Teen Vogue getting nailed. Compared Israel / Hamas to policing in USA

HJ, why do so many Jewish people vote Democrat?

I have asked this to a some of my friends who are Jewish.

They never really give me a good answer.
HJ, why do so many Jewish people vote Democrat?

I have asked this to a some of my friends who are Jewish.

They never really give me a good answer.
It's a fair question. Jews have always played a part in civil rights and social issues particularly due to our own history of being persecuted. For many, I think they have a hard time separating themselves from that and looking at the bigger picture. Our history, our religion teachings, it's just tough for many Jews to understand that the liberal view is not always the best answer to solving many social issues. It just sounds better. In addition FDR and his New Deal was aimed at helping the poor. As Jews emigrated from Eastern Europe most were very poor and FDR appealed to them. Lastly, I think Republicans in those decades tended to be more uber religious christians and that may have scared off Jews escaping the holocaust etc. Ironically, Jews in America might be more tilted towards the left but Jews in other Countries are more center-right including Israel , UK, Australia and other European countries.
HJ, why do so many Jewish people vote Democrat?

I have asked this to a some of my friends who are Jewish.

They never really give me a good answer.
Im Jewish and ask myself the same question.
Jews have been discriminated through out history, therefore they lean more liberal, in concept.
However Kerry Biden, Libs are not as Pro Israel as Democrats once before.
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