You need to give up the Russian collusion shit, this has been disproved on so many levels it is ridiculous. The first of many FBI agents to be indicted and plead guilty just happened so they could get a false warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, so if that was what you are referring to give it a ****ing rest already, you guys play this broken record too many times. As for corruption look no further than Democratic machine politics in play in almost every major city in the country. They exchange lucrative deals to unions in exchange for votes, budgets be damned and as such these cities will never recover from what has happened recently and more will move to the suburbs. As for the tax plan Obama had it would have been more as a high earner I saw a massive savings in federal income taxes under Trumps plan. And no I am not a millionaire, not even close, but me and my wife earn solid six figures and the Dems like to lump us in with millionaires and billionaires as though the money we earn is **** you money and we can afford to pay 10% more in taxes for all the bullshit spending that won't solve a thing except to buy more Democratic votes. So yes taxes influence my decision making heavily.
You have deflected from our original topics. First you suggested Obama's tax plan was better for you in Florida than Illinois. A federal tax plan is the same across all states. Your statement was more nonsense in an attempt to disparage Obama. You failed.
Our discussion about corruption was tied to your statement that the 1st amendment was your true core belief and you would not give up for lower taxes. I suggested to you that corruption by politicians like Trump is something I would not turn a blind eye to for lower taxes. I also said a politician who lies like Trump often does would not get a pass from me for lower taxes. My conclusion is you would accept politicians who are corrupt and lie nonstop as long as they lower your taxes.
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