
Gold Member
Mar 21, 2007
A very educational documentary is on now, on the OWN network. This is part of American History that you'll never read or hear about in traditional US History.

Something EVERYONE can learn from.
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Old news. Did you just learn about it this year after Biden and CNN started talking about it? Seems like it. Kinda like those posting about Juneteenth last year. It’s as if some of you never picked up a history book in your lives and now that the media is talking about it, and you’re learning about it, you now feel empowered to educate others who already know about it.

Let’s get to the learning part of this, what will I learn? Not to lynch someone? I learned killing others except for self defense is bad. Not to burn down buildings? Learned that arson is bad when I got my ass whooped for playing with a lighter when I was 6. Maybe those who burned down cities all year can learn quite a bit?
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Yeah, there are several stories out there that are similar unfortunately but this one stands out. I was told about this story from family members years ago and this one is really bad. Similar to one in North Carolina but the thing that made this one so bad is this was a black community really prospering on its own by every conceivable measure.

This one and the Wilmington massacre are the ones that stand out the most to me. They made a movie about the rosewood massacre. I'm pretty sure they will make a move about the Tulsa Massacre. These things can happen again as history repeats its self if forgotten.

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It was a really enlightening documentary, I didn't know the history of it all. I learned a good bit about Oklahoma and what took place there in Tulsa. I've read about Rosewood, but hadn't heard much about Wilmington. I'll definitely be researching it.
A very educational documentary is on now, on the OWN network. This is part of American History that you'll never read or hear about in traditional US History.

Something EVERYONE can learn from.
I am 59 never heard about the Tulsa Massacre. Doesn't mean education was bad or wrong because we learned about all sorts of atrocities dealing with African Americans slavery, post slavery, heroes, etc..... Probably is a worthy watch as I love all sorts of history the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Yeah, there are several stories out there that are similar unfortunately but this one stands out. I was told about this story from family members years ago and this one is really bad. Similar to one in North Carolina but the thing that made this one so bad is this was a black community really prospering on its own by every conceivable measure.

This one and the Wilmington massacre are the ones that stand out the most to me. They made a movie about the rosewood massacre. I'm pretty sure they will make a move about the Tulsa Massacre. These things can happen again as history repeats its self if forgotten.

“These things can happen again?” talk about playing a victim and living in the past. You’re out of touch with reality believing this would happen again in the US. The only way something remotely like this would happen again is if domestic terrorists keep trying to divide our country with race/identity politics and continue to loot and burn down cities.
“These things can happen again?” talk about playing a victim and living in the past. You’re out of touch with reality believing this would happen again in the US. The only way something remotely like this would happen again is if domestic terrorists keep trying to divide our country with race/identity politics and continue to loot and burn down cities.
I don't see it happening again either but as my people the Jews say; Never Again and Never Forget. Nothing wrong with either.
“These things can happen again?” talk about playing a victim and living in the past. You’re out of touch with reality believing this would happen again in the US. The only way something remotely like this would happen again is if domestic terrorists keep trying to divide our country with race/identity politics and continue to loot and burn down cities.
This is pretty stupid. Especially considering we just witnessed a mob of domestic terrorist attack our capital. You think these irate racist mobs just attack other races? They attack anything because they are horrible. This is why I call them hyenas....and 500 hundred of them were put behind bars where they belong. So of course it can and will happen again. The past repeats its self as it isn't dealt with of course.
I don't see it happening again either but as my people the Jews say; Never Again and Never Forget. Nothing wrong with either.
You not seeing it happen again doesn't mean a damn thing. These things can and will happen again as long hyenas are still on the planet. These kind of people don't change.
This is pretty stupid. Especially considering we just witnessed a mob of domestic terrorist attack our capital. You think these irate racist mobs just attack other races? They attack anything because they are horrible. This is why I call them hyenas....and 500 hundred of them were put behind bars where they belong. So of course it can and will happen again. The past repeats its self as it isn't dealt with of course.
Thanks for revealing your ignorance again. I noticed you just ignore the racist domestic terrorists burning cities all last year, storming and burning police stations, etc. Ignorance is bliss!
BREAKINGCANE takes the prize!!!!! You are without a doubt THE MOST RACIST, HATE FILLED, IGNORANT MEMBER OF THIS HURRICANE FORUM. You win bro.......

I was waiting to see who'd be the first to respond with negative hate filled venom, to a post about an American historical event. YOU AND ONLY YOU DID!!! Congrats.

Now that's how you smoke out a White Supremist in
BREAKINGCANE takes the prize!!!!! You are without a doubt THE MOST RACIST, HATE FILLED, IGNORANT MEMBER OF THIS HURRICANE FORUM. You win bro.......

I was waiting to see who'd be the first to respond with negative hate filled venom, to a post about an American historical event. YOU AND ONLY YOU DID!!! Congrats.

Now that's how you smoke out a White Supremist in
I expose you as a racist earlier and now all you can do is call me racist? Nothing I said was racist. Assuming I am white further exposes you as a presumptive bigot!

Venom about an event? Nah, I didn’t even discuss the event, I called you on your bullshit and lack of knowledge of history. Sorry you just learned of these atrocities via Biden and CNN yesterday, and then you tried to be condescending to educate us, those who actually picked up a few US History books, which was priceless.
BREAKINGCANE takes the prize!!!!! You are without a doubt THE MOST RACIST, HATE FILLED, IGNORANT MEMBER OF THIS HURRICANE FORUM. You win bro.......

I was waiting to see who'd be the first to respond with negative hate filled venom, to a post about an American historical event. YOU AND ONLY YOU DID!!! Congrats.

Now that's how you smoke out a White Supremist in
Hey Claboo, you should be more careful about tossing around racist accusations. You did it to me a while ago and never responded to my response.. My experience tells me that many who toss around the racist incitements have no other arrows in their quiver. Seems to fit you perfectly.
A very educational documentary is on now, on the OWN network. This is part of American History that you'll never read or hear about in traditional US History.

Something EVERYONE can learn from.
You are correct. Horrific event's like this should be brought up as a reminder of how we as a society should protect all parties from government sanctioned hatred and vilification. Tulsa is very similar to the Holocost in its lesson's which should be learned. Yes to air time for learning lessons about true racist and other prejuditial horrors. But with that being said, take the air time away from Lebron James, Meghan Markle, Al Sharpton and Don Lemon whining about how difficult their lives are. They make a mockery of the true horrors that those in Tulsa and too many other places that have suffered. And while we are at it, tell Omar, Talib and AOC to STFU about condemning Israel for protecting itself from Kerry/Iran funded Hamas scumbags shooting missiles into residential areas of Israel.
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You are correct. Horrific event's like this should be brought up as a reminder of how we as a society should protect all parties from government sanctioned hatred and vilification. Tulsa is very similar to the Holocost in its lesson's which should be learned. Yes to air time for learning lessons about true racist and other prejuditial horrors. But with that being said, take the air time away from Lebron James, Meghan Markle, Al Sharpton and Don Lemon whining about how difficult their lives are. They make a mockery of the true horrors that those in Tulsa and too many other places that have suffered. And while we are at it, tell Omar, Talib and AOC to STFU about condemning Israel for protecting itself from Kerry/Iran funded Hamas scumbags shooting missiles into residential areas of Israel.
That chump ran away
You are correct. Horrific event's like this should be brought up as a reminder of how we as a society should protect all parties from government sanctioned hatred and vilification. Tulsa is very similar to the Holocost in its lesson's which should be learned. Yes to air time for learning lessons about true racist and other prejuditial horrors. But with that being said, take the air time away from Lebron James, Meghan Markle, Al Sharpton and Don Lemon whining about how difficult their lives are. They make a mockery of the true horrors that those in Tulsa and too many other places that have suffered. And while we are at it, tell Omar, Talib and AOC to STFU about condemning Israel for protecting itself from Kerry/Iran funded Hamas scumbags shooting missiles into residential areas of Israel.
This isn't comically biased at So just take air time from black people or people if color only?
Old news. Did you just learn about it this year after Biden and CNN started talking about it? Seems like it. Kinda like those posting about Juneteenth last year. It’s as if some of you never picked up a history book in your lives and now that the media is talking about it, and you’re learning about it, you now feel empowered to educate others who already know about it.

Let’s get to the learning part of this, what will I learn? Not to lynch someone? I learned killing others except for self defense is bad. Not to burn down buildings? Learned that arson is bad when I got my ass whooped for playing with a lighter when I was 6. Maybe those who burned down cities all year can learn quite a bit?

Very well said. Tried, somewhat feebly, to express to wifey my similar thoughts. Failed, and now am expected to shave head and join the local bund.

If the left and Blm continues to throw history at us one day at a time, we'll all throw out our backs doing 'mea culpas. Yes there were things done to the AA community that ate reprehensible and cannot be forgiven let's put them in a blender, mix them up and deal with it at once. I mean brother, where does this inch by inch row by row take us? Move ahead and resolve what we are faced with.

But, my AA brothers, stop being the victim and take advantage of the opportunities available and push ahead. There is nothing more than you success that I/we wish, want, desire, nee:. forget these assholes telling you you need more know it's bullshit, you know you can do it.

AA brothers disappoint the Left, forget reasons to fail, succeed. We Conservatives want, pray for, support, NEED you to not give in to these thoughts by the Left that you are an inferior race...Conservatives know that and so do you. Push ahead grab that brass ring. tell Sharpton, Jackson, Blm, Pelosi, Schuman that you can do this.

Conservatives know you can and, truth be told, so do you.

Stand up and be counted! Without you...America can never be great again.
Yeah, there are several stories out there that are similar unfortunately but this one stands out. I was told about this story from family members years ago and this one is really bad. Similar to one in North Carolina but the thing that made this one so bad is this was a black community really prospering on its own by every conceivable measure.

This one and the Wilmington massacre are the ones that stand out the most to me. They made a movie about the rosewood massacre. I'm pretty sure they will make a move about the Tulsa Massacre. These things can happen again as history repeats its self if forgotten.

Horrifying to learn these folks were bombed from the air as well.
“These things can happen again?” talk about playing a victim and living in the past. You’re out of touch with reality believing this would happen again in the US. The only way something remotely like this would happen again is if domestic terrorists keep trying to divide our country with race/identity politics and continue to loot and burn down cities.
you omitted the number of brown and blacks that become victims of police abuse. That is reality. Bad cops are a form of domestic terrorists.
As for the Tulsa Massacre, you seem to have knowledge of it when you said "old news. " Yet you try to make claboo look like a lesser individual just because he posted the thread. At the same time you try to make yourself appear to be the second coming of the messiah. So what if someone just learned about something and posted??
you omitted the number of brown and blacks that become victims of police abuse. That is reality. Bad cops are a form of domestic terrorists.
As for the Tulsa Massacre, you seem to have knowledge of it when you said "old news. " Yet you try to make claboo look like a lesser individual just because he posted the thread. At the same time you try to make yourself appear to be the second coming of the messiah. So what if someone just learned about something and posted??
Wrong thread for you. Bang your head again?
Horrifying to learn these folks were bombed from the air as well.
Yep....if you look throughout our history you see people trying to forget what is utter nonsense. People that think they are better than someone else doing stupid shit.....and then appalled when other groups do stupid shit....because they are the only ones that should be doing stupid shit according to them. So, they want us to not focus on them ever and worry about "illegal immigrants" and black on black crime instead. Never worry about them but this group is the biggest threat to our democracy that exist.
This isn't comically biased at So just take air time from black people or people if color only?
The people of Tulsa were true victims of horrific racism and violence. Their story deserves to be told and heard. Labron is not a victim and I really don't care to hear anything he has to say about anything other than dribbling.

Why do you not care about innocent Israeli citizens being killed by Palastinian terrorists? They are true vitims, not AOC or Omar.

Can you understand the difference between the people of Tulsa and Israel being killed by people that hate them for no reason and Al Sharpton claiming he is a victim of racism because a Republican votes to cut taxes?
The people of Tulsa were true victims of horrific racism and violence. Their story deserves to be told and heard. Labron is not a victim and I really don't care to hear anything he has to say about anything other than dribbling.

Why do you not care about innocent Israeli citizens being killed by Palastinian terrorists? They are true vitims, not AOC or Omar.

Can you understand the difference between the people of Tulsa and Israel being killed by people that hate them for no reason and Al Sharpton claiming he is a victim of racism because a Republican votes to cut taxes?
You are entitled to your opinion. I just don't agree with you. I have a lot of admiration and respect for LeBron. You see, you couldn't understand why ever and I am not blaming you for that because you certainly come from a different world. The world that people like myself and LeBron know you could never fathom. That isn't your fault. Again, I am not holding this fact against you but it is true.

LeBron grew up a destitute as the product of a teenage mom with no father in his life who is African American. Came up in a tough city and made something of himself. He didn't make excuses. I can relate to this....and the thing I admire about LeBron the most is he doesn't bite his tongue when it comes to concern about his community. See people like yourself may say what about the black people killing black people in Chicago and then turn around and never recognize what LeBron does for black people. The money he invest in schools for underprivileged kids to get an education.

What LeBron does isn't a narrative. When he speaks he isn't just talk. He is solutions....and for me he can talk all he wants. Because he is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and says screw what is happening in his community. It isn't acceptable to him. Yes, this is his community still...the black community. The same one you say what about the people killing each other in. He is doing things. Others are just talking.

You can never understand this in your wildest dreams and I wouldn't expect you to. Just know I don't agree. I do not want LeBron to be silenced because young black people who look up to him see they can get out of their situation like LeBron. He is standing up for them....and I could not have more respect for a person. Is he perfect? Of course he is not....but his heart is in the right place. Always.

LeBrons only value for people like yourself is as an athlete. I don't look at him as just an athlete. Just like I don't look at any football player or basketball player as just a person that should shut up and do their sport. They are people to me. They have value beyond that. You just do not see it.
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Yep....if you look throughout our history you see people trying to forget what is utter nonsense. People that think they are better than someone else doing stupid shit.....and then appalled when other groups do stupid shit....because they are the only ones that should be doing stupid shit according to them. So, they want us to not focus on them ever and worry about "illegal immigrants" and black on black crime instead. Never worry about them but this group is the biggest threat to our democracy that exist.
Victim response living in the past.
A very educational documentary is on now, on the OWN network. This is part of American History that you'll never read or hear about in traditional US History.

Something EVERYONE can learn from.

I found this documentary about the event to be interesting. I'm amazed that I hadn't previously heard about this story.

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BREAKINGCANE takes the prize!!!!! You are without a doubt THE MOST RACIST, HATE FILLED, IGNORANT MEMBER OF THIS HURRICANE FORUM. You win bro.......

I was waiting to see who'd be the first to respond with negative hate filled venom, to a post about an American historical event. YOU AND ONLY YOU DID!!! Congrats.

Now that's how you smoke out a White Supremist in
You are right he is definitely a Racist POS. 100% Hyena
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A very educational documentary is on now, on the OWN network. This is part of American History that you'll never read or hear about in traditional US History.

Something EVERYONE can learn from.
Glad you brought it up. I really didn't know about this horrific incident. It just reinforces the terrible inhumanity that man does to man ( not trying to leave women out). The 20th Century or near it was just filled with horrible events. Obviously, the Holocaust of WW2, the genocide in Ruwanda, Cambodia which killed 2 million people in 4 years in the 70's, the more recent Serb - Croate war of genocide which included Concentration camps as well. Now in the 21st Century we have the Chinese killing 600,000 U.S. citizens almost 4 million worldwide with a possible bio weapon as well as their systematic destruction of their Muslim population that is interned in concentration camps. What man does to man is deplorable. There is no evidence that genocide will ever stop. I think the reason that many of us didn't know about Tulsa is because of the magnatude of other events that killed millions of people versus a horrible incident in Tulsa. JMO
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you didnt answer, respond correctly. You became evasive and went into reverse mode. Obviously you knew about the tulsa bombings but someone posted it and beat you to it. Next, you will be loading your AR15.
Nope. Wrong thread. Stay on topic.
You are entitled to your opinion. I just don't agree with you. I have a lot of admiration and respect for LeBron. You see, you couldn't understand why ever and I am not blaming you for that because you certainly come from a different world. The world that people like myself and LeBron know you could never fathom. That isn't your fault. Again, I am not holding this fact against you but it is true.

LeBron grew up a destitute as the product of a teenage mom with no father in his life who is African American. Came up in a tough city and made something of himself. He didn't make excuses. I can relate to this....and the thing I admire about LeBron the most is he doesn't bite his tongue when it comes to concern about his community. See people like yourself may say what about the black people killing black people in Chicago and then turn around and never recognize what LeBron does for black people. The money he invest in schools for underprivileged kids to get an education.

What LeBron does isn't a narrative. When he speaks he isn't just talk. He is solutions....and for me he can talk all he wants. Because he is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and says screw what is happening in his community. It isn't acceptable to him. Yes, this is his community still...the black community. The same one you say what about the people killing each other in. He is doing things. Others are just talking.

You can never understand this in your wildest dreams and I wouldn't expect you to. Just know I don't agree. I do not want LeBron to be silenced because young black people who look up to him see they can get out of their situation like LeBron. He is standing up for them....and I could not have more respect for a person. Is he perfect? Of course he is not....but his heart is in the right place. Always.

LeBrons only value for people like yourself is as an athlete. I don't look at him as just an athlete. Just like I don't look at any football player or basketball player as just a person that should shut up and do their sport. They are people to me. They have value beyond that. You just do not see it.
Santana Moss - "Big time playa's come up big in big time games".

Lebron last night - not so much!

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Never did I call him a goat. I said he should keep talking. He is a great role model.
A great role model who lied about racist attacks on his house, pulling a Jussie, and then supporting genocide and slavery in China to make $$, promoting harassment of and trying to quiet and limit free speech of others who speak out about it? Meanwhile, some cop shot some criminal somewhere. Yeah, great role model!
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