Phase 3 is beginning now....There is another whistle blower and this one has direct knowledge...


Aug 14, 2007
corroborating the first one.

New talking points are being distributed for chipped toothed hyenas as you read this news.

Stay tuned.
STFU you commie!!! Is Adam Schiff your boyfriend?
Who is your candidate for 2020 genius.Dementia Joe, Crazy Bernie, or Pocahontas!!!
Who is your candidate for 2020 genius.Dementia Joe, Crazy Bernie, or Pocahontas!!!
The one that proves to me we have the best chance are giving this country a moral compass. A leader. I have not decided who I am voting for yet. See, in my world (the real world) political candidates earn my vote. It isn't a birth right. You earn my vote and you do it both terms. Not just one....because I don't play that childish tribal politics game so many people play today. It's not a democracy and it is for people who are mindless followers. I expect to listen to every single candidate and I don't care how popular they are. Then they will get my vote if I like both them, and what they have to say. I'm pretty sure it won't be a racist corrupt crime boss.
You know Trump and his followers are low IQ. Not well educated people.
Low information voters wondering why they are forced to accept welfare now when Trump promised their lives would be great on the farm and in the coal mines....smdh
I'm sure the 2nd blower will have much more to add to the transcript already released... idiots
I'm sure the 2nd blower will have much more to add to the transcript already released... idiots do I put this kindly. YES! See....the strategy is to establish the pattern of how foreign diplomacy has been conducted in the white house. While Trump supporters like yourself stay in constant denial of what is happening to this country right in your face.

See...the rest of us completely understand the transcripts are enough to impeach this POS alone. Yet, we have to hear all week how it was second hand information even though those same transcripts you referenced were released right? I assure you this is only going to get worse. do I put this kindly. YES! See....the strategy is to establish the pattern of how foreign diplomacy has been conducted in the white house. While Trump supporters like yourself stay in constant denial of what is happening to this country right in your face.

See...the rest of us completely understand the transcripts are enough to impeach this POS alone. Yet, we have to hear all week how it was second hand information even though those same transcripts you referenced were released right? I assure you this is only going to get worse.
No, it's not. Only in your mind.
What do you call a person who clearly held back aid to Ukraine to force them to interfere in our 2020 election? So sad!!
Biden is a criminal, yes? He's getting caught up in the net, too bad for the old man. Trump is a hero for fighting grotesque corrupt lib politicians, don't you agree?
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Biden is a criminal, yes? He's getting caught up in the net, too bad for the old man. Trump is a hero for fighting grotesque corrupt lib politicians, don't you agree?
I do as long as Trump agrees to investigate himself and his corrupt administration.
I never read so much complete crap in my entire life. Trump is not fighting corruption. If he were he wouldn't appoint so many people that are either indicted, in jail or on trial in his administration from day 1. STOP the bullshit!!!
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I never read so much complete crap in my entire life. Trump is not fighting corruption. If he were he wouldn't appoint so many people that are either indicted, in jail or on trial in his administration from day 1. STOP the bullshit!!!
Can you believe these clowns? I saw a Republican Senator on a show today spurring the same nonsense.
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Can you believe these clowns? I saw a Republican Senator on a show today spurring the same nonsense.
Obum subbed out the intelligence spying to foreign countries, pathetic, as usual he didnt have the cojones to do it himself. That's weak, right Cems? You wouldn't have done that.
How are you gonna claim you are fighting corruption? Did you think we forgot?
You focus! I said he claimed he was fighting corruption. If he were, his administration wouldn't be indicted, on trial, or in jail.

I'm sure even you are aware of the multiple investigations going on... on second thought, maybe not. Be patient lemming, we got this.
I'm sure even you are aware of the multiple investigations going on... on second thought, maybe not. Be patient lemming, we got this.
What does that have to do with what I said? Absolutely nothing!!! People fighting corruption don't have people breaking laws as their administrators.
What does that have to do with what I said? Absolutely nothing!!! People fighting corruption don't have people breaking laws as their administrators.
We're are talking about fighting corruption, again, pay attention. Trump has broken no laws, again, pay attention. All this requires from you is patience, you don't have to stress out about it
We're are talking about fighting corruption, again, pay attention. Trump has broken no laws, again, pay attention. All this requires from you is patience, you don't have to stress out about it
No, YOU are the one that isn't paying attention....and yes he has broken laws. But that isn't what I was telling you. Mueller noted 10 occurences obstruction of of justice. He also broke a law with a signed check to a porn star while he was running for president to shut her up. So, first of all stop sayin he has broken no laws because that isn't true. Mueller decided to allow congress to decide if he should be impeached for these things.

Stop telling other people to pay attention and pay attention yourself. His administration is corrupt. How do I know? Because they are going to jail and pleading guilty. It's his administration.

So quit telling us all that he is fighting corruption when his own administration is going to jail for this. Quit telling us he isn't breaking laws when he has broken laws....and quit calling other people the lemming when clearly it appears that you are.
I'm so sick of Trump and his used car routine that some of you buy for a $200.00 tax break.

No, YOU are the one that isn't paying attention....and yes he has broken laws. But that isn't what I was telling you. Mueller noted 10 occurences obstruction of of justice. He also broke a law with a signed check to a porn star while he was running for president to shut her up. So, first of all stop sayin he has broken no laws because that isn't true. Mueller decided to allow congress to decide if he should be impeached for these things.

Stop telling other people to pay attention and pay attention yourself. His administration is corrupt. How do I know? Because they are going to jail and pleading guilty. It's his administration.

So quit telling us all that he is fighting corruption when his own administration is going to jail for this. Quit telling us he isn't breaking laws when he has broken laws....and quit calling other people the lemming when clearly it appears that you are.
Lol, get back on your meds CDL. Trump is not going anywhere, the investigations into lib corruption continue. There's NOTHING libs like you can do about it, accept reality, Trump will win again.
Trump is not going anywhere, the investigations into lib corruption continue. There's NOTHING libs like you can do about it, accept reality, Trump will win again.

Trump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win again
cd and cems are “wishing and hoping “ LOL the higher intellect minority's are starting to realize the Democratic Party has never done anything for them and have actually held them back from succeeding in life
I got 2,000 Rubles on it. Not only will he not be president. I am fairly confident he will be in jail. With the rest of the career criminals.


I got 2,000 Rubles on it. Not only will he not be president. I am fairly confident he will be in jail. With the rest of the career criminals.


Trump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win againTrump will win again
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Lmao. You democrats are as ignorant as they come. If y'all have kids feel sorry your kids have such ignorance in their DNA. You bunch of communist ass hats.
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