Seattle Thugs Attempt to Lynch Mayor.

That’s was a good idea if they did have guns,if you’re going to kick out some dirty cops you might want to be armed.

You started out with no assault rifles like the far right THUGS. Now that leftist are taking over property doing shakedowns and have assault rifles at the barricades it’s a good idea. This is what you get with leftist control.
You started out with no assault rifles like the far right THUGS. Now that leftist are taking over property doing shakedowns and have assault rifles at the barricades it’s a good idea. This is what you get with leftist control.
Hypocrites with desire for more power.
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Hypocrites with desire for more power.

Seattle Mayor and Washington State Governor in Twitter war with Trump. Tweeted to President stay in your bunker stay out of Washington state. When Governor was asked about Autonomous Zone in Seattle, He said I wasn’t aware of that. Leadership
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I took that political reverse play right out of the TRUMP playbook, I’m surprised you couldn’t recognize your for right buddies #1 play.
Well when Trump sends in the military we'll find out now, won't we?
Take your dumb as. S back to the BUNKER Simple Jack. I Love it he ain’t dealing with his scary asset Conservatards in Washington DC. They are treating him just the way he needs to be treated, no respect. No one respects him except his base. He’s a BUFFOON!!!