Politics and Sports

Whether you agree with their reason for protesting or not, if this causes you to stop watching a sport you love, that makes you a huge snowflake.......enjoy NASCAR.
Blacks causing 90% of Black deaths... no please.
That is really shitty if breast cancer kills 900k a year and lung cancer kills 100k a year, does that mean that lung cancer isn't a problem we should try to solve? These ideas are not mutually exclusive.
That is really shitty if breast cancer kills 900k a year and lung cancer kills 100k a year, does that mean that lung cancer isn't a problem we should try to solve? These ideas are not mutually exclusive.

Yea I agree, but you don't see lung cancer patients kneeling during the national anthem or forming borderline domestic terrorist groups (i.e. Anitfa or BLM) to protest breast cancer funding do you? You have a valid point and Insane_Cane does as well, bottom line is we have to have more honest conversations on this.
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Yea I agree, but you don't see lung cancer patients kneeling during the national anthem or forming borderline domestic terrorist groups (i.e. Anitfa or BLM) to protest breast cancer funding do you? You have a valid point and Insane_Cane does as well, bottom line is we have to have more honest conversations on this.
agreed, the only way we will get anywhere is open dialogue. The problem is a lot of people, on both sides of the coin, have no interest in listening to the other side.
Silly logic. So you think because someone else is saying something offensive it gives you a right to do it? What are you 12? All of us can say anything we want to say. It doesn't mean we should.

No such thing as "silly logic" CD. The whole point of logic is to judge behavior based off strict principles of objectivity.

And I'm not arguing that you should be allowed to say anything you want, even though it's my right, all I'm saying is if you use logic and your liberal principles that everyone should be treated equally: then me calling a black person "black" should be treated no different then me calling a white person "white".

It's simple fcking logic.
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No such thing as "silly logic" CD. The whole point of logic is to judge behavior based off strict principles of objectivity.

And I'm not arguing that you should be allowed to say anything you want, even though it's my right, all I'm saying is if you use logic and your liberal principles that everyone should be treated equally: then me calling a black person "black" should be treated no different then me calling a white person "white".

It's pure ****ing logic.
First of they aren't "liberal principles" please lose the tribal mentality. They are common principles used to show respect to people. I think conservatives and liberals and every other party has them. I am African American. I don't mind being referred to as black. That isn't what I was talking about at all. I don't think you refer to a group of black people as "the blacks" however. Just like I would never refer to a group of white people as "the whites". It is all context and your own personal code. I don't give a crap what every other black person or white person does. I respect everyone. If I see white people disrespecting other white people. I don't feel that gives me any kind of license. Let's respect each other is my point.
First of they aren't "liberal principles" please lose the tribal mentality. They are common principles used to show respect to people. I think conservatives and liberals and every other party has them. I am African American. I don't mind being referred to as black. That isn't what I was talking about at all. I don't think you refer to a group of black people as "the blacks" however. Just like I would never refer to a group of white people as "the whites". It is all context and your own personal code. I don't give a crap what every other black person or white person does. I respect everyone. If I see white people disrespecting other white people. I don't feel that gives me any kind of license. Let's respect each other is my point.

The reality is that me saying "blacks" does not fit your moral code - THAT'S IT! Which is fine, I understand that viewpoint. It's modern conventional wisdom at this point. And we all know you're the king of conventional wisdom or stating the obvious lol. However - you cannot sit here and argue that I'm using flawed logic on this when my argument is purely rational. Have a good rest of the day.
The reality is that me saying "blacks" does not fit your moral code - THAT'S IT! Which is fine, I understand that viewpoint. It's modern conventional wisdom at this point. And we all know you're the king of conventional wisdom or stating the obvious lol. However - you cannot sit here and argue that I'm using flawed logic on this when my argument is purely rational. Have a good rest of the day.
I don't find your argument rational because it is based on the theory if you can disrespect each other as a group of people, i should be able to disrespect you too. It is childish logic frankly for an adult. That makes it flawed.
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I don't find your argument rational because it is based on the theory if you can disrespect each other as a group of people, i should be able to disrespect you too. It is childish logic frankly for an adult. That makes it flawed.

Absolutely incorrect - it's based on the theory that all people should be treated equally. The theory that you come on this board and passionately defend every day. You're having a serious lapse in judgment today CD, maybe you take the day off.
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Absolutely incorrect - it's based on the theory that all people should be treated equally. The theory that you come on this board and passionately defend every day. You're having a serious lapse in judgment today CD, maybe you take the day off.
You think that is equal? It's not. Just so you know. It's disrespectful. Unless you are talking about a black family with the surname Black"? People don't want to be referred to as "The Blacks" It's offensive as if i said "the whites".
Silly logic. So you think because someone else is saying something offensive it gives you a right to do it? What are you 12? All of us can say anything we want to say. It doesn't mean we should.
So you're saying that even though we have a first amendment right to use those words, we shouldn't use them because it might offend somebody? Do you really think that these players that are taking a knee during the anthem are not offending a great deal of Americans by their actions?
So you're saying that even though we have a first amendment right to use those words, we shouldn't use them because it might offend somebody? Do you really think that these players that are taking a knee during the anthem are not offending a great deal of Americans by their actions?
We have a first amendment right to use every word. Nothing to do with the point. Just because i can insult people that doesn't mean i should.

Apples and oranges. Words vs protest. Protest are as American as Apple pie. This country was literally founded on the basis of a protest. Taxation without representation. They are supposed to offend someone. That is their very point. I'm sure the English government was offended.

Nothing to do with disrespectfully referring to our fellow man.
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We have a first amendment right to use every word. Nothing to do with the point. Just because i can insult people that doesn't mean i should.

Apples and oranges. Words vs protest. Protest are as American as Apple pie. This country was literally founded on the basis of a protest. Taxation without representation. They are supposed to offend someone. That is their very point. I'm sure the English government was offended.

Nothing to do with disrespectfully referring to our fellow man.
The players are insulting millions of Americans with their protest though. So if a bunch of white Americans got together and decided to have an N word rally in protest of their first amendment rights you would be okay with that even though they would be offending millions of black Americans? There is a reason why most of us choose not to use that disgusting word. It is called respect for the other side and it's just too bad that the players can't see this and find a more respectful way of getting their message across.
The players are insulting millions of Americans with their protest though. So if a bunch of white Americans got together and decided to have an N word rally in protest of their first amendment rights you would be okay with that even though they would be offending millions of black Americans? There is a reason why most of us choose not to use that disgusting word. It is called respect for the other side and it's just too bad that the players can't see this and find a more respectful way of getting their message across.'s called a protest. They aren't protesting white people so i have absolutely no idea of what you are even talking about. You should at least learn what is being protested first.

Having said that...there are anti black protest all the time. They just had white nationalist and kkk protest in Charlottesville a few weeks ask me if I was offended by their protest? Nope...not one iota. It's their right to do so if they choose to do it. I don't agree with their cause but i could care less if they protest. Have at it Do one every day if you would like. It won't affect anything that i do.
If millions are insulted by some athletes and owners taking a knee and not over Russia interfering with our American election, there lies the problem in a nut shell.
If millions are insulted by some athletes and owners taking a knee and not over Russia interfering with our American election, there lies the problem in a nut shell.
I can't speak for all on this but I have no problem with the players protesting. That is their rights as Americans. If you can't see why people are offended and insulted by the manner in which they disrespect our flag and our country by their actions though, then there lies another problem in a nut shell.
I can't speak for all on this but I have no problem with the players protesting. That is their rights as Americans. If you can't see why people are offended and insulted by the manner in which they disrespect our flag and our country by their actions though, then there lies another problem in a nut shell.
What did i say to you? So why tell me if i can't see....

Protest by their very nature offend people. That's what they are. I'm sure the British were offended when people asked for representation with taxation. I already told you all of that. Point is if you want change....everyone isn't supposed to be happy with how you go about getting it.
What did i say to you? So why tell me if i can't see....

Protest by their very nature offend people. That's what they are. I'm sure the British were offended when people asked for representation with taxation. I already told you all of that. Point is if you want change....everyone isn't supposed to be happy with how you go about getting it.
You just seem very dismissive of the fact that millions of Americans, both black and white, are deeply offended by the manner in which the players are expressing their views. You have been on here before defending players that have hit girls in the face simply because they were offended by a name that the girls called them. Do you not feel that it's possible that people could feel that same rage when they feel that someone is disrespecting their country? If you were to ask most people what the 3 most important things in life are to them, most would say God, family and Country. Is it only one side that has to refrain from being offensive? Why is it that my dogs know better than to piss in their own bed and yet the players can't seem to figure that one out? I personally don't hate the players for their stance, I just feel that there must be a better way to go about it.
You just seem very dismissive of the fact that millions of Americans, both black and white, are deeply offended by the manner in which the players are expressing their views. You have been on here before defending players that have hit girls in the face simply because they were offended by a name that the girls called them. Do you not feel that it's possible that people could feel that same rage when they feel that someone is disrespecting their country? If you were to ask most people what the 3 most important things in life are to them, most would say God, family and Country. Is it only one side that has to refrain from being offensive? Why is it that my dogs know better than to piss in their own bed and yet the players can't seem to figure that one out? I personally don't hate the players for their stance, I just feel that there must be a better way to go about it.
Millions of Amercans black and white feel they can protest peacefully if thats what they want to do. What's your point? Mine is they have a constitutional right. What's yours....

And by the way. Remember i piss excellence. So i remember the debate. I never defended the Oklahoma RB. I said they were both wrong. Nice try though. Nothing fails but a try. Too bad nothing gets past me. If you go to a kid and put your hands on him you could very well get what you got. Knocked the fk out. No...he should not have punched her....i just understand why he did. People are tought from day one....especially where this kid grew up. Someone hits you, you hit them back.

Men keep your hands to yourself...and the very same applies to women.
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. Remember i piss excellence

You just seem very dismissive of the fact that millions of Americans, both black and white, are deeply offended by the manner in which the players are expressing their views. You have been on here before defending players that have hit girls in the face simply because they were offended by a name that the girls called them. Do you not feel that it's possible that people could feel that same rage when they feel that someone is disrespecting their country? If you were to ask most people what the 3 most important things in life are to them, most would say God, family and Country. Is it only one side that has to refrain from being offensive? Why is it that my dogs know better than to piss in their own bed and yet the players can't seem to figure that one out? I personally don't hate the players for their stance, I just feel that there must be a better way to go about it.

If you think protesting against racial discrimination is a protest against America it shows what you think America is all about.
Millions of Amercans black and white feel they can protest peacefully if thats what they want to do. What's your point? Mine is they have a constitutional right. What's yours....

And by the way. Remember i piss excellence. So i remember the debate. I never defended the Oklahoma RB. I said they were both wrong. Nice try though. Nothing fails but a try. Too bad nothing gets past me. If you go to a kid and put your hands on him you could very well get what you got.

Men keep your hands to yourself...and the very same applies to women.
I already said that I agree with their right to protest, just not with their decision in how they're protesting. The debate that I remember had to do with a Fla St. player. As far as pissing excellence, take a look at post # 92 in which you say, just because I can offend people that doesn't mean I should. Why then is it okay for the players to offend so many people just because they can?
That's a few times u referenced Africa...go back
You're showing your true colors...good to know that you've taken your "sheet" off of your head 470!! Did you read what you typed before pushing send?? You can't possibly think it's a good idea to tell a black person to go back to Africa....
I already said that I agree with their right to protest, just not with their decision in how they're protesting. The debate that I remember had to do with a Fla St. player. As far as pissing excellence, take a look at post # 92 in which you say, just because I can offend people that doesn't mean I should. Why then is it okay for the players to offend so many people just because they can?
Because you are talking about apples and oranges. I already explained it to you so it should need no further explanation. Protest by their very nature offend. That has nothing to do with how we refer to each other every day verbally.

No protest ever offended me. I'm not that thin skinned.
If you think protesting against racial discrimination is a protest against America it shows what you think America is all about.
You should know that many Americans think of the flag and anthem as pieces that hold this country together. The perception that the players are disrespecting this is offensive to many whether or not you agree with their beliefs. To me, the fact that we are even arguing about racial discrimination in 2017 is very sad, yet here we are. Again I just wish they could have come up with something that doesn't alienate so many against their cause.
Because you are talking about apples and oranges. I already explained it to you so it should need no further explanation. Protest by their very nature offend. That has nothing to do with how we refer to each other every day verbally.

No protest ever offended me. I'm not that thin skinned.
And I've explained to you that you sound a bit hypocritical with who gets to offend and for what purpose. We're not changing each others opinion on this so I will just say thank you for a civil exchange of opinions.
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And I've explained to you that you sound a bit hypocritical with who gets to offend and for what purpose. We're not changing each others opinion on this so I will just say thank you for a civil exchange of opinions. hypocritical...just not the same things.
You're showing your true colors...good to know that you've taken your "sheet" off of your head 470!! Did you read what you typed before pushing send?? You can't possibly think it's a good idea to tell a black person to go back to Africa....'re a better man then I I'm!!! I will no longer try to reason with the likes of advarkas, honeyviv, dl thug or they large group of racist azz white People that's running this site! Can't wait for Gary and his crew to bannnn me again for the last time! I can go back to twitter,Facebook,YouTube, IG and continue to speak the truth! Let me know if you want to link up with me? My days mins and hrs is limited on this racist site're a better man then I I'm!!! I will no longer try to reason with the likes of advarkas, honeyviv, dl thug or they large group of racist azz white People that's running this site! Can't wait for Gary and his crew to bannnn me again for the last time! I can go back to twitter,Facebook,YouTube, IG and continue to speak the truth! Let me know if you want to link up with me? My days mins and hrs is limited on this racist site
Hahahahaha you won't be missed, convict .
Whether you agree with their reason for protesting or not, if this causes you to stop watching a sport you love, that makes you a huge snowflake.......enjoy NASCAR.
You're showing your true colors...good to know that you've taken your "sheet" off of your head 470!! Did you read what you typed before pushing send?? You can't possibly think it's a good idea to tell a black person to go back to Africa....
What I said u referenced it ...and you like it then yes go there....I don't have a sheet...this is the country we live in...why referenced another ad it is better and if so yes go see if it is better
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You're showing your true colors...good to know that you've taken your "sheet" off of your head 470!! Did you read what you typed before pushing send?? You can't possibly think it's a good idea to tell a black person to go back to Africa....
M Dan...that wasn't meant as a racist comment but if that's how u take it ok...I will say that to a Canadian Russian purple person or God himself....if you think it is better elsewhere then go
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M Dan...that wasn't meant as a racist comment but if that's how u take it ok...I will say that to a Canadian Russian purple person or God himself....if you think it is better elsewhere then go
Once again, I'm not talking about a Canadian can't possibly think suggesting going back to Africa to a black person is a good idea unless you're not of age and don't know any better..which I don't think is the case!!
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Once again, I'm not talking about a Canadian can't possibly think suggesting going back to Africa to a black person is a good idea unless you're not of age and don't know any better..which I don't think is the case!!
And it's not a good idea to call honkeys I will say this u think it's ok to offend us but have a problem if you get will address me but not the guy that said honkey what a double standard
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And it's not a good idea to call honkeys I will say this u think it's ok to offend us but have a problem if you get will address me but not the guy that said honkey what a double standard
Check my post telling him he was dead wrong and out of pocket for calling someone makes him just as bad and then get back to me about a double standard! I'm not even sure which thread it's in but I got on Flea the other day about calling someone that..(i think one was a thread he started and I'm not sure which is the other thread--could be this one) so in saying that, you know it's wrong just like he should know it's wrong!
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Check my post telling him he was dead wrong and out of pocket for calling someone makes him just as bad and then get back to me about a double standard! I'm not even sure which thread it's in but I got on Flea the other day about calling someone that..(i think one was a thread he started and I'm not sure which is the other thread--could be this one) so in saying that, you know it's wrong just like he should know it's wrong!
Ok ur right and ty u won't hear that from me again....I apologise to u if I offended u....
And it's not a good idea to call honkeys I will say this u think it's ok to offend us but have a problem if you get will address me but not the guy that said honkey what a double standard

Ef you flea bag, if we're honkeys than you're hunkys or munkeys or whatever.
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