The Lincoln Project

You need to give up the Russian collusion shit, this has been disproved on so many levels it is ridiculous. The first of many FBI agents to be indicted and plead guilty just happened so they could get a false warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, so if that was what you are referring to give it a ****ing rest already, you guys play this broken record too many times. As for corruption look no further than Democratic machine politics in play in almost every major city in the country. They exchange lucrative deals to unions in exchange for votes, budgets be damned and as such these cities will never recover from what has happened recently and more will move to the suburbs. As for the tax plan Obama had it would have been more as a high earner I saw a massive savings in federal income taxes under Trumps plan. And no I am not a millionaire, not even close, but me and my wife earn solid six figures and the Dems like to lump us in with millionaires and billionaires as though the money we earn is **** you money and we can afford to pay 10% more in taxes for all the bullshit spending that won't solve a thing except to buy more Democratic votes. So yes taxes influence my decision making heavily.

You have deflected from our original topics. First you suggested Obama's tax plan was better for you in Florida than Illinois. A federal tax plan is the same across all states. Your statement was more nonsense in an attempt to disparage Obama. You failed.

Our discussion about corruption was tied to your statement that the 1st amendment was your true core belief and you would not give up for lower taxes. I suggested to you that corruption by politicians like Trump is something I would not turn a blind eye to for lower taxes. I also said a politician who lies like Trump often does would not get a pass from me for lower taxes. My conclusion is you would accept politicians who are corrupt and lie nonstop as long as they lower your taxes.
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First I'm not sure how Obama's "tax plan" would be better in Florida and not the same in Illinois or any state. Please explain. You said your true core belief is the 1st amendment. That leaves alot on the table that you would give up for lower taxes. For example, accept corruption from politicians who deliver to you lower taxes. You would also accept politicians who lie to you for their personal gain. Last but not least, it would be acceptable to you for a politician to accept help from foreigners to win an election.

You have deflected from our original topics. First you suggested Obama's tax plan was better for you in Florida than Illinois. A federal tax plan is the same across all states. Your statement was more nonsense in an attempt to disparage Obama. You failed.

Our discussion about corruption was tied to your statement that the 1st amendment was your true core belief and you would not give up for lower taxes. I suggested to you that corruption by politicians like Trump is something I would not turn a blind eye to for lower taxes. I also said a politician who lies like Trump often does would not get a pass from me for lower taxes. My conclusion is you would accept politicians who are corrupt and lie nonstop as long as they lower your taxes.
Lies kind of like health care under the affordable care act would be more affordable and you can keep your doctor. Both of which have proven to be quite false. Corruption like gun running to Mexican drug cartels. All politicians lie and all have done corrupt things to promote an agenda. I dont live in a make believe world like you, Trump said he would lower taxes, get tough on China, slow immigration, and get us out of the Middle East wars. So far he has done all of that, and on Friday brokered a major peace deal between Israel and the UAE (which should by any standards win him a Nobel Prize). His exaggeration annoys me, I wish he would stop picking petty fights with the media, but at the end of the day he has delivered on much of the policy I support.
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Lies kind of like health care under the affordable care act would be more affordable and you can keep your doctor. Both of which have proven to be quite false. Corruption like gun running to Mexican drug cartels. All politicians lie and all have done corrupt things to promote an agenda. I dont live in a make believe world like you, Trump said he would lower taxes, get tough on China, slow immigration, and get us out of the Middle East wars. So far he has done all of that, and on Friday brokered a major peace deal between Israel and the UAE (which should by any standards win him a Nobel Prize). His exaggeration annoys me, I wish he would stop picking petty fights with the media, but at the end of the day he has delivered on much of the policy I support.

Then you approve of Trump's corruption. But America will stop his rein of lawlessness in November.
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Then you approve of Trump's corruption. But America will stop his rein of lawlessness in November.
That would be a shame, the economy would likely crash immediately as this would be an indication to business that taxes and regulations are about to go through the roof. But I think Trump wins a second term, he is polling better than he did against Clinton at this point. Clinton was also a supremely skilled debater and I think she won 2 of the 3, Biden can barely utter 3 words without a teleprompter and will shit all over the floor during the debates, it will be fun to watch. Further Oxford will likely present results for its vaccine just before the election and if it's a go I think Trump is a lock.
That would be a shame, the economy would likely crash immediately as this would be an indication to business that taxes and regulations are about to go through the roof. But I think Trump wins a second term, he is polling better than he did against Clinton at this point. Clinton was also a supremely skilled debater and I think she won 2 of the 3, Biden can barely utter 3 words without a teleprompter and will shit all over the floor during the debates, it will be fun to watch. Further Oxford will likely present results for its vaccine just before the election and if it's a go I think Trump is a lock.
Do you honestly believe winning a debate qualifies you for being president?
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That would be a shame, the economy would likely crash immediately as this would be an indication to business that taxes and regulations are about to go through the roof. But I think Trump wins a second term, he is polling better than he did against Clinton at this point. Clinton was also a supremely skilled debater and I think she won 2 of the 3, Biden can barely utter 3 words without a teleprompter and will shit all over the floor during the debates, it will be fun to watch. Further Oxford will likely present results for its vaccine just before the election and if it's a go I think Trump is a lock.

Not true. Biden has a larger lead in national polls than Clinton had at this time 4 years ago.
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Not true. Biden has a larger lead in national polls than Clinton had at this time 4 years ago.

Just take a look at these 2 RCP polling averages from 2016, Clinton had over an 8 point lead on Trump in August and in Ohio she won every single poll in August by an average of 4 point plus margin. Currently Biden has a 7.3% lead nationally and a 2.3% lead in Ohio, I think this is very bad news for him. Trump won Ohio by 8 points and virtually no polls except one last minute poll showed him with anything but a marginal lead. Also keep in mind that Clinton won 2 of 3 debates and the single Trump win she got in some good shots. Biden will be a much weaker opponent and Trump was a novice when debating Clinton, he will now be much more seasoned. If Trump stays on point and quits with the stupid tweets he should crush Biden in November. Another thing to note on national polls is that Clinton won California by 3M votes and the West coast by over 4M votes, with the further leftward turn of these states that margin could very well be 6M votes this time around, if that is the case these national polls are an even bigger disaster for Biden as they will indicate even less support in swing states. One other thing to keep an eye on is that 3rd party candidates in Johnson and Stein received almost 5% of the vote, many Rebublicans broke with Johnson who received 3.5% of the vote. Gary Johnson was an established name in politics from his run in 2012, this time around there is no Libertarian candidate with any name recognition and as such Trump will likely pick up support on that end.
Do you honestly believe winning a debate qualifies you for being president?
No I don't, and I would say this is an extremely weak field for President for both parties. However, many Americans dont follow politics and the debates are the last impression (and often the only ones) they get of the candidates policies. I feel Biden has very limited cognitive ability and will get obliterated by Trump who is an excellent counter puncher and although speaks with a ridiculous bombastic tone, does stay on point and will create a clear contrast between his agenda and Bidens. This contrast is not necessarily one that all Americans like but the stark differences politically will align more with Trump than with Biden and will ultimately win Trump a second term.
No I don't, and I would say this is an extremely weak field for President for both parties. However, many Americans dont follow politics and the debates are the last impression (and often the only ones) they get of the candidates policies. I feel Biden has very limited cognitive ability and will get obliterated by Trump who is an excellent counter puncher and although speaks with a ridiculous bombastic tone, does stay on point and will create a clear contrast between his agenda and Bidens. This contrast is not necessarily one that all Americans like but the stark differences politically will align more with Trump than with Biden and will ultimately win Trump a second term.

Over 50% of Americans think Biden's agenda is far superior than anything Trump has to offer. Also, what is Trump's agenda if he's re-elected? He was asked that question but didn't have an answer. Could it be Trump's cognitive skills are failing him or does he have a plan?
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No I don't, and I would say this is an extremely weak field for President for both parties. However, many Americans dont follow politics and the debates are the last impression (and often the only ones) they get of the candidates policies. I feel Biden has very limited cognitive ability and will get obliterated by Trump who is an excellent counter puncher and although speaks with a ridiculous bombastic tone, does stay on point and will create a clear contrast between his agenda and Bidens. This contrast is not necessarily one that all Americans like but the stark differences politically will align more with Trump than with Biden and will ultimately win Trump a second term.

You sound like a complete idiot. Have u heard Trump speak?

As big of a moron as Trump is his followers exceed his moronicness.

I love listening to the dumb shvt you idiots say to kiss the Chiefs ring.

You sound like a complete idiot. Have u heard Trump speak?

As big of a moron as Trump is his followers exceed his moronicness.

I love listening to the dumb shvt you idiots say to kiss the Chiefs ring.

Stuttering Joe can barely utter 3 words without a teleprompter, as I said weak on both sides. Difference is Trump has coherent policy and economic strategy, Biden has a giant list of grievances.
Powerful stuff. His supporters on this site knew and know Donald J Trump is a narcissist, lies nonstop and a disgrace to the presidency.

One day the Trump fever will break and everyone will be ok again; except those who enabled and supported him, who will be left without a political home because they sold out their country to protect a corrupt demagogue.
Thoughts? I grew up about 45 Minutes from New York City in Connecticut. When Trump decided to run for president I was on this site warning people here what people there thought of him. I said here you do NOT want a New York con artist as president. He is thought of as a con artist there who is a trust fund baby. A spoiled brat that puts his name on everything then takes credit. People outside think he is brilliant but in reality he has never done anything on his own except con a sht ton of people. From the hundreds of creditors through his filing for bankruptcy 6 times, to the producers of the apprentice. He is a con artist.

In reality I don't think he went to school or did anything else on his own. His gift is the con. I give him credit for that. He knows how to use peoples inner fears and weaknesses to his advantage. There isn't one good person republican or democrat that would support him.

I believe for most of his supporters he is a response simply due to a black man being in office and being successful. The fear that the time is soon coming that the privilege enjoyed is rapidly coming to an end. The people who are truly self sufficient find no value in his presidency.
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Another spot on ad from the patriotic Republicans at the Lincoln Project

My favorite Lincoln Project AD.

Most of the turncoats in this ad who are up for reelection are in serious trouble this year.

Gardner, McSally, and Collins are definitely going to lose, and Ernst, Tillis, Perdue, and Daines are on the chopping block as well. Even Lindsey Graham is only up by a couple in deep red SC.
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My hit list for Senate races are Susan Collins, Joni Ernst and Lindsey Graham. They must go!!

Corey Gardner and Martha McSally are already as good as gone. The guy in Montana is also on the chopping block.
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To defend him is laughable. Defend the party,defend your beliefs but to defend this damn clown as a person is indefensible. He's a fuxking moron. And no matter how much audio proof of his stupidity he provides his dixk suckers they keep sucking away. Every cop that supports him is a hypocrite because they heard him say he's grabbed women by the pussy just because he can. Been sued for it and bought the case. How can you still support a self acknowledged rapist? Screw Trump and hypocrite police officer who supports him. This fuxking idiot said vote twice for God's sake. And they still defend him.
The main reason the Swamp and the libs hate Trump is he can't be bought like Harry Reid,The Clintons, Dianne Feinstein,Mitch McConnell etc. He donates his salary back to the government every year. He is exposing the greedy elite and they have tried everything ,much of it unethical and illegal, to get rid of him. He does what he says he will do ,unlike the average politician. He is direct and uncompromising when it comes to the welfare of his country. He has kept our soldiers out of harm's way more than Obama or Bush ever did.
He has withstood the most derision,dissembling and unethical attempts to destroy him. The only president more vilified was Lincoln who had to be snuck into Washington dressed as a woman for his own protection in 1860. He will win in Nov and will have much more leeway to put down the left's attempt at insurrection. We will overcome the virus and reach a level of prosperity unseen in the history of the country. As the Democrats further unravel ,they will either fully self destruct or find a new more rational platform. The latter is unlikely as the youth of the party has descended into full on socialist anarchist mania and appears too unstable to keep the party together.
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