For those that argue voter fraud doesn't exist, this election has shown your vote doesn't really count. The winner was determined long ago in what years ago would be described as a cigar smoke filled room.
Trump winning WI by a few percentage points with well over 90% of the votes counted; BANG a 138,000 votes appear and are 100% for Biden. Suspicious? Well when you also notice the the total votes cast are a 97% voter turnout for a large state, more than a little suspicious. Add to that in the past 100 years the highest voter turnout for WI was 70%.
Similar occurrence in MI
I don't care who your candidate is/was you should be pissed as we don't live in a free democracy as much as we've been told we do. Those in Wash. DC and big tech know what's best for us and that's the way it will be whether you like it or not.
Very sad day for this country.
Trump winning WI by a few percentage points with well over 90% of the votes counted; BANG a 138,000 votes appear and are 100% for Biden. Suspicious? Well when you also notice the the total votes cast are a 97% voter turnout for a large state, more than a little suspicious. Add to that in the past 100 years the highest voter turnout for WI was 70%.
Similar occurrence in MI
I don't care who your candidate is/was you should be pissed as we don't live in a free democracy as much as we've been told we do. Those in Wash. DC and big tech know what's best for us and that's the way it will be whether you like it or not.
Very sad day for this country.