So the new elected Pres. Biden

I'm not going to get into the whataboutisms but I do want to clarify that BLM supporters brought national attention to this, they marched over it, they tweeted about it and they protested an unjust verdict. The All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter crowd...I have no evidence they did the same, open to any evidence that can be provided.

"Through their platform Campaign Zero, released in 2015, Black Lives Matter has urged comprehensive reforms including the establishment of disciplinary police commissions and civilian complaint offices, strengthening of use of force policies, and investment in rigorous and sustained training for police officers on engaging with the public.

At the Atlantic, Conor Friedersdorf argued that the case of Daniel Shaver should serve as a rallying call for Americans who have previously viewed Black Lives Matter as divisive.

"If you're horrified by Daniel Shaver’s untimely death, yet against Black Lives Matter, consider that Shaver might well be alive if only the Mesa police department had long ago adopted reforms of the sort that Black Lives Matter suggests," he wrote.

Meanwhile, others on social media noted that groups which might be expected to jump to Daniel Shaver's defense—the NRA, which supports Arizona's open-carry laws that allowed Shaver to have a firearm and the "All Lives Matter" movement which ostensibly hopes to draw attention to the killings of white Americans—have been silent about Shaver's death."

#BLM Activists Call Attention To Graphic Video Of Daniel Shaver's Death At The Hands Of Arizona Police

by Blavity Team
December 10, 2017 at 12:04 pm
The Jan. 18, 2016 shooting of Daniel Shaver by a police officer in Mesa, Arizona has brought police brutality back into the national spotlight because of the diligence of the Black Lives Matter activists.
Excellent reply ellu thanks for some of those articles, I never tire of learning. Shaver died unarmed while crawling on his knees with his legs crossed and with his hands locked behind his head, until he lost his balance. He was not resisting, fighting with, or running away from the cops, unlike some of those that get plastered on my TV 24/7 and celebrated as heroes. He did everything right and was still killed. The cop was not charged. That defeats the narrative that Plantation Joe was pushing after the DC mess, as does the standing by, and even tacit approval this summer by many on the left while so much violence and destruction was happening in our cities. It was Biden's comments that I was replying about and wondering why he would even go there if he's seeking unity as he claims. If BLM is so interested in helping those like Shaver then why do they seem so focused only on one race as evidenced by their name? Have they ever encouraged NBA or NFL players to kneel for 14 minutes in honor of Tony Timpa? This happens to all races and yet the narrative sounds completely different in the MSM. It was not the case with Shaver and some of the AA deaths, but would you not agree that if suspects would do the simple thing of following an officer's orders instead of resisting, fighting with, pulling a weapon on, and trying to flee, that the vast majority of these deaths, no matter the race, would have turned out differently?
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You MF dont take any responsibility.. You attacked this man since the first day in office..
What the fucck do you think was going to happen, he’s going to fight back..
He never got any fair press .. NONE..!!!

And don’t tell me he didn’t deserve it..
Liar trump was a POS before he took office that’s why people weren’t happy. Say they are wrong now. All he cares about is himself and just like a king dictator smug waiting for cheers from the gullible. This has always been about his ego wake up
Excellent reply ellu thanks for some of those articles, I never tire of learning. Shaver died unarmed while crawling on his crossed knees with his hands locked behind his head, until he lost his balance. He was not resisting, fighting with, or running away from the cops, unlike some of those that get plastered on my TV 24/7 and celebrated as heroes. He did everything right and was still killed. The cop was not charged. That defeats the narrative that Plantation Joe was pushing after the DC mess, as does the standing by, and even tacit approval this summer by many on the left while so much violence and destruction was happening in our cities. It was Biden's comments that I was replying about and wondering why he would even go there if he's seeking unity as he claims. If BLM is so interested in helping those like Shaver then why do they seem so focused only on one race as evidenced by their name? Have they ever encouraged NBA or NFL players to kneel for 14 minutes in honor of Tony Timpa? This happens to all races and yet the narrative sounds completely different in the MSM. It was not the case with Shaver and some of the AA deaths, but would you not agree that if suspects would do the simple thing of following an officer's orders instead of resisting, fighting with, pulling a weapon on, and trying to flee, that the vast majority of these deaths, no matter the race, would have turned out differently?
I do not, I truly do not.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, I just disagree. If everyone would follow police commands and not attack cops, there would be far fewer policemen that would be scared to the point of being trigger happy. They have wives and kids at home waiting for them and I can't imagine the stress of facing a violent situation with one hand tied behind your back, when a split second decision decides whether or not you see them again. There are absolutely some bad cops and I would like it if they were held more accountable and dealt with if they have committed a wrongdoing. I still say that police killings of suspects would decrease dramatically if people would just fight in court instead of in the street.
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Funny now the idiot trumpers are turning on pence now calling him a pedophile and a member of the deep state. This is what trump has done to the simple minded fools. Trump got y’all good. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Goes on national TV and adds fuel to the fire how BLM would of been treated differently by the capitol police ..

Yea he really wants to heal this country , where the fucck where you during the burning down of our cities ..

So typical of the left... Keep fueling this shitt and it will get worse ...
Why are you surprised. His brain is in dementia mode. Just sit back and watch all the mistakes Sleepy Joe and Heels up Harris make. They are idiots and as such will hand the Presidency over to Trump in 2024.
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Goes on national TV and adds fuel to the fire how BLM would of been treated differently by the capitol police ..

Yea he really wants to heal this country , where the fucck where you during the burning down of our cities ..

So typical of the left... Keep fueling this shitt and it will get worse ...
Cant deal with the truth too bad
How many of the 226 blacks killed by police last year were unjustified, 5, 10? Then how many of the 432 whites killed by police last year were unjustified? What, did you not know that there are nearly twice as many whites killed each year by police? Did you also know that in 2018 for every 10,000 arrests of a black person for a violent crime, 3 were killed and for every 10,000 arrests of a white person for a violent crime, 4 were killed? All we ever hear from you and your kind is that it only happens to a certain race. The narrative is that blacks are being hunted down and killed by cops when in reality 226 out of 40 million is as far from that lie that keeps being repeated as can be. Add in that in 2018 there were over 547,000 cases of black on white violent crime compared to just over 59,000 cases of white on black violent crime and the truth about who's really being hunted in America becomes more clear.
Good to see that actual statistical data is still relevant ... Those numbers are a very telling story within itself ... funny how the topic of reverse racism is taboo ( and in no way am I denying racism to still be alive in the US)... but , reverse racism is a big issue in this country

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