liberal media claims.
I’ll try and look into it more and let you know before the election.
I havent actually studied the electoral map in detail. I deep down feel it will be an obvious victory for either. I dont believe it’s as close as liberal media claims.
I’ll try and look into it more and let you know before the election.

I haven’t studied the electoral map either. Just looking for your thoughts on the popular vote % for the two candidates.
I haven’t studied the electoral map either. Just looking for your thoughts on the popular vote % for the two candidates.
Well Dem states are more highly dense states in pure numbers.
This country has NEVER used the popular vote to determine elections for President. A cornerstone behind the constitution for “Equal rights’ despite population differences. Smaller states by population are equalized by electoral votes..
I truly believe that “something isn’t” when polls show biden up by DOUBLE DIGITS, while Trump talks to tens of thousands and joe speaks to 4.
I think this is a blow out for one side or the other Cortez.
I believe and hoping it’s for DJT!
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I think you are misrepresenting the left a bit here. They do more than walk around in hats. One group has laid siege and taken over parts of a city by violent force. Another group has burned down half the cities in the US.
ANTIFA the same fools that Occupied Wall Street and hated Obama and Bush? Them pussies are fairly harmless.

Racial riots are not “the left” they are the vulgar desperate cries of powerless misguided anger. It didn’t happen to “half the cities”. Hell it may have happened to less than half of a city but keep proving the point. Either way. That’s it on this thread for me, it’s boring.
I believe Biden will be the next President. The first debate was something Trump wishes he can get back. There are no do-overs in politics. However, I will be voting for TRUMP on election day. I do not believe in voting early.
WRONG!! You’ve been hanging with Cems far too long
ANTIFA the same fools that Occupied Wall Street and hated Obama and Bush? Them pussies are fairly harmless.

Racial riots are not “the left” they are the vulgar desperate cries of powerless misguided anger. It didn’t happen to “half the cities”. Hell it may have happened to less than half of a city but keep proving the point. Either way. That’s it on this thread for me, it’s boring.

Harmless? You’ve clearly been AWOL from what’s been going on.
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Harmless? You’ve clearly been AWOL from what’s been going on.
Uhh, they've been doing these same petty activities since occupy wallstreet. are you implying they are actually dangerous. Destructive yep, but of whiny little pussies.
Uhh, they've been doing these same petty activities since occupy wallstreet. are you implying they are actually dangerous. Destructive yep, but of whiny little pussies.

I’m not implying, there’s video of them practically beating people to death, beating up and attacking conservative reporters covering them, burning people’s business to the ground, destroying livelihoods, yeah you’re right, mostly harmless stuff.
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Uhh, they've been doing these same petty activities since occupy wallstreet. are you implying they are actually dangerous. Destructive yep, but of whiny little pussies.
We are not all pussies. Some of us are Alpha put up with no shit from anyone conservative rednecks. Proud of it.
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