The main reason the Swamp and the libs hate Trump is he can't be bought like Harry Reid,The Clintons, Dianne Feinstein,Mitch McConnell etc. He donates his salary back to the government every year. He is exposing the greedy elite and they have tried everything ,much of it unethical and illegal, to get rid of him. He does what he says he will do ,unlike the average politician. He is direct and uncompromising when it comes to the welfare of his country. He has kept our soldiers out of harm's way more than Obama or Bush ever did.
He has withstood the most derision,dissembling and unethical attempts to destroy him. The only president more vilified was Lincoln who had to be snuck into Washington dressed as a woman for his own protection in 1860. He will win in Nov and will have much more leeway to put down the left's attempt at insurrection. We will overcome the virus and reach a level of prosperity unseen in the history of the country. As the Democrats further unravel ,they will either fully self destruct or find a new more rational platform. The latter is unlikely as the youth of the party has descended into full on socialist anarchist mania and appears too unstable to keep the party together.