#SummerOfLove Continues in Minneapolis

The part that the press never asked the Seattle mayor how the 1967 summer of love ended. Total failure, drug addiction, violence and that part of city wrecked. ‘69 they say Altamont Stones concert ‘70 listed as the end.
Only 18 shooting in 24 hours that left 2 people dead. One including a massive gun fight between 2 groups of people that left 12 injured.

Defund the police! Send in the social workers!!
Only 18 shooting in 24 hours that left 2 people dead. One including a massive gun fight between 2 groups of people that left 12 injured.

Defund the police! Send in the social workers!!
Article didn't mention whether the people involved were white, black or Hispanic. Never mind. I think i can take an educated guess.