Remember you don't need a pardon if you haven't done anything illegal

This is how organized crime families behave - rewards for not snitching on the mafia boss, followed by attempts to get them out of jail.

You'll also note that the only two people who didn't get pardons were Rick Gates and Michael Cohen - the two who testified for the Government.

Still waiting on Trump to pardon Julian Assange along with members of the Trump family, and finally, himself.
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His Boy's must have something on them.
I personally believe this was all planned before he became President. Just look at all the crooks he put in place before and when he won the election. He also deals with a lot of white collar criminals who funded a lot of money to him in return for favors or even pardons. Most Crooked President ever in the history of the United States. One thing we do know is whats done in the dark will eventually be seen in the light.
I personally believe this was all planned before he became President. Just look at all the crooks he put in place before and when he won the election. He also deals with a lot of white collar criminals who funded a lot of money to him in return for favors or even pardons. Most Crooked President ever in the history of the United States. One thing we do know is whats done in the dark will eventually be seen in the light.

The chickens will come home to roost. I am not worried about that at all. I am just hoping we can limit the damage he has done to this great nation with his dictator like nonsense.
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