Republicans Flip House Seat in Special Election.

LOL, Trump didn't divide, his opponents did with every lie and dirty trick in the book and he told more truth than most and mocked those that need to be mocked for the lies and corruption and that's why they hate him. BTW you are a RINO
Trump didn’t attack the voters he attacked the democrats and media. The democrats attack the people and the media carrries their water
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Your party isnt exactly flying sky high. Florida's Ron DeSantis has to fend off Trump supporters, mainly Enrique Tarrio and his Proud Boys, who have set up shop in Miami/Dade and are heavy supporters of DJT. The only high you guys will have is from chugging the Repub Kool aid
Ridiculous, absurd, false comment
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Its easy to claim anything but wheres your info, data to back it up? You are3 still smarting from all the data and info I provided on the misdeeds of the current Israeli regime. You have yet to prove otherwise
What data and info???
What Israeli regime misdeeds????????
You are nothing but an ignorant ANTI SEMTETIC piece of shit!!!
“May a thousand fleas off a camels back be infested in your crotch”!
What data and info???
What Israeli regime misdeeds????????
You are nothing but an ignorant ANTI SEMTETIC piece of shit!!!
“May a thousand fleas off a camels back be infested in your crotch”!
I see you have experienced interactions with camels. How else would you know of fleas infesting the crotch? One other question....... Was once enough?
I see you have experienced interactions with camels. How else would you know of fleas infesting the crotch? One other question....... Was once enough?
I actually googled it for FACTS, unlike pure absurd info you get from comedy central
Try it sometime, you might actually learn something
Til then
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Don’t fall for the liberal talking points about Trumpsters vs so called traditional Republicans
I have no problem separating with other Republicans on personality questions , but this who whole moderate Republican thing is made up. Trump is a moderate Republican , always has been . What is far right about putting all Americans first , rejecting work policies , protecting borders , limiting government etc
His policies were very mainstream in my view . It’s the progressives who conflate his personality with policies. It is them who associate Trump with the radical ideas of of the wacko groups like the proud boys. It is they who promote the notion he is a racist or an anti- Semite , while his cabinet and family is rife with Jewish people .
I understand why some Republicans would prefer another candidate, so would I , mostly because he may not be electable in 2024 , whereas a candidate like DeSantis or ( my favorite) Youngkin would be .
But people shouldn’t fall for this fable that any one who supports the Trump policies is some sort of insurrectionist or racist
His ideas and policies are very mainstream Republican.
i agree with many things you stated, but Trump is a deceitful man period. He is quite idealistic, but he doesn’t understand how to get to his point. He lied about Covid and drinking Clorox, he doesn’t support global warming, he insulted the technology CEO’s that signed on to support a great idea, as well the CEO’s from large corps that came in to help support business in the US but he pissed them all off and they packed up and went home. Good idea, but always poor execution on his part. He is a pathetic old man.

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