Once Again The Dems Tried To Impeach Trump...

He literally just went like 1 for 60 in the courts during his recent election lie scam, and is going to get hit with criminal indictments in NY, DC, GA, and DOJ as well, so good luck with that. Prison awaits.
The courts never took the cases on. They didn’t want to deal with the consequences.
The intersection of brain damage, cocaine addiction, and a lifetime of emotional abuse because the father only likes the eldest daughter.

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The intersection of brain damage, cocaine addiction, and a lifetime of emotional abuse because the father only loves the eldest daughter.

At least Don Jr doesn't have to be hidden away from the public like Quid Pro Joe's crackhead son, Hunter. If you think Trump did a bad job as a parent, then surely you must hold Joey responsible for his son turning out to be a complete mess of a human being. Leaving your wife for your sister-in-law and then cheating on her with, and knocking up a stripper, must seem like normal behavior when your dad is the kind of POS that would lie about how his son's mother died, all while trying to implicate an innocent man in her death.
At least Don Jr doesn't have to be hidden away from the public like Quid Pro Joe's crackhead son, Hunter. If you think Trump did a bad job as a parent, then surely you must hold Joey responsible for his son turning out to be a complete mess of a human being. Leaving your wife for your sister-in-law and then cheating on her with, and knocking up a stripper, must seem like normal behavior when your dad is the kind of POS that would lie about how his son's mother died, all while trying to implicate an innocent man in her death.
What else can we expect from Democratic presidents. Hell they have given us one that actually uses the White House to have sex with the help. As the 1st lady probably watched.
What else can we expect from Democratic presidents. Hell they have given us one that actually uses the White House to have sex with the help. As the 1st lady probably watched.
Consentual sex. I don't care if he gets his knob polished. Just do your job. That's between he and his wife. It's not my business. My tax dollars are my business.

If you invite domestic violence at my capital it is my business. I don't give a shit about what civilians are looting. If congress appropriated funding for another country I don't want you using the access to the funds for your reelection. I don't care what anyone politicians sin has.
Consentual sex. I don't care if he gets his knob polished. Just do your job. That's between he and his wife. It's not my business. My tax dollars are my business.

If you invite domestic violence at my capital it is my business. I don't give a shit about what civilians are looting. If congress appropriated funding for another country I don't want you using the access to the funds for your reelection. I don't care what anyone politicians sin has.
I liked Bill as a president but if he had done his dirty deed in this day and age it would be sexual harassment for taking advantage of someone he had authority over. If you had been her parent you would look differently at that dirty old man that ruined your daughter's reputation for life all because he couldn't keep his lusts under control. It's also not just between he and his wife as he was president at the time and was representing all of America. How do we trust a man that doesn't have the discipline to keep his vows to his wife to keep his vows to his country?
I liked Bill as a president but if he had done his dirty deed in this day and age it would be sexual harassment for taking advantage of someone he had authority over. If you had been her parent you would look differently at that dirty old man that ruined your daughter's reputation for life all because he couldn't keep his lusts under control. It's also not just between he and his wife as he was president at the time and was representing all of America. How do we trust a man that doesn't have the discipline to keep his vows to his wife to keep his vows to his country?
Yep. I wonder why he hasn’t been cancelled? Could it be the double standard ?
Consentual sex. I don't care if he gets his knob polished. Just do your job. That's between he and his wife. It's not my business. My tax dollars are my business.

If you invite domestic violence at my capital it is my business. I don't give a shit about what civilians are looting. If congress appropriated funding for another country I don't want you using the access to the funds for your reelection. I don't care what anyone politicians sin has.
No CD you are wrong about sex between what is an employee and a supervisor. Clinton as President was a supervisor. If you ever were involved with situations involving sex in the workplace you would know under those situations it is a fireable offense for the supervisor and or possibly both.
No CD you are wrong about sex between what is an employee and a supervisor. Clinton as President was a supervisor. If you ever were involved with situations involving sex in the workplace you would know under those situations it is a fireable offense for the supervisor and or possibly both.
CD doesn’t understand reality
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Consentual sex. I don't care if he gets his knob polished. Just do your job. That's between he and his wife. It's not my business. My tax dollars are my business.

If you invite domestic violence at my capital it is my business. I don't give a shit about what civilians are looting. If congress appropriated funding for another country I don't want you using the access to the funds for your reelection. I don't care what anyone politicians sin has.
Consensual sex. Really your the most powerful person in the world and you take advantage of a young woman in the most famous house in the world. Yeah that’s not taking advantage of the tax payers money. And that capital belongs to every single one of those people who where there. ( they pay taxes also). Hell if it would have been the other side it would have burned to the ground. We saw that happen all summer.
No CD you are wrong about sex between what is an employee and a supervisor. Clinton as President was a supervisor. If you ever were involved with situations involving sex in the workplace you would know under those situations it is a fireable offense for the supervisor and or possibly both.
I can’t believe someone actually calls that consensual sex. But what can we expect Bidden grouped a woman in those Same halls of Congress and they looked the other way. It’s really the hypocrisy of the left that drives me nuts.
Consensual sex. Really your the most powerful person in the world and you take advantage of a young woman in the most famous house in the world. Yeah that’s not taking advantage of the tax payers money. And that capital belongs to every single one of those people who where there. ( they pay taxes also). Hell if it would have been the other side it would have burned to the ground. We saw that happen all summer.
Yes... consentual. Did she charge him with a crime? Did she allege something I am unaware of? Like the 25 women have accused Trump? Hell his own wife said that POS raped her and you have the nerve to preach to me about Clinton?
Be specific. Which is false. Happy to show you. This crap that has been going on where the news you don't like isn't real is over now.
1st the Clinton shit happen. The fact the she did not accuse him does not make it right. And all those accusations of Rape please tell me one of them that has been proven it in court. And his ex wife has come out and said that it’s not true. So all of it.
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1st the Clinton shit happen. The fact the she did not accuse him does not make it right. And all those accusations of Rape please tell me one of them that has been proven it in court. And his ex wife has come out and said that it’s not true. So all of it.

Dude you are following a POS. Sorry, but someone has to tell you. You are in denial. He cheated on every one of his wives with his future wife. It amazes me how you worship a well known POS like he is a God or something. Democrats know that Bill Clinton is a womanizer. You know the difference between you and dems. Is you walk around like you are better than everyone else. The dems don't hide the fact Bill Clinton is a cheater. People like you want to call Bill Clinton a cheater then pretend your shit don't stink. That's the difference.

It was too late by that time the wife retracted her rape allegation. The ex wife already put it in the court docs under oath by the time he could pay her off.

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Dude you are following a POS. Sorry, but someone has to tell you. You are in denial. He cheated on every one of his wives with his future wife. It amazes me how you worship a well known POS like he is a God or something. Democrats know that Bill Clinton is a womanizer. You know the difference between you and dems. Is you walk around like you are better than everyone else. The dems don't hide the fact Bill Clinton is a cheater. People like you want to call Bill Clinton a cheater then pretend your shit don't stink. That's the difference.

It was too late by that time the wife retracted her rape allegation. The ex wife already put it in the court docs under oath by the time he could pay her off.

Again false when have I said the man is not a cheater. Not one of those woman has ever proven anything in court. Here’s another fact not one of those woman ever went to a hospital or file a police report when it happen. Another fact his ex wife has explained what happen multiple times. And here’s another fact Divorce lawyers lie. And put all kinds a crap that’s not true under oath. Especially when you are talking about millionaires. I take it you have never been divorced. Lawyers not lie. Are you serious. And yea my shit stinks just like everyone else. I’m just not a hypocrite.
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