Pipeline Debate Part II (The Texas PowerGrid)


Aug 14, 2007
Texas is an example. Your failure to prepare for the future will leave you in the dark and in the cold. Only state in the nation under the deregulated power grid. It's a testament to their bad faith and lack of thought leadership. Blame Dems for your own failures and let's see what that gets you.

Whether Democratic or Republican, the Texas power grid figured it did not need the rest of the Country as a back up ,as it did not want to be Federally regulated; for its grid. It figured,it had more than enough power sources for emergencies. Well when everything froze Texas could not call on either the East Coast or West Coast Federally regulated grids.
Mother Nature messed with Texas!
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Or just a once in a lifetime storm? Curious, how often does this happen in Texas? I dont know, dont follow Texas power grid that often. If it's a recurring problem, then yes, deregulation may be the problem. If not, then a once in a generation storm is not an "I got you" moment.
Wait until some of the know it all's chime in on this Texas power grid deal it will be laughable...only if Obama had............

woo doggy

Whether Democratic or Republican, the Texas power grid figured it did not need the rest of the Country as a back up ,as it did not want to be Federally regulated; for its grid. It figured,it had more than enough power sources for emergencies. Well when everything froze Texas could not call on either the East Coast or West Coast Federally regulated grids.
Mother Nature messed with Texas!
Ummm....the Dems have nothing to do with the fact the Texas power grid did not need the rest of the country as back up and was not federally regulated. There really is zero ambiguity here. This is on the republicans so please don't make it seem it could be either. No dem had any power in Texas when this decision was made. Texas has been run by Republicans for some time now. This is their mantra and this is about the idea you always deregulate that republicans love to float around. Be accountable if you are going to float this around as a party. This is about this industry financing these politicians so they can do these things. Now the chickens have come home to roost.
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Texas is an example. Your failure to prepare for the future will leave you in the dark and in the cold. Only state in the nation under the deregulated power grid. It's a testament to their bad faith and lack of thought leadership. Blame Dems for your own failures and let's see what that gets you.

So how exactly do you prevent wind turbines from freezing during sub zero weather or have have solar panels work when the sun is blocked by dense clouds?

I have an answer! Ding Ding Ding!
Use Oil, natural gas and coal, Maybe even a little Nuclear for fun. Those forms of energy creation work on cold days, cloudy days and at night when there is no wind.
Texas is an example. Your failure to prepare for the future will leave you in the dark and in the cold. Only state in the nation under the deregulated power grid. It's a testament to their bad faith and lack of thought leadership. Blame Dems for your own failures and let's see what that gets you.

Once in a lifetime event stop with the blame game
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Once in a lifetime event stop with the blame game

ROLMAO 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Thank You for this laugh! He is basically saying I am 100 Percent correct. Texas did not accommodate the population growth by investing in their infrastructure. The reason this is so funny is he put a suit on this for you to present like that wasn't the case.

Listen, at the end of the can call it once in a lifetime or whatever. You were told this day was coming and did nothing about it as a party. You just can't put a suit on that by saying it so rare of course we are going to do it. We have been telling you this day was coming for decades. You have had time as a party to prepare and it is called global warming. It's only going to get worse.

Learn to respect science and stop calling news and facts you don't like fake. Deal with it face to face. You are being told what is happening to the environment and how to prepare. It's your responsibility to do the right thing. When you don't you are accountable as leaders and a party.
So how exactly do you prevent wind turbines from freezing during sub zero weather or have have solar panels work when the sun is blocked by dense clouds?

I have an answer! Ding Ding Ding!
Use Oil, natural gas and coal, Maybe even a little Nuclear for fun. Those forms of energy creation work on cold days, cloudy days and at night when there is no wind.

Huh? Who said the solution was to prevent turbines from freezing during sub zero weather.....or solar panels work when the sun is blocked by dense clouds? I don't understand your point? Not one person has made this argument.

What we are saying is you have to have the infrastructure to prevent millions of people from going days without power. How do you do that? You have to stop being blind to the fact this is going to happen due to climate changes you were told about for decades so prepare the infrastructure accordingly.

Listen do you think Texas is the only place to have single digit or freezing temperatures in the winter? The power goes out in those places too....they just have everything working again in short order because of their infrastructure.
Texas has had it's own power grid since the 30s? Not many problems that have reached national news...but again, I dont follow "Texas power grid" I'm not certain. Funny how many power grid experts there are on here now. A once in a generation storm knocks it out. It goes down for a couple of days. Other places like California cant keep the power on during a normal Tuesday and no one says a peep. Why is everything so stupid?
Texas has had it's own power grid since the 30s? Not many problems that have reached national news...but again, I dont follow "Texas power grid" I'm not certain. Funny how many power grid experts there are on here now. A once in a generation storm knocks it out. It goes down for a couple of days. Other places like California cant keep the power on during a normal Tuesday and no one says a peep. Why is everything so stupid?

They had another similar storm in 2011 and did nothing to mitigate for future storms (such as the one this week).

Texas has had it's own power grid since the 30s? Not many problems that have reached national news...but again, I dont follow "Texas power grid" I'm not certain. Funny how many power grid experts there are on here now. A once in a generation storm knocks it out. It goes down for a couple of days. Other places like California cant keep the power on during a normal Tuesday and no one says a peep. Why is everything so stupid?
Well, first of all I don't know how you came to the conclusion this is "Texas power grid news". It isn't! It's just news because millions of people have been without power and without other essential resources. I am not sure which world you would live in this doesn't make the news. The power grid is just one of the causes.

People without power don't give a shit about it happening once in a generation or where else it happens. You do....because you have power and water and resources. You are on the outside looking in so you don't have to deal with it.

This should not be happening to so many people for a sustained period of time. Deregulation is the reason obviously. You have people saying they would rather this be than be regulated. That's a miscarriage of your government office.
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Texas is an example. Your failure to prepare for the future will leave you in the dark and in the cold. Only state in the nation under the deregulated power grid. It's a testament to their bad faith and lack of thought leadership. Blame Dems for your own failures and let's see what that gets you.

Only state ?
U.S. electricity grid at night
Depending on where you live in the U.S., you have the freedom to choose how you buy electricity and natural gas for your home. Not only can you pick the retail energy provider that’s right for you, but you can also decide how much you want to pay, how you want to pay, and if you want renewable/clean energy.

The technical term for this concept is “energy deregulation,” but we call it energy choice. It’s available only in certain deregulated energy states across the U.S., and it’s pretty sweet!

H2: How Many States Have Deregulated Energy Markets?

As of 2020, 17 states in the U.S. enjoy the benefits of deregulation:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
Washington D.C.

Texas has had longer freezing events one in the eighties lasted 3 weeks. The difference now is they have put the windmills as base loaded suppliers. Past events the fossil plants were already running and creating their own thermal protection. Take notice the huge problem lessens at the Oklahoma border. As the windmills started to fail people are cranking up their heat increasing demand for electric and also NG. That’s why coal plants are important in this equation nobody heats home with coal anymore so they are not losing their fuel supply.
Well, first of all I don't know how you came to the conclusion this is "Texas power grid news". It isn't! It's just news because millions of people have been without power and without other essential resources. I am not sure world you would live in this doesn't make the news. The power grid is just one of the causes.

People without power don't give a shit about it happening once in a generation or where else it happens. You do....because you have power and water and resources. You are on the outside looking in so you don't have to deal with it.

This should not be happening to so many people for a sustained period of time. Deregulation is the reason obviously. You have people saying they would rather this be than be regulated. That's a miscarriage of your government office.

I think you may be the most partisan person I have ever run across. Your selected outrage only runs one direction. Which means you dont really care...its just about who you can point a finger at.

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