People don’t get it. Trump is merely a symptom of the anger, resentment and outright disdain for the left. This shit starting happening when Bush was in office. People called Bush a nazi, then started blaming racial issues on him. It then spread to the people who support him. Obama took office with the goal of uniting the country. he made it worse. Made fun people who carry, saying shit like cling to their Guns & bibles. Merry Christmas was no longer socially acceptable to say in public. Then came insults saying all conservatives were homophobic, masogonostic. IRS then targeted conservatives that donated money to organizations like the tea party. All while the country as a whole was moving left, Republicans outwardly supported gay rights, discussion on racial issues. If you didn’t support Obama, you were a “racist”. Shit started boiling up.
Trump comes along, and becomes the dam that blocks the river of the bullshit. He fought for many folks that felt disenfranchised. People loved him for it. But, it is never enough. The left keeps attacking. 95% of the country supported the protests for George Floyd. But again, it wasn’t enough for the left. They needed an enemy and fear needed to remain to keep the populace in check.
with the pandemic, irregularities in the election, there is a population that feels they were left behind. And unfortunately you saw a mere fraction of what could have happened at the Capitol.
we’re all Americans... we can no longer talk and listen to each other’s concerns and come to a compromise. There are problems and concerns from everything the left and right say. But it’s come to a point where it’s, “you either comply, or you burn”. you think Trump is bad? Wait until the day some truly becomes a Tyrant, use police force, military power to silence arguments, overturn democratic decisions. We are all pawns and political chess game. If you truly believe these politicians are going to solve your issues and conflicts, I’m sorry. This started way before Trump and is only going to get worse.