Seriously. Why isn’t every team member vaccinated?!?

And how many of those 70 were either asymptomatic or had minor symptoms? How many were severe? How many wore masks? How many had underlying conditions which either made them more susceptible to Covid or exacerbated their Covid symptoms? Some guy dies in a 5 car accident on the Palmetto, and Dr. Quack Fauci and the CDC want to chalk it up as a Covid related fatality. F**k all of it.

The University of Alabama is now requiring its students to wear masks indoors IRRESPECTIVE of whether the student has been vaccinated. Why? I thought vaccinations were supposed to obviate the need for masks. Covid is a fear porn scam like we've never seen- the woke fascist liberals use it to assert power and control over the public; and Big Pharma uses it to make trillions (now we need a 3rd Shot lmao). Meanwhile, individual liberties are continuously under attack. Covid is a worldwide severe flu. We deal with it and we move on in life. We don't go around implementing Nazi-style health mandates like the woke liberal fascists fight every day to do. Thank goodness most people are finally seeing this Covid scam as it is.
advarkas they have 70 in the hospital. Why the hell would they be in the hospital if they where asymptomatic or had minor symptoms? Come on man. Just read what he's saying. only 2 of the 70 where vacinated. basically 98% of the 70 that are currently in the hospital are unvaccinated. I'm all for your body your choice but you're responce if iffy at best.
I am as Conservative as you get but you are wrong Advarkas. We have 70 patients in 1 hospital in Marion County with Covid. Only 2 have been vaccinated .If you look at the death curve on the Hopkins website for the US its inversely proportional to the vaccination curve.
If the Delta strain doesnt kill many people it will at least confer herd immunity on those not vaccinated. But it costs society a lot more to treat those infected vs vaccinating them. I hope the ignorance of anti -vaxxers does not kill them but many will suffer for it I am afraid.
My wife's first cousin and her husband got Covid 3 weeks ago .Both survived but had to get Monoclonal antibodies due to pneumonia. They were very sick. Both refused the vaccine
This the only poster that I ever believe when it comes to medical issues. And he has legit bona fides when it comes to conservatism.
Vaccines are great .
Today Fauci actually discussed how Trumps guy Azar pushed the development so quickly. He got Trump to fund the untested vaccines so that they didn’t have wait until the various phases were completed ( a typical bureaucracy)
How vaccines became a political cause of the left is bizarre. It happened so fast because Trump and Azar placed. a huge bet.
I still believe that persuasion is the answer and that my good friend Advarkas may be slightly hyperbolic in his disdain for the heavy handed way the vaccines are being pushed. We all need to skeptical about any governmental intrusion into our lives. I’m less concerned about private entities, such as the U , dictating vaccine protocols, than any government edicts , but still would prefer voluntary compliance.
Vaccines are a good thing .
Thank you Alex Azar
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You do know lots of people who are vaccinated are getting infected right? What happens to someone who is vaccinated that gets infected? Big consequences too? Lmao.

that is what the vaccination is for!!! Those who get it and are vaccinated only have minor symptoms and about 98% do. It need to go to Hospital. This is also the reason why new CDC ruke is for those vaccinated to wear mask. It’s not to protect them. It’s to protect the vaccinated passing it on to the idiots who refuse to be vaccinated and could die. So next time you see a vaccinated person wearing a mask, just say thank you for them caring about your ignorant anti vax ass.

98% of those in hospital are unvaccinated patients.
96% of all doctors are vaccinated!!!!! So you would think if they are vaccinated, what does thst tell you about their knowledge and beliefs that the vaccine works??? But of course, the anti vaccinated always know more than about every medically trained doctor in the Nation
Hearing some people vaccinated getting the Covid-19, thankfully most are having mild to moderate symptoms. So yes the vaccine makes sense in a risk management sense

But I’m not hearing many stories about repeat infections

Maybe, some of the unvaccinated are following the science that prior infection provides long lasting immunity in most people…..much higher immunity than the vax, or so I’m told. There’s research out there on this.

maybe the 85% got the vax because they didn’t have natural immunity?

Or maybe that 15% had a good talk with their doctor who advised against getting the vaccine.

I typically try to listen to my personal Dr when it comes to my health, not some politician on either side of the aisle or some “national doctor” who hasn’t had an actual patient in decades.

I also had my antibodies checked since I’ve had the infection and have been vaxed. Again I try to follow science.

Just my humble opinion

I know several doctors and they all say the same thing. On average, your anti-bodies last about 90 days after you were infected. So they all recommend to get vaccinated 99 days after you were infected.
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Except the first one is literally their body. Vaccinations (or lack thereof) affect everyone if cases go up, mask mandates return, games get cancelled, hospitality workers get laid off due to lockdowns etc. So the analogy is limited at best.

this ^^^^^^
1. Lounge

2. I don't give 2 craps about liberals or conservatives, although I tend to vote republican. Shouldn't matter, but these days you have to share that before some dumbazzes bring it up.

3. How many of the vaccinated folks are asymptomatic from delta variant? That number ranges from 64-88% depending on the study. How many avoid hospitalization or severe illness? More than 99%. That is a massive reduction on risk vs unvaccinated.

4. This isn't a liberal or conservative issue. In fact, the libs were calling these same vaccines out when trump was fast tracking their approvals. Now Biden's in and the narrative has changed amongst party lines. Sure it is free choice, but we have stripped choice from ppl in the past (mandatory vaccines for children to go to public school). Ask yourself why do we do that?

5. This isn't a Fascist, liberal, or American problem. This is an international problem. I am born American, but my family roots are in India. I listened to friends and relatives poo-poo the virus, the vaccines and the masks. Well, we all know what happened. My family lost some of those same ppl. Granted, India has some shady ass vaccines that I would not take, but the point is they did not take the virus seriously. These are ppl half way across the planet, that aren't dems or repubs, but got burned not taking it seriously. (Fun anecdotal evidence: Folks in India blamed the US and Trump for spreading the virus to control the rest of the world.)

Yes there is fear mongering, yes there are political ploys, but the vaccines work. Yes, there is a small percentage of folks that can die or have severe reactions to vaccines. But compare that number to the severe covid cases and deaths and isn't even close.

Talk to your doctor, talk to your family, get vaccinated if it makes sense.
The best response so far. thank you for coming up with your own conclusions instead of letting political party's sway you one way or the other. All people have to do is research but weve become a very lazy society. Hey if google says so it must be true!!!
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Yes there is fear mongering, yes there are political ploys, but the vaccines work. Yes, there is a small percentage of folks that can die or have severe reactions to vaccines. But compare that number to the severe covid cases and deaths and isn't even close.

Talk to your doctor, talk to your family, get vaccinated if it makes sense.
This is spot on truth!!!!
The rate of myocarditis from the vaccine for 20-year-old males is considerably higher than the rate of myocarditis from a COVID-19 infection. A lot to consider for a college athlete. If you get it, best case scenario is you have to sit out the year.
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This is absolutely true. It's too bad that this illness and vaccinations got politicized. Typically before Covid, anti-vaxxers were LIBERALS. It is so weird that Conservatives are now anti-vax, but it really is because of Qanon and Trump. However, Trump developed these vaccines, and it was his priority - but now he cannot support it because his base doesn't.

I am conservative too, but I can see through the BS politics of this. EVERY hospital has 95%+ unvaccinated patients in the Covid unit. That is a fact. And by definition, those are very sick people. The ones who were vaccinated have significant health issues like diabetes, renal failure, or are immunocompromised. If you are immunocompromised or on medications that suppress your immune system, the vaccines are not as effective. This variant is definitely more contagious, and the vaccines are less effective, but they still are likely to prevent SEVERE disease in most healthy people.

that is what the vaccination is for!!! Those who get it and are vaccinated only have minor symptoms and about 98% do. It need to go to Hospital. This is also the reason why new CDC ruke is for those vaccinated to wear mask. It’s not to protect them. It’s to protect the vaccinated passing it on to the idiots who refuse to be vaccinated and could die. So next time you see a vaccinated person wearing a mask, just say thank you for them caring about your ignorant anti vax ass.

98% of those in hospital are unvaccinated patients.
96% of all doctors are vaccinated!!!!! So you would think if they are vaccinated, what does thst tell you about their knowledge and beliefs that the vaccine works??? But of course, the anti vaccinated always know more than about every medically trained doctor in the Nation
Found 2 people that don’t know how to do math.

31 vaccinated hospitalizations with Covid in Miami dade compared to 130 non-vaccinated. That’s 20% of hospitalizations come from those vaccinated and it has been steadily rising.

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I’m missing something here. If we are serious about winning why is only 85% of player vaccinated. This is stupid! As a private institution, they could easily enforce this on every student. Many colleges have. My daughters college, Howard University, is enforcing for all students.
Florida law does not allow educational institutions to require vaccination against COVID-19 as a condition of attendance or residence. It doesn't matter that UM is private.
The rest of us also have rights, we have the right not to be infected by the stupid or have our lives compromised
So get vaccinated if you aren't and you'll make your worst case like having the flu unless you are a rare frail elderly person or somebody with a ton of other health problems. Your life isn't being compromised by somebody else not getting vaccinated if you get vaccinated.
No reason that a person who isn't in danger shouldn't be jabbed. It's for the good of society. You're selfish if you don't. Do your part

There's no conspiracy. No government out to get you. Your right to swing ends where my nose begins and we've hit that point now. Don't want the vax? Don't go in public. You get sick. Don't go to the hospital and jeopardize the staff and suck up insurance money.

Get the vax and stop with your political crap.

Peace. Love. Joy to all.

Ha ha
I have done clinical research in my specialty(Rheumatology) for over 20 years. I know the way these drugs are developed. There were phase 3 studies done on over 30 thousand people in a blinded study on the vaccines.. That is often enough to get a drug fast tracked for approval.
What was sped up was the FDA review of the studies because of the need for the vaccines. Trump has pushed vaccination and was pushing the monoclonal antibodies like the Regeneron Cocktail. The FDA dragged their feet on the Regeneron release . These antibodies and steroids have notably increased survival. But the biggest change in deaths is because of vaccination.
The cost of treating somebody with Covid Pneumonia is very high and those burdens either fall on Medicare or private insurance or the hospitals themselves. The vaccines are cheap and effective.
One has to understand the unprecedented scale of vaccination and the relatively minor amount of serious reactions to the vaccine. In Clinical research its rare to see no serious adverse reactions .It the degree of severity and its frequency that can make or break a drug approval.
The disproportional scare tactic of both the extreme left regarding the virus and the right regarding vaccinations are harmful. The CDC and the NIH have dropped the ball and issue edicts without explanations or scientific fact to support them. We all need clarity on these issues.
yeah true but because of YOUR free will, you may be f*&king it up for everyone else on the team if multiple players have to miss games because your “free will” caught covid-19. And heaven forbid your. “Free will” causes us to miss a game or even have to forfeit a game.

in some cases it’s not just about you but about effecting others around you.
The vaccinated can still get covid and still spread covid. Still cancelling games and spreading to loved ones. Being vaccinated means nothing for your argument.
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@gferman you and Yahoo ready to have this racist rhetoric on your website? Pretty sure Black Americans didn't elect to be Black. Seeing as 4 of my siblings and both of my parents grew up and went to school with signs like this.

I mean I get that you @gferman don't police the racism in the Lounge but why tolerate it? Clearly, it leaks onto the main page.

It's unacceptable.
I’m missing something here. If we are serious about winning why is only 85% of player vaccinated. This is stupid! As a private institution, they could easily enforce this on every student. Many colleges have. My daughters college, Howard University, is enforcing for all students.

If some one come down with a vairiant we may have to quarinteen and the entire OL or DL or cancel a game. Is there political reason not to do this. Help me understand!
Good idea Adolf
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The vaccine trains the body to snitch on the bad gang trying harm you. If you get bum rushed by the virus gang without the snitches (i.e. vaccine) alerting your body, it could be to late for your body to respond.

Plus with some side effects that mimic brain fog and dementia, why risk that with the concussion issues players have?
And ivermectin (bodyguards) beat the hell out of the gang and keeps them from from ganging up on you.
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No that’s not correct.
First it’s not their fault that they had a breakout infection
Second if the vaccinated person gets infected it’s unlikely that he spreads to others , particularly vaccinated others. Thus there is little reason to isolate for the contacts .
It does become a much lesser problem, comparable to the flu if spread among vaccinated folks . On top of that the therapeutics available for vaccinated people who get sick virtually guarantee a good outcome
Once we reach a level of immunity created by prior infection and vaccines, we are going to have to learn how to deal with this virus without hysteria as it will be around for the foreseeable future .
So we need to persuade the unvaccinated players to jump on board and get vaccinated or provide a good explanation
Is the vaccine approved by the FDA......
Is it an EUA....emergency use authourization...
Is it a vaccine in name only without the proper guidelines ......
Is this an experimental trial...
I’m missing something here. If we are serious about winning why is only 85% of player vaccinated. This is stupid! As a private institution, they could easily enforce this on every student. Many colleges have. My daughters college, Howard University, is enforcing for all students.

If some one come down with a vairiant we may have to quarinteen and the entire OL or DL or cancel a game. Is there political reason not to do this. Help me understand!
The vaccine is not a force field. You can get COVID whether you are vaccinated or not. Its likely that many players have already had COVID and have the antibodies.
Found 2 people that don’t know how to do math.

31 vaccinated hospitalizations with Covid in Miami dade compared to 130 non-vaccinated. That’s 20% of hospitalizations come from those vaccinated and it has been steadily rising.

that’s Miami only. We do not all live in Miami!!!

read paragraph 4 and 5 of this article.

50 Hospitals in 17 states
255 of 271 total patients were un-vaccinated!! 94%!!!!!
And of the 16 vaccinated, about all had other medical issues like cancer or weakened immune symptoms.

Not good enough, as mentioned, my wife is an ER Doctor in Palm Beach. Her Hospital,right now has about 30 Covid patients admitted. All but 1 is unvaccinated.

But yeah, keep believing that vaccination is the devil and does not work.
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The vaccinated can still get covid and still spread covid. Still cancelling games and spreading to loved ones. Being vaccinated means nothing for your argument.

it does. the quarantine rules are totally different for person vaccinated and person unvaccinated. Also I believe everyone there is no quarantine for contact tracing players if the person who tested positive was vaccinated. Meaning multiple people do nit have to quarantine if one person got it.
I’m missing something here. If we are serious about winning why is only 85% of player vaccinated. This is stupid! As a private institution, they could easily enforce this on every student. Many colleges have. My daughters college, Howard University, is enforcing for all students.

If some one come down with a vairiant we may have to quarinteen and the entire OL or DL or cancel a game. Is there political reason not to do this. Help me understand!
If 15% of the players already had covid than they have the anti bodies in them any way.

I don’t think it should be mandatory but I do think if you don’t have the anti bodies in you, you should get it. Lol @ that people worried about the long term effects of the vaccines that lived in miami through the 70’s-late 80’s after all the shit they put in their systems. Lol, be honest, how many of them are lucky to still be alive at this point?

maybe there’s something to this lol? How about offering a version of the vaccine with opioids or dopamine's in it? Ppl would be lined up around the block asking for their booster shot in no time. Screw the $100 incentive. Just put the money towards a party bus to and from the sites. Maybe have some live entertainment at the sites too. These sites are just so cold and industrial. If we’re going to piss money away, let’s do it right.
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You do know lots of people who are vaccinated are getting infected right? What happens to someone who is vaccinated that gets infected? Big consequences too? Lmao.
Man why do you educate yourself and stop bathing in ignorance. We know people who are vaccinated are getting infected. However, those who are vaccinated are much more protected. They will not visit the hospital...and they will not have serious consequences.

The OP is correct. Its stupid to not be vaccinated and then expect to commune with everyone else. If you do not want to be vaccinated then don't sign on to play football.
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Vaccinations are a woke fascist liberal way of manipulating the masses into uniformity of thought, speech, and conduct. We defeated usch a terrorist political ideology 75+ years ago in Europe, and we'll do it again here at home. Biden is an old demented rascist puppet being controlled by his handlers; Big Pharma is promoting the vaccine to make trillions of dollars off of the public for its corproate leaders; and the CDC with Dr. Fauci is a flip-flopping political quack. Vaccinations are a personal choice, and woke liberal fascists can all go f**k themelves trying to force people to get them.



that’s Miami only. We do not all live in Miami!!!

read paragraph 4 and 5 of this article.

50 Hospitals in 17 states
255 of 271 total patients were in vaccinated!! 94%!!!!!
And of the 16 vaccinated, about all had other medical issues like cancer or weakened immune symptoms.

Not good enough, as mentioned, my wife is an ER Doctor in Palm Beach. Her Hospital,right now has about 30 Covid patients admitted. All but 1 is unvaccinated.

But yeah, keep believing that vaccination is the devil and does not work.
Lol you’re a clown where did I say the vaccine was the devil? Don’t cry because you struggle with math as well.
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Have him show you how it is approved by the FDA vs the EUA...
My favorite is the vaccine failure in other countries. But these low IQ people don't get that it's coming here soon.

35% of new hospitalizations are in the vaccinated in the UK

50% of new hospitalizations are in the vaccinated in Israel

I'm already in line for my 4th booster shot. Want to have peak effectiveness at all times!
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Liberals aren't right about shit; just a collective group of woke fascist virtue signalers trying to manipulate the masses into uniformity of thought, speech, and conduct to retain power over the masses for their own pecuniary benefit.

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ullshit. My wife is an ER doctor a d she tells me that the # of covid patients in her hospital is higher than ever before. And with the new Delta Variant, a majority of patients coming in are actuallly much younger. In age range of 25 to 54.

by the way, it so much about control and money???? Go ask St Mary’s Hospital in Palm Beach (Largest Hospital in Palm BEach County). Tofay they reached 100% capicity. They nave no beds available in the Hospital. So yeah keep,thinking it’s political. Pray you do not get it and your local Hospital can barely treat you because they have no space available.
I had it and have the antibodies
I didn’t say it’s political
There’s no test for the Delta variant
Get vaccinated or not, it’s your choice. Forcing people to isn’t right.
My favorite is the vaccine failure in other countries. But these low IQ people don't get that it's coming here soon.

35% of new hospitalizations are in the vaccinated in the UK

50% of new hospitalizations are in the vaccinated in Israel

I'm already in line for my 4th booster shot. Want to have peak effectiveness at all times!
Context helps. You have a 60% less chance of getting Delta, 10 times lower chance of hospitalization, and 50 times less chance of death.

Vaccinations are a woke fascist liberal way of manipulating the masses into uniformity of thought, speech, and conduct. We defeated usch a terrorist political ideology 75+ years ago in Europe, and we'll do it again here at home. Biden is an old demented rascist puppet being controlled by his handlers; Big Pharma is promoting the vaccine to make trillions of dollars off of the public for its corproate leaders; and the CDC with Dr. Fauci is a flip-flopping political quack. Vaccinations are a personal choice, and woke liberal fascists can all go f**k themelves trying to force people to get them.



Good to have you back!
Solid post as always...
Lol you’re a clown where did I say the vaccine was the devil? Don’t cry because you struggle with math as well.

you obviously do not know how to read or even open a link. And if there is anyone who does not know how to do math is you if you are questioning those %. But yeah, keeep talking crap and spewing your misinformation. You obviously are clueless and not very bright
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Vaccinations are a woke fascist liberal way of manipulating the masses into uniformity of thought, speech, and conduct. We defeated usch a terrorist political ideology 75+ years ago in Europe, and we'll do it again here at home. Biden is an old demented rascist puppet being controlled by his handlers; Big Pharma is promoting the vaccine to make trillions of dollars off of the public for its corproate leaders; and the CDC with Dr. Fauci is a flip-flopping political quack. Vaccinations are a personal choice, and woke liberal fascists can all go f**k themelves trying to force people to get them.



If you truly believe this garbage you should never take any medicine used to save your feckless life. Based on your warped beliefs a shot of penicillin to prevent your pecker from rotting would be a no. Stop spreading misinformation!
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