So the new elected Pres. Biden

El Cubano

Gold Member
Jun 27, 2020
Goes on national TV and adds fuel to the fire how BLM would of been treated differently by the capitol police ..

Yea he really wants to heal this country , where the fucck where you during the burning down of our cities ..

So typical of the left... Keep fueling this shitt and it will get worse ...
Goes on national TV and adds fuel to the fire how BLM would of been treated differently by the capitol police ..

Yea he really wants to heal this country , where the fucck where you during the burning down of our cities ..

So typical of the left... Keep fueling this shitt and it will get worse ...
Well this country can't heal until people like you start to acknowledge that there is two America's when it comes to policing. If you are unable or unwilling to acknowledge this American problem how can we start healing and coming together as one country?
I totally agree the young lady killed in the capital should have been arrested but not killed.
The punishment for her crime should not be death.
But have you ever said that the many black people killed at the hands of police didn't deserve to lose their lives? No you haven't
All we ever hear from you and your kind is they shouldn't have been breaking the law.

The President elect said what needs to be said.
Goes on national TV and adds fuel to the fire how BLM would of been treated differently by the capitol police ..

Yea he really wants to heal this country , where the fucck where you during the burning down of our cities ..

So typical of the left... Keep fueling this shitt and it will get worse ...
Unfortunately Biden was 100% correct. Ignorance at its best bud
Goes on national TV and adds fuel to the fire how BLM would of been treated differently by the capitol police ..

Yea he really wants to heal this country , where the fucck where you during the burning down of our cities ..

So typical of the left... Keep fueling this shitt and it will get worse ...
Trump is to blame for every bit of this divided country now. POS trump has lied about 99% of everything since taking office
Biden's comments yesterday just show that he is a puppet of BLM and the far left. This is coming from a guy that says you "ain't black if you don't vote for me" and "poor kids are just as smart as white kids". He also voted against segregation stating he didn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle". Every chance he had in his 47 years he voted to keep blacks down. It's baffling that you all buy his bullshit. Talk about ignorance.
Goes on national TV and adds fuel to the fire how BLM would of been treated differently by the capitol police ..

Yea he really wants to heal this country , where the fucck where you during the burning down of our cities ..

So typical of the left... Keep fueling this shitt and it will get worse ...
Sort of like Trump putting out a video condemning the insurrection he started saying he's sorry and he lost the election but today he's not attending the inauguration. WTF!!
Biden's comments yesterday just show that he is a puppet of BLM and the far left. This is coming from a guy that says you "ain't black if you don't vote for me" and "poor kids are just as smart as white kids". He also voted against segregation stating he didn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle". Every chance he had in his 47 years he voted to keep blacks down. It's baffling that you all buy his bullshit. Talk about ignorance.
But you bought the bullshit Trump has been spurring for 4 years. The man is a corrupt POS. Don't you see it?
But you bought the bullshit Trump has been spurring for 4 years. The man is a corrupt POS. Don't you see it?
You can't defend anything in my post about Biden so you immediately deflect to Trump. This thread isn't about Trump, it's about Biden. That's how Dems operative. Blame and deflect their failures on everyone else.
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You can't defend anything in my post about Biden so you immediately deflect to Trump. This thread isn't about Trump, it's about Biden. That's how Dems operative. Blame and deflect their failures on everyone else.
I never deflect as you and your ilk do regarding that POS in the WH. Biden's comments were absolutely spot on. There are 2 criminal justice systems in America. One for Whites and one for people of color. I hope I was clear on my views about this matter.
You can't defend anything in my post about Biden so you immediately deflect to Trump. This thread isn't about Trump, it's about Biden. That's how Dems operative. Blame and deflect their failures on everyone else.

You basically puked up a bunch of cherry picked nonsense that conforms to your paranoid narrative. If you were serious, you would have framed the question in a more grown up manner.
Biden's comments yesterday just show that he is a puppet of BLM and the far left. This is coming from a guy that says you "ain't black if you don't vote for me" and "poor kids are just as smart as white kids". He also voted against segregation stating he didn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle". Every chance he had in his 47 years he voted to keep blacks down. It's baffling that you all buy his bullshit. Talk about ignorance.
Ignorance is a RACIST that gets on TV and tell America he has done more for black people then anyone. GTFOOH
You can't defend anything in my post about Biden so you immediately deflect to Trump. This thread isn't about Trump, it's about Biden. That's how Dems operative. Blame and deflect their failures on everyone else.
Not sure what's wrong with this statement?

"poor kids are just as smart as white kids"

I agree! Next dumb post?
Are you mad Trump didn't get you a phone like Obama?
Actually I am not mad. Jan. 20th can't get here fast enough. The only people that are mad are the Trump Cult Members like yourself. Pack your bags and follow your Savior. Biden is coming in to erase everything that POS put in place. He will go definitely go down has the worst President every after that embarrassment the other day. Oh, and one more thing BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!!!!!!
Well this country can't heal until people like you start to acknowledge that there is two America's when it comes to policing. If you are unable or unwilling to acknowledge this American problem how can we start healing and coming together as one country?
I totally agree the young lady killed in the capital should have been arrested but not killed.
The punishment for her crime should not be death.
But have you ever said that the many black people killed at the hands of police didn't deserve to lose their lives? No you haven't
All we ever hear from you and your kind is they shouldn't have been breaking the law.

The President elect said what needs to be said.
How many of the 226 blacks killed by police last year were unjustified, 5, 10? Then how many of the 432 whites killed by police last year were unjustified? What, did you not know that there are nearly twice as many whites killed each year by police? Did you also know that in 2018 for every 10,000 arrests of a black person for a violent crime, 3 were killed and for every 10,000 arrests of a white person for a violent crime, 4 were killed? All we ever hear from you and your kind is that it only happens to a certain race. The narrative is that blacks are being hunted down and killed by cops when in reality 226 out of 40 million is as far from that lie that keeps being repeated as can be. Add in that in 2018 there were over 547,000 cases of black on white violent crime compared to just over 59,000 cases of white on black violent crime and the truth about who's really being hunted in America becomes more clear.
How many of the 226 blacks killed by police last year were unjustified, 5, 10? Then how many of the 432 whites killed by police last year were unjustified? What, did you not know that there are nearly twice as many whites killed each year by police? Did you also know that in 2018 for every 10,000 arrests of a black person for a violent crime, 3 were killed and for every 10,000 arrests of a white person for a violent crime, 4 were killed? All we ever hear from you and your kind is that it only happens to a certain race. The narrative is that blacks are being hunted down and killed by cops when in reality 226 out of 40 million is as far from that lie that keeps being repeated as can be. Add in that in 2018 there were over 547,000 cases of black on white violent crime compared to just over 59,000 cases of white on black violent crime and the truth about who's really being hunted in America becomes more clear.
For those saying stick to the topic, I believe it was "where the fucck where (sic) you during the burning down of our cities .. " Biden. Here are his statements, links included to the original statement. If this is an intellectually honest conversation the information below should be conclusive as to at least one thing, he has made 5 statements on that record condemn "burning down of cities".
  • "On May 29, he told CNN that people “have a right to be, in fact, angry and frustrated. And more violence, hurting more people, isn’t going to answer the question." Source - Joe Biden Speaks with CNN about George Floyd's Death
  • "On May 31, he wrote in a statement on Medium that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and “an utterly American response." “But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.” Source - We are a nation furious at injustice.
  • On June 2, in a speech in Philadelphia, recorded by ABC News, Biden said there is "no place for violence, no place for looting or destroying property or burning churches or destroying businesses." Source - Biden addresses nationwide Floyd protests
  • On July 28, in a speech in Wilmington, Delaware, per C-SPAN “Peaceful protesters should be protected – but arsonists and anarchists should be prosecuted – and local law enforcement can do that," he said. Source - Joe Biden Remarks in Wilmington, Delaware on the Economy
  • On Aug. 31, after a man was fatally shot in Portland, Oregon, Biden released a statement on his campaign website with another condemnation of protest-related violence: "The deadly violence we saw overnight in Portland is unacceptable," he said. "Shooting in the streets of a great American city is unacceptable. I condemn this violence unequivocally. I condemn violence of every kind by anyone, whether on the left or the right. And I challenge Donald Trump to do the same." Source - Statement from Vice President Joe Biden on the Deadly Violence in Portland
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How many of the 226 blacks killed by police last year were unjustified, 5, 10? Then how many of the 432 whites killed by police last year were unjustified? What, did you not know that there are nearly twice as many whites killed each year by police? Did you also know that in 2018 for every 10,000 arrests of a black person for a violent crime, 3 were killed and for every 10,000 arrests of a white person for a violent crime, 4 were killed? All we ever hear from you and your kind is that it only happens to a certain race. The narrative is that blacks are being hunted down and killed by cops when in reality 226 out of 40 million is as far from that lie that keeps being repeated as can be. Add in that in 2018 there were over 547,000 cases of black on white violent crime compared to just over 59,000 cases of white on black violent crime and the truth about who's really being hunted in America becomes more clear.
Great post! Well written, backed up with statistical facts, and no name calling or personal attacks. It's tough for some to see reality.
Biden's comments yesterday just show that he is a puppet of BLM and the far left. This is coming from a guy that says you "ain't black if you don't vote for me" and "poor kids are just as smart as white kids". He also voted against segregation stating he didn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle". Every chance he had in his 47 years he voted to keep blacks down. It's baffling that you all buy his bullshit. Talk about ignorance.
People don’t get it. Trump is merely a symptom of the anger, resentment and outright disdain for the left. This shit starting happening when Bush was in office. People called Bush a nazi, then started blaming racial issues on him. It then spread to the people who support him. Obama took office with the goal of uniting the country. he made it worse. Made fun people who carry, saying shit like cling to their Guns & bibles. Merry Christmas was no longer socially acceptable to say in public. Then came insults saying all conservatives were homophobic, masogonostic. IRS then targeted conservatives that donated money to organizations like the tea party. All while the country as a whole was moving left, Republicans outwardly supported gay rights, discussion on racial issues. If you didn’t support Obama, you were a “racist”. Shit started boiling up.

Trump comes along, and becomes the dam that blocks the river of the bullshit. He fought for many folks that felt disenfranchised. People loved him for it. But, it is never enough. The left keeps attacking. 95% of the country supported the protests for George Floyd. But again, it wasn’t enough for the left. They needed an enemy and fear needed to remain to keep the populace in check.

with the pandemic, irregularities in the election, there is a population that feels they were left behind. And unfortunately you saw a mere fraction of what could have happened at the Capitol.

we’re all Americans... we can no longer talk and listen to each other’s concerns and come to a compromise. There are problems and concerns from everything the left and right say. But it’s come to a point where it’s, “you either comply, or you burn”. you think Trump is bad? Wait until the day some truly becomes a Tyrant, use police force, military power to silence arguments, overturn democratic decisions. We are all pawns and political chess game. If you truly believe these politicians are going to solve your issues and conflicts, I’m sorry. This started way before Trump and is only going to get worse.
People don’t get it. Trump is merely a symptom of the anger, resentment and outright disdain for the left. This shit starting happening when Bush was in office. People called Bush a nazi, then started blaming racial issues on him. It then spread to the people who support him. Obama took office with the goal of uniting the country. he made it worse. Made fun people who carry, saying shit like cling to their Guns & bibles. Merry Christmas was no longer socially acceptable to say in public. Then came insults saying all conservatives were homophobic, masogonostic. IRS then targeted conservatives that donated money to organizations like the tea party. All while the country as a whole was moving left, Republicans outwardly supported gay rights, discussion on racial issues. If you didn’t support Obama, you were a “racist”. Shit started boiling up.

Trump comes along, and becomes the dam that blocks the river of the bullshit. He fought for many folks that felt disenfranchised. People loved him for it. But, it is never enough. The left keeps attacking. 95% of the country supported the protests for George Floyd. But again, it wasn’t enough for the left. They needed an enemy and fear needed to remain to keep the populace in check.

with the pandemic, irregularities in the election, there is a population that feels they were left behind. And unfortunately you saw a mere fraction of what could have happened at the Capitol.

we’re all Americans... we can no longer talk and listen to each other’s concerns and come to a compromise. There are problems and concerns from everything the left and right say. But it’s come to a point where it’s, “you either comply, or you burn”. you think Trump is bad? Wait until the day some truly becomes a Tyrant, use police force, military power to silence arguments, overturn democratic decisions. We are all pawns and political chess game. If you truly believe these politicians are going to solve your issues and conflicts, I’m sorry. This started way before Trump and is only going to get worse.

This is a just convenient way to dismiss the racists at Charlottesville and the seditious mobs those who attempted to take down the US government this week.
Trump is to blame for every bit of this divided country now. POS trump has lied about 99% of everything since taking office

You MF dont take any responsibility.. You attacked this man since the first day in office..
What the fucck do you think was going to happen, he’s going to fight back..
He never got any fair press .. NONE..!!!

And don’t tell me he didn’t deserve it..
This is a just convenient way to dismiss the racists at Charlottesville and the seditious mobs those who attempted to take down the US government this week.

For a guy who claims how brilliant you are , you say some really stupid shit..
Like there was any chance of unarmed protester going to over throw the Gov.

Dude u r really not what u claim...
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Well this country can't heal until people like you start to acknowledge that there is two America's when it comes to policing. If you are unable or unwilling to acknowledge this American problem how can we start healing and coming together as one country?
I totally agree the young lady killed in the capital should have been arrested but not killed.
The punishment for her crime should not be death.
But have you ever said that the many black people killed at the hands of police didn't deserve to lose their lives? No you haven't
All we ever hear from you and your kind is they shouldn't have been breaking the law.

The President elect said what needs to be said.

Here we go again with the same same same..
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Biden's comments yesterday just show that he is a puppet of BLM and the far left. This is coming from a guy that says you "ain't black if you don't vote for me" and "poor kids are just as smart as white kids". He also voted against segregation stating he didn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle". Every chance he had in his 47 years he voted to keep blacks down. It's baffling that you all buy his bullshit. Talk about ignorance.
I will admit that Biden did do things in his past that did not support the African American cause.
But unlike you and Trump he has grown and shown by his actions that change is needed in this country and he is willing to lead the change.
How many of the 226 blacks killed by police last year were unjustified, 5, 10? Then how many of the 432 whites killed by police last year were unjustified? What, did you not know that there are nearly twice as many whites killed each year by police? Did you also know that in 2018 for every 10,000 arrests of a black person for a violent crime, 3 were killed and for every 10,000 arrests of a white person for a violent crime, 4 were killed? All we ever hear from you and your kind is that it only happens to a certain race. The narrative is that blacks are being hunted down and killed by cops when in reality 226 out of 40 million is as far from that lie that keeps being repeated as can be. Add in that in 2018 there were over 547,000 cases of black on white violent crime compared to just over 59,000 cases of white on black violent crime and the truth about who's really being hunted in America becomes more clear.
As I stated earlier we will never heal this country as long as people like you believe that white people are the people being hunted in this country. You mention justified killings of blacks vs. Whites justified by who? The white Da's or the white Judges? Give me a break the white DA in Ga for months said the killing of the back jogger was justified. Eventually the truth came out and charges were rightfully filed.
The problem that you are conviently over looking. Is when blacks commits crimes against whites or blacks they go to jail and when white cops commits crimes against blacks they go home.
These ridiculous numbers that you spew only show how far you would go to rationalize the hatred in this country.
I am a 48 year old African American that can give you three encounters with law inforcement that could have lead to me losing my freedom or even my life. As with me there are thousands of other black men that have had these encounters. So spare me your skewed perception of my reality.
For a guy who claims how brilliant you are , you say some really stupid shit..
Like there was any chance of unarmed protester going to over throw the Gov.

Dude u r really not what u claim...

I don't believe I claimed I was brilliant. Just smarter than you, which isn't exactly a high bar to reach, especially after reading you semi-literate, unhinged posts.
I don't believe I claimed I was brilliant. Just smarter than you, which isn't exactly a high bar to reach, especially after reading you semi-literate, unhinged posts.
We where going to get taken over by a bunch of militants with squirt guns and Trump flags.. hahahaha

hahahhaa ur an idiot..!!!
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We where going to get taken over by a bunch of militants with squirt guns and Trump flags.. hahahaha

hahahhaa ur an idiot..!!!

You're laughing at 5 humans dying on Wednesday. I guess this tells us everything we need to know about your broken moral compass.
I will admit that Biden did do things in his past that did not support the African American cause.
But unlike you and Trump he has grown and shown by his actions that change is needed in this country and he is willing to lead the change.

As I stated earlier we will never heal this country as long as people like you believe that white people are the people being hunted in this country. You mention justified killings of blacks vs. Whites justified by who? The white Da's or the white Judges? Give me a break the white DA in Ga for months said the killing of the back jogger was justified. Eventually the truth came out and charges were rightfully filed.
The problem that you are conviently over looking. Is when blacks commits crimes against whites or blacks they go to jail and when white cops commits crimes against blacks they go home.
These ridiculous numbers that you spew only show how far you would go to rationalize the hatred in this country.
I am a 48 year old African American that can give you three encounters with law inforcement that could have lead to me losing my freedom or even my life. As with me there are thousands of other black men that have had these encounters. So spare me your skewed perception of my reality.
Facts are facts, sorry you can't handle the truth. We will never heal this country until folks like you will condemn hurting and killing innocent people just because you don't like the verdict in a court case. get back to us when one of your friends and his brother get pulled out of a car for merely driving in the wrong neighborhood after the Arthur McDuffie case. My friend has lifelong injuries and his brother is no longer with us. I am a 58 year old white guy that has also had a few encounters with police when pulled over and I have felt the barrel of a cop's gun pressed against my temple. I can also tell you of friends when I was younger that would get pulled over and the cops would say maybe they have drugs in the car and then proceed to slice every seat in the vehicle looking for what wasn't there. You get sent on your way and then are responsible for fixing the damages yourself. I also owned a roofing company and saw blatant mistreatment of our workers both black and white because they didn't have the means to fight back. Save me the BS that this only happens to one race. I guess it's true when they say if a lie is repeated enough times that you will find enough fools to believe it. Care to argue any of the "ridiculous" numbers that I presented that came from the Department of Justice? ? Look up the Daniel Shaver video and tell me again that white people have an immunity to this sort of thing. He was not resisting arrest nor fighting with officers when he was gunned down in a hotel hallway while crawling on his knees begging not to be killed. How about Tony Timpa? He was kneeled on for nearly 14 minutes while crying out that they were killing him., as they did just that. I have not seen one NFL or NBA player kneel for 14 minutes in his honor, probably because, just like you, they won't even acknowledge that it happens to white people and other races besides blacks. BTW, the cop that killed Mr Shaver was not prosecuted in that case.
Great post! Well written, backed up with statistical facts, and no name calling or personal attacks. It's tough for some to see reality.
While there are times that I will throw something out there just for fun or to get a reaction from certain posters, I try to back up most of what I say on here with facts. When you resort to name calling or personal attacks, it just shows that you've already lost the argument.
Goes on national TV and adds fuel to the fire how BLM would of been treated differently by the capitol police ..

Yea he really wants to heal this country , where the fucck where you during the burning down of our cities ..

So typical of the left... Keep fueling this shitt and it will get worse ...
Your right..It’s probably true but Biden needs to focus on Covid and the Economy..Trump has left him a myriad of problems and the above two need to fixed first before he move on to the rest...He has a great team behind him as well as one incredible, amazing Veep...
... Look up the Daniel Shaver video and tell me again that white people have an immunity to this sort of thing. He was not resisting arrest nor fighting with officers when he was gunned down in a hotel hallway while crawling on his knees begging not to be killed. How about Tony Timpa? He was kneeled on for nearly 14 minutes while crying out that they were killing him., as they did just that. I have not seen one NFL or NBA player kneel for 14 minutes in his honor, probably because, just like you, they won't even acknowledge that it happens to white people and other races besides blacks. BTW, the cop that killed Mr Shaver was not prosecuted in that case.

I'm not going to get into the whataboutisms but I do want to clarify that BLM supporters brought national attention to this, they marched over it, they tweeted about it and they protested an unjust verdict. The All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter crowd...I have no evidence they did the same, open to any evidence that can be provided.

"Through their platform Campaign Zero, released in 2015, Black Lives Matter has urged comprehensive reforms including the establishment of disciplinary police commissions and civilian complaint offices, strengthening of use of force policies, and investment in rigorous and sustained training for police officers on engaging with the public.

At the Atlantic, Conor Friedersdorf argued that the case of Daniel Shaver should serve as a rallying call for Americans who have previously viewed Black Lives Matter as divisive.

"If you're horrified by Daniel Shaver’s untimely death, yet against Black Lives Matter, consider that Shaver might well be alive if only the Mesa police department had long ago adopted reforms of the sort that Black Lives Matter suggests," he wrote.

Meanwhile, others on social media noted that groups which might be expected to jump to Daniel Shaver's defense—the NRA, which supports Arizona's open-carry laws that allowed Shaver to have a firearm and the "All Lives Matter" movement which ostensibly hopes to draw attention to the killings of white Americans—have been silent about Shaver's death."

#BLM Activists Call Attention To Graphic Video Of Daniel Shaver's Death At The Hands Of Arizona Police

by Blavity Team
December 10, 2017 at 12:04 pm
The Jan. 18, 2016 shooting of Daniel Shaver by a police officer in Mesa, Arizona has brought police brutality back into the national spotlight because of the diligence of the Black Lives Matter activists.
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