So Much For The First AA, Gay, Female Press Secretary

I think Desantis would be a better president than Trump. Trump failed miserably in picking his staff and didnt seem prescient on the subterfuge around him by RINO's that he chose in his cabinet and as advisors. I don't think Desantis would make that mistake. Plus the election is 3 years from now a lot can happen by then. Trump's policies were great but has been so demonized and has been so abrasive that another more likeable candidate with the same policies is more likely to win.
Actually I like Youngkin better
But either would be great

They will claim he is inexperienced, because the swamp prefers folks who have done nothing in their lives other than run for legislative office and pontificate .
Youngkin has limited government experience but substantial experience running a very large multi national organization. Successfully
The right academic background and an ability to relate to all people.