Predictions on the Derek chauvin verdict


Dec 27, 2014
You would have to be a moron not to convict him. He's guilty as sin.

However... people are stupid. So what will the verdict be? God only knows.
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You should be ashamed of low IQ Maxine Waters. Instead you change the narrative. She's an idiot. You support her stupid mouth?
Change the narrative?

Predictions on the Derek chauvin verdict​

that's the thread title. I know an 82 year old black woman lives rent free in your head but that doesn't mean she occupies mine.

So, use whatever racist trope you want to use or will use about black women leaders (so far we have the black slut, the dumb black and the mouthy black), it truly doesn't concern me but the topic of this thread is how white racist will likely choose not to convict a murderer.
Convicted of which charges ?

I‘m not sure in what category this falls into, but to me he doesn’t die if a knee isn’t on his neck for 11 and a half minutes. I know there were other causes contributing to his death, but I think he lives without that happening.
I‘m not sure in what category this falls into, but to me he doesn’t die if a knee isn’t on his neck for 11 and a half minutes. I know there were other causes contributing to his death, but I think he lives without that happening.
had nothing to do with it. He would have died in that same spot had he been at home smoking a joint and sipping henny. that's of course complete bullshit but someone will hang the jury with that bit of bias.
!00% certain Chauvin will be found culpable to some degree. Remember, the knee on the neck doesn't have to be the direct cause of death, just a contributing factor. I think he will be found guilty of second-degree manslaughter.
Fixed it for you

Fixed, how well our Leftists do this. Their people in congress, the media and this dolt who FIXED your post.

Imagine an azzhole supporting Maxine Waters, one of the major reasons our African American cousins are spinning their wheels. She's a multimillionaire who who wouldn't think of residing in her district. She's done nothing, is a nothing and you defend her honor by changing someone else's honest post.
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Wow...not all are racists...stop that you hang with a lot of white people
Yep, majority for most of my life, overwhelming majority. I'm an attorney, most of my work colleagues are either white, white Hispanic or white jewish. Many conservative, several Maga. My former supervisor is a black MAGA woman. Folks like to put me in a box, I don't fit nor do I feel the need to.

Now, show me where I said all? You only need one to fubar the jury and there will be one.
Change the narrative?

Predictions on the Derek chauvin verdict​

that's the thread title. I know an 82 year old black woman lives rent free in your head but that doesn't mean she occupies mine.

So, use whatever racist trope you want to use or will use about black women leaders (so far we have the black slut, the dumb black and the mouthy black), it truly doesn't concern me but the topic of this thread is how white racist will likely choose not to convict a murderer.
Listen fool, I said none of the above. She doesn't live in my head, she is who she is...she is just stupid, plain and simple. Libs like you love to throw around the racist word which definitely lives in your head. You have nothing else to offer in conversation being relatively shallow in the thought process. Continue to act like a liberal victim, the narrative is old and boring.
Listen fool, I said none of the above. She doesn't live in my head, she is who she is...she is just stupid, plain and simple. Libs like you love to throw around the racist word which definitely lives in your head. You have nothing else to offer in conversation being relatively shallow in the thought process. Continue to act like a liberal victim, the narrative is old and boring.
Triggered huh? I didn't use the trope. You've used all of them. If you don't like what's in the mirror smacking the hand that holds it won't change the reflection.

It's ok, you're a tough guy. Don't be embarrassed about the tropes you use. As for victimization, you whine like a child with sand its in underpants about an exhausting list of grievances daily. This board is nothing other than faux conservatives Trumpeting 45's rage tweets about all the harms you collectively suffer; you know like

And that's just this week. You have made homophobic comments about Buttigieg, the tropes above about black women all the while bitching about everything under the sun.

So don't be mad that you got called on your shit, you know damn well you wouldn't publish the crap you say on here with your actual name in your professional circles because it's reprehensible; or maybe you would but I think a lot of this is a "put on". This lounge has a way of making otherwise decent folks act like complete racists homophobes and Islamaphobes under the cover of anonymity.

Have a good day and try not to post about Biden, Harris, Waters, or say something racist or homophobic today...just for a challenge, lay down your mantle of victimhood..well that's asking the impossible for some (maybe even you) but try not to melt like a snowflake when called on it kk?
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Triggered huh? I didn't use the trope. You've used all of them. If you don't like what's in the mirror smacking the hand that holds it won't change the reflection.

It's ok, you're a tough guy. Don't be embarrassed about the tropes you use. As for victimization, you whine like a child with sand its in underpants about an exhausting list of grievances daily. This board is nothing other than faux conservatives Trumpeting 45's rage tweets about all the harms you collectively suffer; you know like

And that's just this week. You have made homophobic comments about Buttigieg, the tropes above about black women all the while bitching about everything under the sun.

So don't be mad that you got called on your shit, you know damn well you wouldn't publish the crap you say on here with your actual name in your professional circles because it's reprehensible; or maybe you would but I think a lot of this is a "put on". This lounge has a way of making otherwise decent folks act like complete racists homophobes and Islamaphobes under the cover of anonymity.

Have a good day and try not to post about Biden, Harris, Waters, or say something racist or homophobic today...just for a challenge, lay down your mantle of victimhood..well that's asking the impossible for some (maybe even you) but try not to melt like a snowflake when called on it kk?
Ha,ha, your own b.s.! You and many libs on this board are the true racists. How would you like your fellow attorney's to know the true racist you are? You cover up your racism with any which way you can. You threaten but in reality ,your a punk! Have a nice day.
Triggered huh? I didn't use the trope. You've used all of them. If you don't like what's in the mirror smacking the hand that holds it won't change the reflection.

It's ok, you're a tough guy. Don't be embarrassed about the tropes you use. As for victimization, you whine like a child with sand its in underpants about an exhausting list of grievances daily. This board is nothing other than faux conservatives Trumpeting 45's rage tweets about all the harms you collectively suffer; you know like

And that's just this week. You have made homophobic comments about Buttigieg, the tropes above about black women all the while bitching about everything under the sun.

So don't be mad that you got called on your shit, you know damn well you wouldn't publish the crap you say on here with your actual name in your professional circles because it's reprehensible; or maybe you would but I think a lot of this is a "put on". This lounge has a way of making otherwise decent folks act like complete racists homophobes and Islamaphobes under the cover of anonymity.

Have a good day and try not to post about Biden, Harris, Waters, or say something racist or homophobic today...just for a challenge, lay down your mantle of victimhood..well that's asking the impossible for some (maybe even you) but try not to melt like a snowflake when called on it kk?
An attorney? Posting outside an emergency room? Really, who writes your briefs for you? Get them to write for you here also. Your thought process is as clear as concrete.

The purpose of The Lounge is to express what you seem to be against. I say seem to be because one can only guess at your purpose.

BTW it was you who brought up that 82 y/o lying, racist female who sucks the life out of the AA community. And since you choose to mention Biden and Harris also, how are Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumber doing with their border fiasco?

Please get some law clerk to post, if you choose to respond, your convoluted wring creates brainlock to the weary and chuckles for the rest of us Conservatives.
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I‘m not sure in what category this falls into, but to me he doesn’t die if a knee isn’t on his neck for 11 and a half minutes. I know there were other causes contributing to his death, but I think he lives without that happening.
The first sane post you ever made. Good job!
Yep, majority for most of my life, overwhelming majority. I'm an attorney, most of my work colleagues are either white, white Hispanic or white jewish. Many conservative, several Maga. My former supervisor is a black MAGA woman. Folks like to put me in a box, I don't fit nor do I feel the need to.

Now, show me where I said all? You only need one to fubar the jury and there will be one.
Ok I understand..if I say I have black friends it's a problem...and I will say sorry to u..and hope most aren't racist...but I know some are in both races...
@ellu is so triggered he is avoiding the Sicknick threads like they have COVID, after prematurely judging before the facts. Show us your integrity ellu!
Ok I understand..if I say I have black friends it's a problem...and I will say sorry to u..and hope most aren't racist...but I know some are in both races...
For the second time in my life I'm surprised by America's outcome. Good jury, great job by prosecution, crappy job by Defense.
For the second time in my life I'm surprised by America's outcome. Good jury, great job by prosecution, crappy job by Defense.
Low Integrity Ellu, why are you absent from the premature Sicknick threads?
Ellu, for an attorney, you sure seem to have a lot of extra time your hands, just sayin. How much do you charge an hour again? What law do you practice?

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