Screw Twitter!!

Absolutely for real ellu. It's not just half of a TV audience, there are literally millions of Americans that are indeed offended by the kneeling. Whether or not they meant to be respectful with their actions doesn't change the fact that it is indeed offensive. Mutual respect would tell them to take a knee at a different time during the game. Are you saying that just because something is not offensive to you that it is not offensive for someone else? That sounds like the definition of hypocrisy to me.

No, I'm saying that it was a public expression of free speech. I'm saying N-g--r is too. One is political speech the other is racist.
He's 58. My sister's age. Born in either 1962 or 1963. Colored was arguably ok in the very early 60's, arguably. By the time he was 6, 1968, colored was no longer commonly used.

He would have been 9 in 1971 or 1972.

Ya'll think he understands the level of institutional racism present in his life to think that N-i-g--er was interchangeable with Black when in 1972.
Yes, I was born in 1962. I am not trying to tell you that it was ok to use those descriptions of blacks, just that it was how many I grew up with around that time described them, especially the older generations. If you're able to see the intent that was in their hearts at the time to call them all racists for using that term then more power to you. Yes, racists used that term, but most were just using the term that others used back then with no actual understanding of just how offensive it was to the black race.
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No, I'm saying that it was a public expression of free speech. I'm saying N-g--r is too. One is political speech the other is racist.
And both are offensive towards a certain group so why continue to offend so many?
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The more u post the dumber u sound , now trump is controlling peoples minds..

He sure has a lot of people on this site believing anything he says. And many of the arrested said trump told them to do this. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Your analogy is a bit ridiculous because first of all twitter can do whatever they want to do. Second off they are by no means done yet. You are worried about the Iran or isreal? Well we have a Domestic Terrorism problem right here and now. I am about checking issues here. Im not worrying about a guy with a gun when a man is standing in front of me with a knife.
Listen you stubborn contrarian,
ANY form of social media control is a direct hit on FREE SPEECH.
The concept is so far over your head, you clueless lamb!
You’re calling some demonstrators that protested unlawfully in Congress, Domestic terrorism??
You mean like all the BLM riots, police brutality riots, Anti Trump riots, when they tried to burn down a Federal building?
No wonder I haven’t interacted with you in ages
You’re nothing but a small minded simpleton.

100% everything or NOTHING?

No, not really, it literally took 45 nationally organizing an insurrection and his minions actually storming the Capitol and taking human life before they did anything. He has said repugnant threatening things before.l Until he commanded his hoard to march down and attack he was still on the platform, afterwards, he was not.

Its no difficult to understand but you are being obtuse.

Please, go back and look at your anger over people kneeling because it was an afront to American tradition, American pride, now apply that to the institution of Congress and watch them
  • drag an officer into the crowd and beat him,
  • read how they defecated and smeared excrement all over the Capitol,
  • read how they urinated all over the Capitol
  • watch them chant death to Mike Pence as they search for the VP,
  • use the Flag to literally kill an officer,
  • listen to the screams of an officer being crushed in the door
  • breach the final hall where the Senate was being evacuated,
  • fly the traitor's flag in the Rotunda.
This is a dark day in our Country, unprecedented. It was an ordered attack on the Capitol by the sitting US President.
Hey my racist friend
Just like the BLM riots, Police Brutality riots, and anti Trump riots??
You mean the ones where they tried to burn down a FEDERAL building???
So when it fits your cause it’s justifiable, but when it doesnt’ its an issue
Ask the retired police chief who was murdered if he thinks like you???
I’m so glad I left this forum
It’s nothing more than a circle jerk of self absorbed know it alls, trying to convince everyone how correct and smart they are.
Sorry I stopped in, first time since Nov
Hey my racist friend
Just like the BLM riots, Police Brutality riots, and anti Trump riots??
You mean the ones where they tried to burn down a FEDERAL building???
So when it fits your cause it’s justifiable, but when it doesnt’ its an issue
Ask the retired police chief who was murdered if he thinks like you???
I’m so glad I left this forum
It’s nothing more than a circle jerk of self absorbed know it alls, trying to convince everyone how correct and smart they are.
Sorry I stopped in, first time since Nov

Listen you stubborn contrarian,
ANY form of social media control is a direct hit on FREE SPEECH.
The concept is so far over your head, you clueless lamb!
You’re calling some demonstrators that protested unlawfully in Congress, Domestic terrorism??
You mean like all the BLM riots, police brutality riots, Anti Trump riots, when they tried to burn down a Federal building?
No wonder I haven’t interacted with you in ages
You’re nothing but a small minded simpleton.

People were killed yes. It is terrorism when you storm our capitals threatening harm to our elected officials....It's being checked and it isn't freedom of speech. It's domestic terrorism. It's not going to be tolerated. Nobody cares if you like it.

Social media companies are run like every other American company. They can refuse service to anyone they feel are a reasonable threat. Nobody cares if you like it because like every other American business. If you don't like it get over it. Nobody cares!
People were killed yes. It is terrorism when you storm our capitals threatening harm to our elected officials....It's being checked and it isn't freedom of speech. It's domestic terrorism. It's not going to be tolerated. Nobody cares if you like it.

Social media companies are run like every other American company. They can refuse service to anyone they feel are a reasonable threat. Nobody cares if you like it because like every other American business. If you don't like it get over it. Nobody cares!
Where were you when they tried to burn down SEVERAL Federal Buildngs and Bank.
Im done engaging you!
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Just like in the riots I mentioned.
I actually laid off you, however you truly deserve the ridicule you receive.
Nobody is afraid of you or cares about Trump supporters on Canesport ridiculing me. Bring it! Stop comparing riots to storming the capital building. We have a national hierarchy hiding under tables in there. The majority of all leadership of this country is in there. So comparing it to a riot is pretty dumb.
Nobody is afraid of you or cares about Trump supporters on Canesport ridiculing me. Bring it! Stop comparing riots to storming the capital building. We have a national hierarchy hiding under tables in there. The majority of all leadership of this country is in there. So comparing it to a riot is pretty dumb.
So,you think JUST Trump supporters that ridicule you? , it’s pretty much EVERYBODY on Canesport.
Storming the Capitol???? A few dozen protestors, trespassing.
Amazed at how YOU simply ignore YOUR fellow BLM, Police brutality, and anti Trump protestors when they ATTEMPTED to BURN DOWN NUMEROUS FEDERAL BUILDINGS, and a BANK. Not to mention the billions of dollars in damages INCLUDING LOSS OF LIFE!
Thank you for proving my point!
You’re dismissed!
So,you think JUST Trump supporters that ridicule you? , it’s pretty much EVERYBODY on Canesport.
Storming the Capitol???? A few dozen protestors, trespassing.
Amazed at how YOU simply ignore YOUR fellow BLM, Police brutality, and anti Trump protestors when they ATTEMPTED to BURN DOWN NUMEROUS FEDERAL BUILDINGS, and a BANK. Not to mention the billions of dollars in damages INCLUDING LOSS OF LIFE!
Thank you for proving my point!
You’re dismissed!'s just you people....look at my likes. I know a lot of people here and have hung out with many. It's just you trying to top each other and I love it. Because I don't want any of you to like me. I don't respect you.
Bro, ppl including your family members and others who used that word even back then knew it was a slur...there’s no getting around this! On the flip slide, I have a BUNCH of family members who served and they had NO problem with Kap taking a knee-so the taking offense to the kneeling isn’t universal-but non black ppl calling a black person an n’word is and has been universally offense..BTW, as an add on, some of my family members who served said the worst racism they’ve ever felt was when they were enlisted!

I can concur it's bad. Had a Comapny CO call me a ******. He regretted it dearly. My brother was the squad leader of that solider in the 82nd who killed those guys. Its rampant in the Army.
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Exactly, you’re typical narcissist that can’t respect a different point of view.!!
Ive been on this site since 98 and have watched you become a punching bag for ALL of Canesport
YOU are the sites most called out, made fun of poster!
All you do is argue, NEVER do you acknowledge differing opinions, or even accept compromise positions.
You are simply self indulgent!

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