Only post you’ve ever made that I liked. Funny thing is that there are so many debos/zues in real life. Sometimes you have to ice cube/hulk hogan up like your life depends on it when you’re cornered and there’s no other option. I had a debo in college. Guy was from kissimmi florida, highschool state champ wrestler, brad beil was, i guess is still his name. was three years older than me, was a lb on the football team at bama in the early 00-05 when i was in school. I thought he’d never graduate or move out of my apt complex. Stole from everyone, constantly lied, total rapist, etc. Thank god for alc and drugs because there’s no way I would have held my own if he was sober. I got him one night he refused to leave my party. Everyone saw it. Even justin smiley (later nfl) and evan mathis (later nfl) stuck up for me. Shocked me, we were all “friends” but I thought for sure I was toast since he was on their team. Funny thing is the rest of the time he was there he didn’t screw with me, probably not because I held my own but because he embarrassed him self. Hey a wins a win.

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