Stone cold fraud. 100%Proof


You are obsessing on this. When all is tallied, Joe will win by 5-7 million votes.

Time to look at the scoreboard, shake hands, walk slowly to the locker room and take a shower. Late appeals to the refs ain’t gonna succeed. are wrong for that look at the scoreboard quote but it it is what it is is. This is like arguing the 2 point conversion in a 14 point victory margin.

It's tough to stand by here because I am just shocked people are actually arguing what they are arguing with the believe they will win. This isn't close. Not at all. We are talking about Millions of votes.

Pence just went on vacation. Starting to get the picture?
David a man after Gods own heart. A murderer & adulterer. The way President Trump stood up for the unborn make me believe he’s a man after Gods own heart.

David sinned and was punished for his sin. He was under the old covenant thus lacking what has been given us or made available to us on the day of Pentecost... Gods Holy Spirt. That’s why the Lord said I will remove from you a heart of stone, the old law and give you a heart of flesh , the new law under Christ Jesus.
If you truly believe that Trump is a man after Gods own heart than brother Satan has truly deceived you. In saying that do not be confused or enraged and think that I am saying Biden does. Let me be clear he is not a man after Gods own heart either.
We must also remember the transfiguration on the mountain when Jesus was with both Elijah and Moses. Peter said to Jesus it is good for us to be here we will build shrines for each of you. Just then a bright light and it was Jesus alone and the voice of God said “ this is by beloved Son, listen to him”.
Christ is the man after Gods own heart that we should listen to and follow. Remember Romans 3:23 “ all have sinned and fallen short the Glory of God” . Christ is Gods Glory as John says “ and we beheld HIS Glory... as the only begotten Son of God”.
as Paul says in 1 Cor 11:1 “ follow me as I follow Christ”.
Don’t be confused or miss-lead brother. As Romans 1:23 says “ we have changed image of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man”. Don’t change Gods image brother. Job is the Oldest book in the Bible. Read and study Job 1:1 brother
Brother it seems the only one that is truly deceived

That is true that David did sin but he did not continue in sin or tried to justify it. At the end of the day we move on to perfection through Christ. We can’t make people do what we don’t want them to. God does not force salvation on anybody but gives it free to them that want and seek it through the death burial and resurrection of his Son Christ Jesus. We should always look to the perfect man Christ Jesus. I’m not here to judge you or vilify you brother. As Jesus said he who is without sin cast the 1st stone. Our problem and what leads to so much division even in the church is that we feel our side or our way is right or better than the others. The only way is the straight and narrow path and Jesus said few will “ FIND” it because few will “SEEK” it yet alone walk it.
this world is run by the enemy and his devices, government and politics being one of his many devices.
Whether it is Biden in office or Trump my goal is to always follow Christ, trust in him, pray for our nation and leaders , abide by the laws and hope to live in peace as God wills.
OK Pastor Philly. I don’t know what water down prosperity gospel teaching ichurch you go to but you might want to go have a talk with your pastor or if he’s teaching you this you might want to check into another church. It’s quite obvious some of your theology is off. I’m not here to judge you either but I am here to admonish and correct to you brother God bless. Yes some of what you’re saying is true but you need to take the whole Bible and all of its scriptures for the right context
OK Pastor Philly. I don’t know what water down prosperity gospel teaching ichurch you go to but you might want to go have a talk with your pastor or if he’s teaching you this you might want to check into another church. It’s quite obvious some of your theology is off. I’m not here to judge you either but I am here to admonish and correct to you brother God bless. Yes some of what you’re saying is true but you need to take the whole Bible and all of its scriptures for the right context

prosperity LOL! The prosperity Gospel that is taught in most or rather a lot of churches today is one of money and power, I don’t submit or support that Gospel brother. As Jesus says in Matt 6:24 I believe . you can’t serve 2 masters... It’s either God or wealth.
I am by no way a pastor or perfect but I try as the Holy Spirit leads and guides to help fellow brothers who profess salvation and Christ. If I have offended you or seem to be condescending or anything then I apologize and I will seek the Lord and repent.
2 Timothy says all scripture is given by inspiration Of God and is good for doctrine , reproof, correction and many other things. My prayer is that by being lead by Gods spirit I was able to use it in that way to help you so that as the scripture continues “ the man of God may be made perfect and furnished to all good works”.
At the end of it brother we all shall be made accountable unto God. I pray for our Nation, it’s leaders and my fellow brothers and sisters
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prosperity LOL! The prosperity Gospel that is taught in most or rather a lot of churches today is one of money and power, I don’t submit or support that Gospel brother. As Jesus says in Matt 6:24 I believe . you can’t serve 2 masters... It’s either God or wealth.
I am by no way a pastor or perfect but I try as the Holy Spirit leads and guides to help fellow brothers who profess salvation and Christ. If I have offended you or seem to be condescending or anything then I apologize and I will seek the Lord and repent.
2 Timothy says all scripture is given by inspiration Of God and is good for doctrine , reproof, correction and many other things. My prayer is that by being lead by Gods spirit I was able to use it in that way to help you so that as the scripture continues “ the man of God may be made perfect and furnished to all good works”.
At the end of it brother we all shall be made accountable unto God. I pray for our Nation, it’s leaders and my fellow brothers and sisters
Ok I will stop grilling you now 😬. Be blessed.
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I believe that all voter fraud should be investigated and prosecuted.

I also believe that all false allegations of voter fraud should be investigated and prosecuted if found to be false. Those allegations undermine faith in our democratic processes. Irresponsible for sure. Reckless for sure. Perhaps criminal, surely libelous, if based on zero evidence.

Also, it’s offensive to me that there’s some unstated presumption that possible fraud in this election is a 100% problem for the Dems. Let’s be clear, Trump, IMHO, is BY FAR the most immoral and unethical president of my lifetime. It’s not close. Should we investigate all votes cast for Trump? If Biden throws out an allegation of voter fraud against Trump, should we stop the process and upend the vote counting process? What would you say if Biden alleges that the Trump vote in Ohio, North Carolina and Florida were false? He could just randomly say that Trump committed fraud in this states won by Trump. Should we overturn the results in those states?

You are correct in that voter fraud has also been done by Republicans. That is why it is so important that a very high bar be set for voting. Without confidence on both sides, the country will remain forever divided. You need picture ID to get a fishing license, Half the country believed the the only reason Trump was in was due to Russian Collusion. Now half the country will believe that Biden is only in due to election fraud. Unless election fraud is fully investigated, admitted and strong measures with penalties put in place, elections will never be believed again. The media is still saying the is NO evidence of ANY voter fraud. That only goes to increase the distrust of the media and the election process.
I can't believe you think either side has those. I'm a supporter of neither side. I follow christ and don't trust in man so I don't do the lesser of 2 evils.

I do find it hilarious and you had laugh too when you as a Trump support said someone else lacks ethics and morals LOL

I understand what you're saying.

Both sides are incredibly evil and I follow Christ, as well. But, there is a difference between the the Left and The Trump Movement. I don't believe he could've shed all of the hateful actions hurled towards him if it weren't for Christ. He is the first "politician", I've heard say that Jesus, is the boss. Some can argue he is just pandering to Christians......maybe? But, I rather have someone who panders to Christians than someone who will persecute them. And you should know that is the left's intentions.

I know Christ wouldn't agree with all of President Trump's actions but compared to the Left??

Telling mothers it is ok to murder their babies.

Telling parents that you should support your little child if they want a sex change.

Men who think they're women in girls bathrooms.

Transsexuals in drag reading kids stories to 7 yr olds in public libraries.

Wanting to take our right to protect ourselves by going after the 2nd Amendment.

No Sir, there is no way Jesus Christ supports the Left. GOD says vengeance is his and the Left and their way of thinking will feel his vengeance and of course those who refuse to accept Jesus as well. And, that is the Left's take Jesus Christ out of everything. So, if someone doesn't want to support either side I can respect that but if they support the Left? I cannot.
prosperity LOL! The prosperity Gospel that is taught in most or rather a lot of churches today is one of money and power, I don’t submit or support that Gospel brother. As Jesus says in Matt 6:24 I believe . you can’t serve 2 masters... It’s either God or wealth.
I am by no way a pastor or perfect but I try as the Holy Spirit leads and guides to help fellow brothers who profess salvation and Christ. If I have offended you or seem to be condescending or anything then I apologize and I will seek the Lord and repent.
2 Timothy says all scripture is given by inspiration Of God and is good for doctrine , reproof, correction and many other things. My prayer is that by being lead by Gods spirit I was able to use it in that way to help you so that as the scripture continues “ the man of God may be made perfect and furnished to all good works”.
At the end of it brother we all shall be made accountable unto God. I pray for our Nation, it’s leaders and my fellow brothers and sisters
  • Haha
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