Post Debate Polls show Trump Support Skyrocketing with

I don't know why I bother with you Ed. I ask you to post evidence and you tap dance like Sammy Davis Jr.

Fake News. And completely misleading. Plus this article is referring to the Gen Election and doesn’t name 1 state to compare too. I have you 4 -5 states and all Hillary had bigger leads in the RCP average. Do you know how to use a computer dumbass?? Real Clear Politics .com
Fake News. And completely misleading. Plus this article is referring to the Gen Election and doesn’t name 1 state to compare too. I have you 4 -5 states and all Hillary had bigger leads in the RCP average. Do you know how to use a computer dumbass?? Real Clear Politics .com sure read the entire article quickly! I literally just posted it. share read the entire article quickly! I literally just posted it.
I’m a speed reader. I’ve done the research man I’m not lying. It’s very easy to look up all the polls in each state in 2016 and compare them to now
I don't know why I bother with you Ed. I ask you to post evidence and you tap dance like Sammy Davis Jr.

Plus look at 2016 almost every single poll had Hillary winning in PA except Trafalgar and Remington. It’s getting ready to Happen again only by a much bigger margin. And you all will be crying but wait the mail ins are still coming in. It’s not gonna work Trump will be up so much in many of the swing states.
Aaron Zitner.WSJ. Left wing loon wrote this completely misleading article. GTFOH with this BullShi$. No wonder your so F-ng warped man you believe all the left wing propaganda thrown at you.
Trump new video tonight.

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34% Latino vote & 15% Black vote for Trump spells doom for the Democrats. You all are toast!!
News flash!! Republicans normally get between 25% to 35% of the Latino vote. Nothing new here. As for AA, you'll be sorry for hoping for more than 10% of our vote.

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