Stone cold fraud. 100%Proof

Oh BTW, it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume a person mailed their ballot before dying. But lets see your list of hundreds of thousands of dead people voting. I'll wait.
Well a few of them were born in the 1800’s so... maybe they took their vitamins or something
Cortez this is an unprecedented amount of voter fraud. Thousands of dead voters, “Glitches” is software which have already turned several thousand votes in swing states. Also why has Nc or Alaska been called yet. It’s never been an issue before.
Suppression with the misleading polls and refusal to report relevant news stories and events. 100K more voters voted in WI than are registered?? State of FL, the 3rd most populated state managed to have virtually all votes tallied by 11:00PM news cycle. Considering that in 2000 Election, hanging chads in Palm Beach required a Supreme Court decision. Not in 2020. There is no reason to endure extended "counting" given early voting and technology. PA and others screwup the voting integrity because they are POORLY run states. Wonder what the common thread is?? LOL
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Sad some people believe this stuff. One old lady being coerced is not swaying the election.Biden won handily in the states he needed PA, GA, NV, WI.

it’s time to put your country before your candidate or in your case your leader.
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It’s called ethics and morals which the left have none.

I can't believe you think either side has those. I'm a supporter of neither side. I follow christ and don't trust in man so I don't do the lesser of 2 evils.

I do find it hilarious and you had laugh too when you as a Trump support said someone else lacks ethics and morals LOL
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I can't believe you think either side has those. I'm a supporter of neither side. I follow christ and don't trust in man so I don't do the lesser of 2 evils.

I do find it hilarious and you had laugh too when you as a Trump support said someone else lacks ethics and morals LOL
Are you siding with pro-abortion and talking out the side of your mouth at me? Really?
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I can't believe you think either side has those. I'm a supporter of neither side. I follow christ and don't trust in man so I don't do the lesser of 2 evils.

I do find it hilarious and you had laugh too when you as a Trump support said someone else lacks ethics and morals LOL
Philly your starting to sound just like the progressives. Now your virtue signaling and you are a hypocrite
Are you siding with pro-abortion and talking out the side of your mouth at me? Really?

Im on the side of Christ. Christ said give to Caesar what is Caesar and to God what is what is God’s.
The problem with us is we try to separate sin or evil or say there are different levels where God just sees sin as sin. 1 Peter 4:15 says “ But let none of you suffer as a murder, or thief, or as an evildoer or as a busybody in other men’s matters. You see God sees a meddler, busybody or gossip in the same line as a evil doer or murder. So is it ok for one guy to say and do what he wants as long as he does not support abortion? God does not see it that way. Neither do I that’s why I do not support either party. I as a follow of Christ like Romans 13 says look to respect all government authorities and pray to live in peace
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Im on the side of Christ. Christ said give to Caesar what is Caesar and to God what is what is God’s.
The problem with us is we try to separate sin or evil or say there are different levels where God just sees sin as sin. 1 Peter 4:15 says “ But let none of you suffer as a murder, or thief, or as an evildoer or as a busybody in other men’s matters. You see God sees a meddler, busybody or gossip in the same line as a evil doer or murder. So is it ok for one guy to say and do what he wants as long as he does not support abortion? God does not see it that way. Neither do I that’s why I do not support either party. I as a follow of Christ like Romans 13 says look to respect all government authorities and pray to live in peace
So God looks the same at someone who says God Dammit as someone who rapes and murders a 9 year old girl??
Im on the side of Christ. Christ said give to Caesar what is Caesar and to God what is what is God’s.
The problem with us is we try to separate sin or evil or say there are different levels where God just sees sin as sin. 1 Peter 4:15 says “ But let none of you suffer as a murder, or thief, or as an evildoer or as a busybody in other men’s matters. You see God sees a meddler, busybody or gossip in the same line as a evil doer or murder. So is it ok for one guy to say and do what he wants as long as he does not support abortion? God does not see it that way. Neither do I that’s why I do not support either party. I as a follow of Christ like Romans 13 says look to respect all government authorities and pray to live in peace
Your taking those versus in scripture and missing So much brother.
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So God looks the same at someone who says God Dammit as someone who rapes and murders a 9 year old girl??
I don’t think you understand the Bible. You may want to go study. I’ve studied it for 20yeats
Your taking those versus in scripture and missing So much brother.

believe what you like brother. I pray that in your study God will give and grant you wisdom and peace by his Holy Spirit and as you continue to study and not read that by his Grace he gives you understanding
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Also, you have to separate the "man" from the policies. If we voted strictly on who was a good man then no one would have been able to cast a vote for many years now. But you can look at the policies that a party will pursue. The dems support the mass killing of babies, the support infringement on religious liberties. We can respect government and laws, but when we see a law that enables the murder of innocent we have a duty to pursue the elimination of that law.
You’ll have to forgive Philly. He thinks killing babies and stubbing your toe and cursing are the same in Gods eyes??? Wow
I didn’t. I dont believe in lesser of two evils
I’m sorry for mocking you but seriously there’s plenty of scripture that reveals God looks upon certain sins as much more Egregious than others. Actually looks upon is the wrong way to put it God judges sins differently
You’ll have to forgive Philly. He thinks killing babies and stubbing your toe and cursing are the same in Gods eyes??? Wow
I’m sorry for mocking you but seriously there’s plenty of scripture that reveals God looks upon certain sins as much more Egregious than others. Actually looks upon is the wrong way to put it God judges sins differently

brother I just encourage you to search the scriptures again.
Sin is sin in Gods eyes and it’s even more so with us under the new covenant. Look what Jesus says in Matt 5:28.
If you think it’s ok for someone to act or say things in an immoral way but that’s ok as long as they don’t support abortion then I definitely suggest your re-read Matt 7 21-23 and pray that God gives you a better understanding through his Holy Spirt... remember Hosea 4:6
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Im on the side of Christ. Christ said give to Caesar what is Caesar and to God what is what is God’s.
The problem with us is we try to separate sin or evil or say there are different levels where God just sees sin as sin. 1 Peter 4:15 says “ But let none of you suffer as a murder, or thief, or as an evildoer or as a busybody in other men’s matters. You see God sees a meddler, busybody or gossip in the same line as a evil doer or murder. So is it ok for one guy to say and do what he wants as long as he does not support abortion? God does not see it that way. Neither do I that’s why I do not support either party. I as a follow of Christ like Romans 13 says look to respect all government authorities and pray to live in peace
That’s why I’m not God. There’s a difference between being perfect and then us. I know I’m not. I also don’t give an inch on abortion. Can’t and won’t! It is despicable to murder babies!
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Ok. I did decide. You cant cherry pick one passage and say "sorry Jews, God says Hitler is in hands are tied " Since you decline to condemn Hitler, i guess let's look at Roman's 13. Satan has power on earth over those who give it to him. If we see pure evil we are not to stand by.

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities,(A) for there is no authority except that which God has established.(B) The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, (you take this to mean whoever resisted Hitler as he was performing genocide against the Jews was sinning in Gods eyes? (C) and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. ( the German soldier who refused to kill Jews was punished by God? ) 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.(D) 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason.(what was Hitler reason for killing millions of Jews?) They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. ( Jews are wrong doers?) (E) 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.(F) (God did not want us to submit to hitler.)
Exactly what he’s doing. Cherry picking. We need to pray for Philly. He’s deceived
Ok. I did decide. You cant cherry pick one passage and say "sorry Jews, God says Hitler is in hands are tied " Since you decline to condemn Hitler, i guess let's look at Roman's 13. Satan has power on earth over those who give it to him. If we see pure evil we are not to stand by.

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities,(A) for there is no authority except that which God has established.(B) The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, (you take this to mean whoever resisted Hitler as he was performing genocide against the Jews was sinning in Gods eyes? (C) and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. ( the German soldier who refused to kill Jews was punished by God? ) 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.(D) 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason.(what was Hitler reason for killing millions of Jews?) They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. ( Jews are wrong doers?) (E) 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.(F) (God did not want us to submit to hitler.)

u take from it whatever you will brother. These are your words not mine. If you read Romans 13 and got that then I pray God give you a further understanding.
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brother I just encourage you to search the scriptures again.
Sin is sin in Gods eyes and it’s even more so with us under the new covenant. Look what Jesus says in Matt 5:28.
If you think it’s ok for someone to act or say things in an immoral way but that’s ok as long as they don’t support abortion then I definitely suggest your re-read Matt 7 21-23 and pray that God gives you a better understanding through his Holy Spirt... remember Hosea 4:6
Like I said there’s tons of scripture that shows God Judges and Treats sin differently. Yea even with the New Covenant. And as Me going to look back at scriptures I’m not the one with his chest puffed out saying he’s a follower of Christ you are
u take from it whatever you will brother. These are your words not mine. If you read Romans 13 and got that then I pray God give you a further understanding.
One thing you’ll need to reconcile is how God used very imperfect people. Look at David as a prime example. I accept that but what I don’t accept is outright theft of an election and baby killers.
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One thing you’ll need to reconcile is how God used very imperfect people. Look at David as a prime example. I accept that but what I don’t accept is outright theft of an election and baby killers.
David a man after Gods own heart. A murderer & adulterer. The way President Trump stood up for the unborn make me believe he’s a man after Gods own heart.
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Exactly what he’s doing. Cherry picking. We need to pray for Philly. He’s deceived

Brother it seems the only one that is truly deceived
One thing you’ll need to reconcile is how God used very imperfect people. Look at David as a prime example. I accept that but what I don’t accept is outright theft of an election and baby killers.

That is true that David did sin but he did not continue in sin or tried to justify it. At the end of the day we move on to perfection through Christ. We can’t make people do what we don’t want them to. God does not force salvation on anybody but gives it free to them that want and seek it through the death burial and resurrection of his Son Christ Jesus. We should always look to the perfect man Christ Jesus. I’m not here to judge you or vilify you brother. As Jesus said he who is without sin cast the 1st stone. Our problem and what leads to so much division even in the church is that we feel our side or our way is right or better than the others. The only way is the straight and narrow path and Jesus said few will “ FIND” it because few will “SEEK” it yet alone walk it.
this world is run by the enemy and his devices, government and politics being one of his many devices.
Whether it is Biden in office or Trump my goal is to always follow Christ, trust in him, pray for our nation and leaders , abide by the laws and hope to live in peace as God wills.

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