Regardless of who your candidate is, we all should be pissed off!


Gold Member
May 13, 2005
For those that argue voter fraud doesn't exist, this election has shown your vote doesn't really count. The winner was determined long ago in what years ago would be described as a cigar smoke filled room.

Trump winning WI by a few percentage points with well over 90% of the votes counted; BANG a 138,000 votes appear and are 100% for Biden. Suspicious? Well when you also notice the the total votes cast are a 97% voter turnout for a large state, more than a little suspicious. Add to that in the past 100 years the highest voter turnout for WI was 70%.

Similar occurrence in MI

I don't care who your candidate is/was you should be pissed as we don't live in a free democracy as much as we've been told we do. Those in Wash. DC and big tech know what's best for us and that's the way it will be whether you like it or not.

Very sad day for this country.
It is ridiculous that FL with the 3rd largest electorate can count all their votes in ~4 hours and a small state can't get it done in less time. It's really embarrassing that they have 1 job to do every 4 years and still utterly fail.
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It is ridiculous that FL with the 3rd largest electorate can count all their votes in ~4 hours and a small state can't get it done in less time. It's really embarrassing that they have 1 job to do every 4 years and still utterly fail.

Well, have you considered that Florida began processing and counting mail in ballots 23 days ago. While Wisconsin's GOP legislature refused to pass a law that would have allowed processing and counting the ballots before election day.

Thank you GOP legislatures.
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Well, have you considered that Florida began processing and counting mail in ballots 23 days ago. While Wisconsin's GOP legislature refused to pass a law that would have allowed processing and counting the ballots before election day.

Thank you GOP legislatures.

Processing yes, they didn't start the counting process until polls closed. It was stupid for everyone not to set that system up knowing the amount of votes that would be coming in.
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Processing yes, they didn't start the counting process until polls closed. It was stupid for everyone not to set that system up knowing the amount of votes that would be coming in.
I believe Florida actually counts early too. They just don't release it.

pre election article. Read things for yourself, google for yourself. Don’t buy bullshit

Not buying BS, did do the research. There are many statistical irregularities. Whether it was 15k or 150k is not the issue; it is that any sample comes i100% for a single candidate. Consider if you lined up 5000 and told everyone to vote one way; probabilities will tell you a. Number of those will come back incorrect.100% the same is beyond a statistical probability unless completed by a Machine. That has happened in WI, MI and Philly
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Did you skip this? It wasn't a sample, it was a ****ing typo by some website that publishes results, the error was caught on twitter, in real time, the tweets (linked above) are still there.

What are you speaking about with statistical irregularity? Its a typo.

Its embarrassing that they just filed a suit in GA saying that they shouldn't count anymore votes because some votes came in late.

53 votes came in late per their allegation. They haven't conclusively even proved that. Why not segregate the 53 and if they are determinative as for declaratory relief.
Not buying BS, did do the research. There are many statistical irregularities. Whether it was 15k or 150k is not the issue; it is that any sample comes i100% for a single candidate. Consider if you lined up 5000 and told everyone to vote one way; probabilities will tell you a. Number of those will come back incorrect.100% the same is beyond a statistical probability unless completed by a Machine. That has happened in WI, MI and Philly

You cannot cite to one example other than the one above. Not one. If you can show me. If valid I'll be the first to say I was wrong.
It is ridiculous that FL with the 3rd largest electorate can count all their votes in ~4 hours and a small state can't get it done in less time. It's really embarrassing that they have 1 job to do every 4 years and still utterly fail.

FL and Vermont can count their mail in ballots before Election Day other states can’t. That is the issue all state laws should be like VT and Florida. Takes too long and optics don’t look great but states make the laws.
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FL and Vermont can count their mail in ballots before Election Day other states can’t. That is the issue all state laws should be like VT and Florida. Takes too long and optics don’t look great but states make the laws.

Don't know about Vermont but that is partially incorrect for FL. They scan them in the system and everything is then ready to be counted when polls close. They do not count the ballots early.
Don't know about Vermont but that is partially incorrect for FL. They scan them in the system and everything is then ready to be counted when polls close. They do not count the ballots early.

Sorry my bad on FL but all states should at least do that. What is taking so long is they have to do everything on Election Day. No reason for that.
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Its embarrassing that they just filed a suit in GA saying that they shouldn't count anymore votes because some votes came in late.

53 votes came in late per their allegation. They haven't conclusively even proved that. Why not segregate the 53 and if they are determinative as for declaratory relief.
So you dont see the election fraud taking place here? Of course you dont. LOL
So you dont see the election fraud taking place here? Of course you dont. LOL

Let’s be real that is a lot of made up crap because Trump is losing and I’m a Trump supporter in this election And want him to win. It’s not rampant and if there is it will be found. it’s ironic he wants votes stopped in states he is winning but wants them to continue where he is losing which is laughable. Part of the problem too is GOP led state legislature refused to allow pre canvassing which would have sped things up. Trump wants votes to stop but his GOP buddies in the state caused these delayed count issues in PA MI and WI to name a few.
There has been fraud on a massive scale. The reporting that DEMS overwhelmingly used Mail in Ballots has never been confirmed with hard data. But if you establish that fact in the news before an election it makes it much easier to dump ballots with a 90 percent for Biden percentage. Very elaborately schemed. It takes a real group of sociopaths to think so deviously.
There has been fraud on a massive scale. The reporting that DEMS overwhelmingly used Mail in Ballots has never been confirmed with hard data. But if you establish that fact in the news before an election it makes it much easier to dump ballots with a 90 percent for Biden percentage. Very elaborately schemed. It takes a real group of sociopaths to think so deviously.
For those that argue voter fraud doesn't exist, this election has shown your vote doesn't really count. The winner was determined long ago in what years ago would be described as a cigar smoke filled room.

Trump winning WI by a few percentage points with well over 90% of the votes counted; BANG a 138,000 votes appear and are 100% for Biden. Suspicious? Well when you also notice the the total votes cast are a 97% voter turnout for a large state, more than a little suspicious. Add to that in the past 100 years the highest voter turnout for WI was 70%.

Similar occurrence in MI

I don't care who your candidate is/was you should be pissed as we don't live in a free democracy as much as we've been told we do. Those in Wash. DC and big tech know what's best for us and that's the way it will be whether you like it or not.

Very sad day for this country.
I disagree. Every vote should count. That is America. I had to listen to Dems cry for the last four year. If the Dems win now I have to listen to fake news and crying from Pubs.
There were states Biden was winning and when they counted all the votes Trump won. So is there fraud there too. Count the votes and let them fall as they may. It is a sad day in America when people don’t want all the votes counted.
Let’s be real that is a lot of made up crap because Trump is losing and I’m a Trump supporter in this election And want him to win. It’s not rampant and if there is it will be found. it’s ironic he wants votes stopped in states he is winning but wants them to continue where he is losing which is laughable. Part of the problem too is GOP led state legislature refused to allow pre canvassing which would have sped things up. Trump wants votes to stop but his GOP buddies in the state caused these delayed count issues in PA MI and WI to name a few.
Finally someone with sense. Good job sir.
Did you skip this? It wasn't a sample, it was a ****ing typo by some website that publishes results, the error was caught on twitter, in real time, the tweets (linked above) are still there.

What are you speaking about with statistical irregularity? Its a typo.

People only believe things that support their believes. If it is true or not that doesn’t matter to them.
People only believe things that support their believes. If it is true or not that doesn’t matter to them.
That's just confirmation bias, not all folks do this, some of us accept and incorporate information. Sometimes easily sometimes after challenging it for veracity. This is commonly called learning lol.

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