Old news. Did you just learn about it this year after Biden and CNN started talking about it? Seems like it. Kinda like those posting about Juneteenth last year. It’s as if some of you never picked up a history book in your lives and now that the media is talking about it, and you’re learning about it, you now feel empowered to educate others who already know about it.
Let’s get to the learning part of this, what will I learn? Not to lynch someone? I learned killing others except for self defense is bad. Not to burn down buildings? Learned that arson is bad when I got my ass whooped for playing with a lighter when I was 6. Maybe those who burned down cities all year can learn quite a bit?
Very well said. Tried, somewhat feebly, to express to wifey my similar thoughts. Failed, and now am expected to shave head and join the local bund.
If the left and Blm continues to throw history at us one day at a time, we'll all throw out our backs doing 'mea culpas. Yes there were things done to the AA community that ate reprehensible and cannot be forgiven let's put them in a blender, mix them up and deal with it at once. I mean brother, where does this inch by inch row by row take us? Move ahead and resolve what we are faced with.
But, my AA brothers, stop being the victim and take advantage of the opportunities available and push ahead. There is nothing more than you success that I/we wish, want, desire, nee:. forget these assholes telling you you need more support...you know it's bullshit, you know you can do it.
AA brothers disappoint the Left, forget reasons to fail, succeed. We Conservatives want, pray for, support, NEED you to not give in to these thoughts by the Left that you are an inferior race...Conservatives know that and so do you. Push ahead grab that brass ring. tell Sharpton, Jackson, Blm, Pelosi, Schuman that you can do this.
Conservatives know you can and, truth be told, so do you.
Stand up and be counted! Without you...America can never be great again.